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RESOLVED [YLD-10487] Disappearing workstations, objects cannot move from inventiry to a chest etc, and digging produces no soil or rock/marble


My  kiln and  forge   keep disappearing as i try to interact with them. They reappear  after a rejoin. Its frustrating  when you load a  workstation, and as you feed it  wood it   disappears. You come back after a  rejoin  and its  there, so  you light it....   then it  disappears again,  so you have to rejoin to see it and  get your   crafted items out. The  items  do not appear in inventory when you open a chest to put the freshly  crafted   items inside.

You have to close the chest,    open  and  close  inventory,  then open the chest and  then you can move them inside the chest. Its an intermittent  bug.

Then there's some items  in your  inventory  that refuse to move to the chest / container   ..the  number   'might" increase in the container slot, but the item  shows  as still in inventory, and soon you get the  "inventory full" message although there's  plenty of   empty slots.

And it can  happen in reverse  ..but if you  break the  container the   "stuck" item  falls on the ground.

Log  files are attached for  you to wonder at and  wave  incense laden  candles  over    while  chanting the  magic  mantra  "sdnalY"  and  hopping on one  foot  facing  a  full moon...O.o







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These issues were caused by desynchronization within MP simulation. Issues were mitigated but technically with so many runtime functions it can happened if server would be running for several days. To prevent it server is turned into sleeping state when no player is present for 2 minutes. Issue did not appear for several years now. 

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What was the issue with digging not producing resources? Is it possible that the resources are spawning on a slope above you instead of near your feet?

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@DanielCoffey  :  Nothing was appearing  either on a ledge or anywhere....   the area was clean! I scoured around looking for   stone chunks  or  dirt  ..nothing !!  - but after a complete  exit and  rejoin   the area that was  clear  earlier was now littered with  rocks and soil! ...:o

I then went  back to  my   workroom and tried to craft  items ...a lot was  not appearing in the crafting menu ..i was trying to craft some stone  edging   for the top of   the walls  but i  could not  find it. So instead i decide to craft a   tanning rack and a weaving loom

I typed in tannery  and   could not see it in the crafting menu, but i was told i could craft one..which i did and placed it ...and it promptly  disappeared!  Undaunted i tried the weaving loom ..again search   could not   find it anywhere in the crafting  menu, but i was told i could  craft one...which i  did  ..and placed iy  next to where the   tannery  rack should be.... and   yes! ! soon as i clicked place ..it too disappeared.o.O

I know they are there and  invisible...so   they will probably    be there after i rejoin ..but after  8 rejoins  in an hour ..i had enough for  tonight!  :|

Lets  see what tomorrow  brings...   :D

More  logs   for perusal and   swearing at attached...



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Jep. The building is (still) totally bugged. I had the issue with disappearing parts before (most in my shipyard whild building ships) but th eproblem with items not bveing moved from one to another inv. is new but also suck a lot (had it primarily with stone fences and parts I painted and deconstructed). I also faced bugged stone blocks which where not recognized as part of the building so i could walk thru them til i restartet the server.


Edited by Apokh

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I had a forge that got stuck at 46 seconds with only time not the items being crafted visible.  I slept to see if that would help.  When I went to check.  The forge was visibly gone.  It is still "there" because it caused a lag when I walked through where it was.

ETA: logging out and logging back in fixed it.




Edited by bojo2736
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I don't know if this is related, but I have had problems with three of the four blueprints I have placed.  It makes a workstation that says it is in use by someone else.  On the workspace one I built, it made two work stations. One of which just said it was in use by someone else.  There was an active one, and that one disappeared once the building was finished.  

The small house one worked perfectly, no issues.

I just tried to place the small shed one twice, and each time the workstation says it is in use by someone else.  

And you can't dismantle them in your PB.  I love this idea, but needs fixing.




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