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Found 3 results

  1. My friend and I have been playing a new server he hosts for the past 4 days now with no issues, and now when I try to connect I get a connection timeout error and cannot join his game anymore. We have tried to turn the server into a shared game, change all of the settings every other way. I have port forwarded my pc to have a NAT type of open as well as he. Still no resolution. Please help we have gotten so far.
  2. sneaky_triangle

    Game Crash

    The game keeps randomly crashing and I'm not sure why. It also drops some of the progress I've made before the crash. Hope Someone can help! error.log
  3. Hoping one of the ylands team can answer this question... For a while now, i've been looking into procedural landscape generation using voxels/marching cubes in Unity, specifically low poly, smooth terrain that is editable at runtime. As you can imagine, i was delighted to learn about Ylands since it showed that what i was envisioning, could indeed be done effectively! However, my question is, did you guys develop your own voxel engine for the landscape generation, or source one from a third party? I totally understand that you may not want to give away any "trade secrets", but i would love a discussion on the techniques used to create the worlds in Ylands. The water effects are especially impressive... Any info you can share would be greatly appreciated by this budding game developer..