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RESOLVED [YLD-29951] Traders disappeared


All but one of  the traders  on  my sharegame   disappeared ....    are there  union rules  regarding  NPC  holidays?  ..or  do they have a use by  date?  maybe they got  bored and  wandered  off..

or ... as they say in  Oz ...  "a dingo ate my  traders..  :)   "

anyone else   encounter this  'oddity" or is it another Ylands  feature?  ?




Edited by kimbuck
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Traders were running from the sound of mining drill and due to error in pathfinding they were in the bottom of ocean, we will probably remove this behavior altogether. Since 1.7 you can at least see their position on map when you try to place them again.

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I know I can't find any now since 1.6.....perhaps because they added the vendors....but I still have old maps saved and the traders are still there. I liked them for their shipments. It was quite useful for large builds.

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the  new  vendors from the  vendor  banner.    The  pigeon post is still  there...and   so is   just one  vendor ...    all the others    simply   vanished ...abducted  by aliens?

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New explorer map Yesterday I was very proud to have a dealer on my own grocery farm. I built a small sales booth for him. He seemed satisfied. We were also able to do our first business. And what about today. I came across the map and the booth is empty. No dealer to be seen, searched the whole island, he's gone. All boats and ships and also the raft are there, he couldn't cross the water. Where has my dealer gone. I am very sad.
Addendum: even my tamed animals are gone, also firestorm, my faithful white horse. Only Alberta and Gustav, my two goats are still there, possibly because they still want to be milked. And then I remember the goats were allowed to run free, so they weren't assigned to an animal enclosure. Maybe that will help.


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Any  update  or  acknowledgement  on this  "bug" or  feature?  ..if our  traders are going to disappear on us  and we cannot  trade for certain hard to find items / ores , well  why not  bring back the  random  encounter ones?

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drat! .....these  confusing time   zones      its  Monday  here already...guess i will have to wait  for the rest of the world to catchup  :)

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@lady_whynot brings up a good issue also. I had 5 tamed goats attached to 5 separate  animal pens....when I got back to the map.....they were just gone......couldn't summon them....all the pens remained....it was as if they never existed.

Edited by spiritchaser28

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I can add it there....but I honestly don't have the output logs......I just assumed at first they ran off.....then after I couldn't summon them and searched the entire Island, I assumed maybe other animals attacked them....but I never see that sort of thing happen...so I dunno..just poof....animal pen is useless


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I think more info even without the logs will help. Adam used to say they only need one set of logs per problem, and they already have that. But explaining it still is happening might be valuable, in case they thought the ticket was closed already.

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Hey everyone! Looking into this! Please give us a bit of time to go over the logs and figure out what's happening :) 


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On 4/10/2021 at 4:41 AM, kimbuck said:

the  new  vendors from the  vendor  banner.    The  pigeon post is still  there...and   so is   just one  vendor ...    all the others    simply   vanished ...abducted  by aliens?

After some testing I found the vendors can take damage, while the traders do not. ( only tested with full mayor privilege....I'm fine with not being able to kills the traders as mayor.....because I'd hate accidentally hitting one with a zirc hammer and losing them)The traders have a time when they are available, and the vendors just stay there 24/7 unless somebody kills them....I'm not sure how this works into "mayor vs Citizen and vistor priveleges yet......But I think it should be included in the controls if people do not wish their vendors to be damaged or killed.

I can try to test and see how vendors can be affected by various citizens, mayors, and visitors.....but this will require some help from other players willing to "kill NPCs in the name of science"


Edited by spiritchaser28

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Wonder...can they  be  killed   by  predators   or  night  roaming mutants?   :(


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@kimbuck I don't think NPCs can kill each other. I hope there is something in your output logs that can help the Devs figure out where they went.

@spiritchaser28 I tested and visitors can kill animals/players, so I think they can kill vendors too. I can test it with you later if you want to double-check.

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