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RESOLVED [YLD-28495] Rabbit Bait Glitch/Error


I'm currently playing  an Exploration map on the current version of Ylands on a multiplayer server with a friend. I seem to have glitched or broke the rabbit bait. I place rabbit bait down not knowing how it worked ( that it was for taming not hunting) we shot an arrow at the rabbit spooking it wait from the wait i when to pick the bait up after some time had past because i notice the rabbit wasn't coming back. Picking it up glitched it in my inventory, first it was invisible so I left the game and came back then the bait was back but I couldn't drop, destroy or trade it (an fail message pops up) and dropping it duplicated a glitched version that my friend picked up now he is stuck with the bugged item as well . It can be moved around in my inventory but that's it. It counts as a space as well.

please how do I fix this. I really don't wanna start a new game. 


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3 replies to this bug / suggestion

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I got something similar with a deer bait in Sandbox yesterday. I accidentally annihilated the deer that was trying to be tamed. I picked up the deer bait and then it would duplicate if I tried to place it. I closed the map and opened it again and the deer bait was functioning as normal. I just thought it was a lag issue and wouldn't happen to anyone else ?

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