Currently you can easily missclick with the annihilator when building a boat, effectively destroying your entire boat. This is extremely frustrating as you simply destroy an awful lot of work in a split second, either by mistake or faulty hitboxes. Please make a popup that asks whether you REALLY want to destroy your ship.
Steps to reproduce:
1. Build a perfectly nice ship, preferably spend at least an hour on it.
2. Misplace a block on the hull.
3. Missclick when trying to annihilate the block, hitting the hull instead.
4. Cry
Severity: Extreme - Makes you lose every little enjoyment you get from the game if this occurs to you.
Currently you can easily missclick with the annihilator when building a boat, effectively destroying your entire boat. This is extremely frustrating as you simply destroy an awful lot of work in a split second, either by mistake or faulty hitboxes. Please make a popup that asks whether you REALLY want to destroy your ship.
Steps to reproduce:
1. Build a perfectly nice ship, preferably spend at least an hour on it.
2. Misplace a block on the hull.
3. Missclick when trying to annihilate the block, hitting the hull instead.
4. Cry
Severity: Extreme - Makes you lose every little enjoyment you get from the game if this occurs to you.
Repeatable: Always
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