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Found 2 results

  1. My friend and I have been playing a new server he hosts for the past 4 days now with no issues, and now when I try to connect I get a connection timeout error and cannot join his game anymore. We have tried to turn the server into a shared game, change all of the settings every other way. I have port forwarded my pc to have a NAT type of open as well as he. Still no resolution. Please help we have gotten so far.
  2. Uploading to cloud only gets so far, then it stops and the game goes to the main menu. I get the "Detected local unuploaded data for this sharegame" everytime I go to play. I have to click "yes" to use local data if I want to use the latest save. The save file is about 21 MB, when it was about 15 MB, there was no upload problem. I tried putting the sharegame in the single player save folder and uploading to the cloud but I received the "StorageService/Upload: Code: -1 API Code: Message: Request timeout" error. output_log_clean.txt output_log.txt