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RESOLVED [YLD-2765] Right-click/Equip doesn't always work


I've noticed on numerous occasions that using right-click/equip from your inventory doesn't always work.

The item you equip to the hotbar slot 0 briefly appears in the avatars hand and then disappears quickly,  slot 1 (bare hands) stays active. This usually results in me punching things I didn't intend on punching.

In this example I pick up some tall grass, open my inventory and right-click on my iron shovel, the shovel shows briefly but my active hotbar selection stays as slot 1 bare hands instead of changing to slot 0. Note that the icon for my shovel is still in the hotbar in slot 0 where it should be, it just doesn't get selected after equipping it from the inventory.

This has also happened when taking item from chests and then trying to equip another item but I can't quite figure out what might cause this to happen.



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Very old Ui problem fixed by refactoring the code back in 2019. Should be fine. 

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I have never had it happen to me, but I never use the empty hand slot.  I wonder if it is somehow related to that.

Does it happen if your active slot is any of the others?

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For me it has always happened when I right-click an item in my inventory to place it in the empty slot (#0) and activate it (such as selecting a stack of stone blocks to build, for example).  It will put the stack in the empty slot, and it will be the active item for a split second, then the game will select the hand (#1) as the active item.

I have not been paying attention to which slot is active before the selection is made.

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