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the game has changed - dont bother building a base

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The  new  game play  has dampened  even more my enthusiasm

No longer do you need to be creative and make a  impressive  base...because  after a  day or two the server  falls over -  overloaded with  bodies and depleted  of  resources You have to waste  time to make your  base  griefer  proof .( they steal plants and  kill  horses  etc..)

If you are not the first on at the start of a new game/map .. you may as well give up as  previous players  have already  taken  everything  you need to  advance  from the starter  island ... stones, flint  sticks   food items  ..If you are lucky and  can get off spawn ... don't bother with a base .. the  game in its  present  state  will be dead  and crashing in a day or so  .

so  what to do ? 

build a boat ...put all the basic  workstations on it    ie  smelter  forge  stove  spinning  weaving and  tanning ...thats all you  need to make   survival  items  ( swords weapons  armor    fishing   stuff etc)

Find a remote island with a near  vertical  cliff...put  your pb there...and   each time you want to leave the game,  return there to log out.   Put  a  stone or  wooden fence  around  your ship  to  stop others  taking it ( they cannot  remove the   walls etc)  and when you  come back to the game ( if it has not  crashed,,,)  use a demolition  hammer to make an exit.....

and  expect to start all over   again in another day ... 

and if that  frustrates you  ( it  soon will!  ) ...look through  steam for  something else to  do






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 ZhakyDK ...We   have tried that ... we had a Pvte  run pw  protected server ..and it  fell over after a day.  All the   work and construction went out the window.  And thats  not the first time its  happened.  Multiplayer  game seems to have  some  functionality  flaws  ... we get  game freezes , other recurring bugs .. and    when you get kicked offline by some form of  crash, theres no guarantee  you  can get back to where you were..or to   the same game.

Griefers are only part of the  problem   - the  main one seems to be  the  stability of the multiplayer game ... 



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  On 12/11/2019 at 8:19 AM, kimbuck said:

 ZhakyDK ...We   have tried that ... we had a Pvte  run pw  protected server ..and it  fell over after a day.  All the   work and construction went out the window.  And thats  not the first time its  happened.  Multiplayer  game seems to have  some  functionality  flaws  ... we get  game freezes , other recurring bugs .. and    when you get kicked offline by some form of  crash, theres no guarantee  you  can get back to where you were..or to   the same game.

Griefers are only part of the  problem   - the  main one seems to be  the  stability of the multiplayer game ... 



The sharegames and servers should be much better now in smaller numbers. I'd recommend getting a password protected Sharegame or Server, where others can't bother you and not to overdo it with scripts and then it should last quite some time.

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  On 12/11/2019 at 8:19 AM, kimbuck said:

 ZhakyDK ...We   have tried that ... we had a Pvte  run pw  protected server ..and it  fell over after a day.  All the   work and construction went out the window.  And thats  not the first time its  happened.  Multiplayer  game seems to have  some  functionality  flaws  ... we get  game freezes , other recurring bugs .. and    when you get kicked offline by some form of  crash, theres no guarantee  you  can get back to where you were..or to   the same game.

Griefers are only part of the  problem   - the  main one seems to be  the  stability of the multiplayer game ... 



Fell over? You mean there was too much to handle after you and your friends built on it? I've never seen a server crash before, to be honest. I think there is an even greater reason to build now, not just for creativity, but also for literal survival and protection. Instead of just creatures at night I would love to see raiding individuals or small groups or raiders attack every now and then. Building a guard tower would have a purpose and be fun! *shrugs* I didn't really like the changes at first either but it was just because I hadn't adjusted to the new elements yet. I play on a share game and it's still loads of fun with friends. I still have suggestions though....these maps and islands need to be larger and more far apart so sailing/adventuring comes into play completely.

Edited by Antimidation
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  On 12/17/2019 at 4:10 AM, Antimidation said:

Fell over? You mean there was too much to handle after you and your friends built on it? I've never seen a server crash before, to be honest. I think there is an even greater reason to build now, not just for creativity, but also for literal survival and protection. Instead of just creatures at night I would love to see raiding individuals or small groups or raiders attack every now and then. Building a guard tower would have a purpose and be fun! *shrugs* I didn't really like the changes at first either but it was just because I hadn't adjusted to the new elements yet. I play on a share game and it's still loads of fun with friends. I still have suggestions though....these maps and islands need to be larger and more far apart so sailing/adventuring comes into play completely.

Something really interesting that you made me think about, is that it's possible to set up teams on a server and then spawn hostile NPC humans with weapons with the same team that will fight off other enemies....

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Fell over as in crash     and not because as you put it  "too much to handle after you and your  friends built on it"  servers  do crash ---  i have  heard of it before ..its  happens a lot and  not  just for Ylands. its a fact of the internet.

As far as "too much to handle"   ...  if you are insinuating we made  elaborate   mega buildings  allover the place... then you assume  wrong.. especially  as there's  not  enough available resources to do so when starting out.

A time line :   

1) players  arrive, grab basics and   scatter  a out around the map ..( building on spawn is a waste  as theres not  enough there ..)

2) players  start to find  some resources and  manage to  start on a base and  some  form of  sea transport. From the  very  arrival / start,  there's reports of  game freezes,

3) after about a few hours the the game suddenly   just dumps  everyone out.  . no warning.   Most have only  just got past the basic  construction of  the start of a base.

4) Try to rejoin .....    find the  game  in MP lobby and  click to  join ... instead    end up on some public  server full of  lag with lots of   lifeless abandoned  avatars ..and  with   nothing in your  inventory ...

5) Game  creator/manager  comes in and  finds the same ...tries to resurrect the old  fame  ..its  gone  !!  poof!

after a while  of  hunting,  gives up and  starts a new  game.

6)  go back to  1)  and  repeat  the  process 4  times in 24  hours.


So  knowing that the game will not last   long,  best to  immediately  build a  boat,   put / guild your stuff on it and  cruise around to explore,       Find a place where you can park it  when offline  with a protection barrier covering it

If  you can blueprint   your ship, that would   be better.

The game is not the same now  as it was originally    touted, 





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  On 12/11/2019 at 10:14 AM, Adam Snellgrove said:

The sharegames and servers should be much better now in smaller numbers. I'd recommend getting a password protected Sharegame or Server, where others can't bother you and not to overdo it with scripts and then it should last quite some time.

They are actually worse than ever since EA release. Idk what happened but its getting worse as time goes by in this patch. We did a 3 hour stream and the map started fresh got reset and got wiped within those three hours. 

Starting yesterday players are being sent to a stock explore map (a different one) when joining our servers. 





Edited by RedEagle_P1.
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