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RESOLVED MP Ship-related issues for client (not Host)


My sister is hosting the server, I am the client. 


We have both had issues getting stuck inside the ship when we somehow walk into it the wrong way.  She was able to quit out and move the ship in the editor for her own character and once the ship was moved she was unstuck.  My character got stuck in the ship and she can't find my body in the editor, so not sure if moving the ship this time will help or not.  Being stuck in the ship appears to prevent my game from loading as well, unless that's something else that is totally unrelated. 

Update:  After she tried moving the ship in the editor (though she still can't find my body), I was able to load in, but it demanded that I make a new character - and when I did so it did the "frozen at the character creation black screen" thing.  So...not sure how to get into game now...  ::sigh::  ...After, like, 30 hours of game play.  

I think there needs to be an "unstuck" command or something that we can somehow issue to the game to get ourselves out of these terrain glitches and such.  Probably not an easy thing, by any means, to implement - but if it's doable, I'm sure it would be greatly appreciated by the community. 


Another ship-related issue I keep having, as the client, is that every time I walk away from our ship to explore something and come back, it is just a dark black, seemingly un-rendered hull with no sails or ladders or any chests or anything built on it any more.  The host, my sister, says it still renders for her and works okay, but it is just an empty black hull for me almost every time I walk away from it and return - so i can't access anything on the ship or even get on the ship itself, I just get stuck in it.  ::shrug::  Not sure why that is.  


Attached are my own output_log and output_log_clean - not sure if those are helpful or if you have to have the host's logs.   

Thank you!



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On 6/1/2018 at 11:17 PM, BellaAssunta said:

I think there needs to be an "unstuck" command or something that we can somehow issue to the game to get ourselves out of these terrain glitches and such. 

There is such command. Just type /unstuck in the chat :)

We're aware of the issues you mention, thanks!

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