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Oliver Hope

Broccoli Tree House Building Aids

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Broccoli Tree House Building Aids

A collection of useful tools and scripts to help with building complex creations in the editor (which can be blueprinted into explore)


Above: An example of some things that can be created with these tools.

This is an open-source project to help make building certain things easier. I'd like to see you build that miniature rollercoaster without scripts?

My inspiration

During the season 2 creator competition (you can find my submission here) I was faced two times needing a helix, once for a spiral staircase and once for a worm gear, the first one I made manually and the second one with script. Manually was not fun, and my script was terrible due to time pressure, so I decided to improve it after the competition. Later in the competition, I was creating an airship and it would have been really useful to be able to mirror the hull, (I had to settle on a less preferable shape due to this not being possible in ylands).
A month later I have made good scripts for both of these problems(and more), but not everyone knows how to script so I want to share it publicly and also encourage other programmers to contribute.

A summary of how it works

For in-depth tutorials see below.
Generating structures with scripts is very powerful. If you want to place a generated structure in the editor it requires exporting the scenario, loading it as a game, loading that game in the editor and saving the structure as a comp (a bit lengthy but it can be well worth it). My first helix generator during the composition required the individual entities to be welded (so that I could spawn a group like a section of the rollercoaster and edit the pivot of this group) which causes problems when you want to make a composition/blueprint out of them, it also stops you from welding the whole structure as one.
Therefore the base of these building scripts is a custom group system that allows storing a set of entities and placing them at a given position/rotation. Most of the scripts make use of this, meaning that all entities spawned in are just entities, not welds)This custom group function is now redundant with addition of the group template logic but I am yet to update these scripts to accommodate for it properly.

Current Features(summary)

  • Custom group system
    • create groups
    • copy groups to given pos/rot
    • set pos/rot
  • Helixes
    • regular helix
    • helix along path
  • Follow path
  • Various Spheres and circles
  • Mirror across any plane
  • Laser measure tool

Upcoming Features

Here are some things I'd like to add but there is no guarantee I will.

  • Elipse and ellipsoid generator
  • rope generator
  • n equidistant points on a sphere
  • smoother version of follow path


This is open-source, meaning it's encouraged that people to adapt and add to it. If you do not have the skills but you have an idea contact me and ill see about adding it.

If you have a building script or you made some changes that you think would help people, DM me here or on discord and Ill see about adding it to this main version.
Discord: O1iver#5816


If you are using the Source version each Instruction/Function has a description of how to use it in the function definition.


These files are also available on the workshop.

Latest Version:


Older Versions:



Edited by Oliver Hope
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these generators looks really great!

I am looking forward what you will be able to do with custom tools.

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  On 11/17/2022 at 10:58 AM, Houp said:


these generators looks really great!

I am looking forward what you will be able to do with custom tools.

hey, I havnt been playing lately but you made me check the dev diary. Been wanting custom tools for a while hopefully I can find some time to port these tools over

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  On 11/17/2022 at 3:38 PM, Oliver Hope said:

hey, I havnt been playing lately but you made me check the dev diary. Been wanting custom tools for a while hopefully I can find some time to port these tools over

Happy to hear that! :)

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