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RESOLVED [YLD-8970] Died, then spawned on a different island.




I had something weird happen.  I was pulling up to Honey Chicken's house on Foobar's MP server. I was having lag, so my character could only walk, not run. I had her anchor her ship. I sat her down on the deck, and closed the program so I could log back on to fix the lag.  During the log in, it stalled, but I heard her die.  When I finally got logged in, she was on an island that did not look like the island I had been at.  It was a different biome. I circled the island and my ship and the person's base I was trying to visit were nowhere.  My character spawned with all of her stuff still in inventory, but nothing in the toolbar. 

I ended up building a raft, and trying to find the island my ship is on.  I found another island, also not the one I was looking for.  I died. When I respawned all I had was my map and keys. I have no idea where, or where my loot is.  I am still trying to find the raft I used to get there.  I have no idea how to get back to anything familiar, since the map doesn't work in MP.  

I am hoping the admin can find me. I don't know how to get back.


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Main problem was fixed back in 0.8 in 2018, but there were several other problems complicated the issue even more. Complete fix was presented in 1.5 in 2020. (players now can use their own respawn inluding the ship, there is always at least one respawn on every yland, game correctly triangulates destination to closest yland, position is properly synchronized in multiplayer, items upon death are dropped into loot container and visible both on map and in UI).

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Was reading this forum while  my dinner was cooking ....  so i  joined in and   there was  BB's   ship!   Moored near   my  base...

I took out a  small survey craft to loo for  bodies.....   nothing !?

so i returned to base and  opened  door  up  for any survivors  to   seek refuge..

Will be  back in in about  15  minutes..


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rejoining  now   for a  while .. there are thunderstorms  forecast and  clouds on the horizon so  don't  know how long i can be on..:|

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I landed on a biome that was more like spawn island. I am currently on an island that has snow in the mountains, pine trees and birch trees. I hope foobar can find me. 

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This might help everyone involved on a server.

To The Host, if you go into the editor to help out players that were victims of bugs and glitches, ask them to type in /unstuck 1 so they are right at the spawn point of an island. Each island has their own. Then you can use the go to drop down to check each island and look near the ocean where spawn points are always sets to find the person that is stuck. Location can also be edited on player avatars. Hope this is useful.

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23 hours ago, mid endian said:

This might help everyone involved on a server.

To The Host, if you go into the editor to help out players that were victims of bugs and glitches, ask them to type in /unstuck 1 so they are right at the spawn point of an island. Each island has their own. Then you can use the go to drop down to check each island and look near the ocean where spawn points are always sets to find the person that is stuck. Location can also be edited on player avatars. Hope this is useful.

Great idea mid endian - I was actually going to suggest this but bb cakes provided specific landmark information so I knew exactly where she was.  It was then just a bit of an exercise to find her raft and dropped inventory to put all three pieces together safely for her return.

I hope the editor eventually allows us to go directly to a player/corpse.  I know there are at least a dozen people who have logged in to my server and are no longer at spawn island but have not returned.  I suspect some of them are corpses somewhere at sea as I've search every island for corpses to clean up on a regular basis.

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