The reason a lot of us are here is because we believe the concept of Ylands has great potential if the bugs are fixed and its given some love. However, when people see 8 player max servers, the game becomes a bit of a joke with so many games having huge 64+ player servers.
I believe Ylands must bridge this gap before launch to be something people will take seriously.
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The reason a lot of us are here is because we believe the concept of Ylands has great potential if the bugs are fixed and its given some love. However, when people see 8 player max servers, the game becomes a bit of a joke with so many games having huge 64+ player servers.
I believe Ylands must bridge this gap before launch to be something people will take seriously.
Upvote this suggestion in the top left if you agree.
Comment on how friends react to server size. @bojo2736 @Bob Salvador @MyPa553ng3r @kimbuck
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