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RESOLVED [YLD-8447] Harvesting/picking issue


I've found that on an MP server that I am playing on that it now takes me two swings to get one hit on a tree and at least two, usually three pick up animation cycles to pick up logs, seed, etc.  It usually takes two cycles to pick things like cotton or flax.  That makes all of my harvesting take twice as long (if not longer).  I'm still enjoying the game but my creative endeavors are screeching to a halt.


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4 replies to this bug / suggestion

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Very old issue from time when MP was fairly broken with overloaded communication channels and unreliable user commands which both caused this issue. MP was reworked since then and issue should be obsolete form more then 5 years.

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Is this still happening to you? It happens 100% of the times?

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Yes.  It is currently and has been this way for several days now.  I am finding that i am losing connection to the host constantly also.  If I pass through my protective barrier or get close to my barrier projector I am almost always disconnected.



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