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RESOLVED Fatal Login Error


Good morning!

Brand new user. Just bought the game off of steam and installed right away.  Have not played Ylands before. Upon starting, I immediately get a black screen with a blue box and the following message:


/Steam init: Code: 0 API Code: Message:

SteamAPI init failed"

Happens if I launch Ylands from shortcut, or from my Steam library directly, or from the ylands.exe. I have uninstalled and reinstalled. I have used the "Verify files" option from the game properties within my Steam library. When I search on the internet, I see at least two other users that had this, or a similar problem, but their forum entries simply end with them saying it was resolved, with no details to a solution.

I also attached a copy of a screenshot of the error.



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42 replies to this bug / suggestion

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Hey all! I am back from work.

Tried the game as soon as I got home and encountered the same problem. Uninstalled the game and reinstalled it, which I had done previously mind you. THIS time when I start the game, I get a notification from Comodo, my security software that the game was "isolated" and I get the same error screen. Close out of the error window, go into Comodo and "unblock" ylands. Run it again and . . . it works! As of my typing this, I have not played yet, but I do get to the main menu screen.

Happy happy joy joy. Will post if I have any other issues. ;)




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Devs, it can be important tip:
Aftyer week of gameplay without serious problems at all, my game started to work slower and slower and after I managed to build my new ship game crashed: "program not responding.... do you want to wait?". From this time, everytime I loaded my game I had a crash after 1-2 minutes from loading my world. I managed to find another error message from Window 7: "Display driver stopped to respond, but it's working again...". I tried everything: start as administrator, cleaning inis, steam as administrator and so on. At last I decided to remove my graphis drives at all and install these clean. I did it and startet Yland as admin once again and.... this time I cannot even start it: "fatal login error" - every time... It was bad, now it's worse...

There are my logs too:

Please, help!




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same problem.. my game finally worked and now i have this error... please fix this! image.thumb.png.f0e4b8f2f0c6b3b733ae4c6d4f69a91a.png


I fixed it allready, sorry. 


Just close steam with your task messenger and start steam in admin mode and also put the game on always starting in admin mode.

Edited by GeekSqueek

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I've just installed the game, and i get this error message:


OAuth/Login: Code: -502 API Code: Message: 
HTTP Error Code: 502

Can you help me, please? 

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I had the "/Steam init: Code: 0 API Code: Message: SteamApi init failed" error today on my pc. 

I have tried repeatedly to upload my log file "output_log_clean.txt", but I receive an error every time.



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On ‎12‎/‎6‎/‎2017 at 12:22 PM, Ane said:

Please send us the logs that are located in the installation directory (steam/library/ylands/properties/tab-local-files/click browse-local-files button) under Ylands_data/output_log_clean.txt.

I'm getting the Timeout error


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On 20/1/2018 at 11:34 PM, Ironhandyman said:

I had the "/Steam init: Code: 0 API Code: Message: SteamApi init failed" error today on my pc. 

I have tried repeatedly to upload my log file "output_log_clean.txt", but I receive an error every time.

Have you tried this solution another player posted above?

Just close steam with your task messenger and start steam in admin mode and also put the game on always starting in admin mode.

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i have the same problem and posted on the site last week and havent had a response, mine is different though, i have tried running the game in admin. i bought this game in december and i still havent had a chance to play, can someone please help. i would really like to give this game a try.


Fatal Login Error.png

Edited by enfuegochompy
more information

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I just had this issue and was able to fix it


I had to uninstall Comodo antivirus even though it was not "running" it was in the background and it was giving me the issue.  Once i removed it everything was fine

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In case this helps anyone, I've had the steam api message appear as well. 

My virus scanner has an automatic sandbox mode. It kind of isolates the game from the outside, including talking to steam. Check your virus scanner to see if any type of containment or isolation is being done, as this could be the problem.

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after the last update, the same trouble ?! in the steams there is no folder, because ... the game after reinstalling Windows launched for the first time.
Previously, everything worked ...

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Have to send the output_log_clean ? i will send : YlandsLog { "LaunchUtc" = "10/12/19 20:07:49(-3)", "LogVersion" = 1 }

[IN] [10/12 20:07:49.65] Ylands Version: 1_0_0 full w 'ylands_rc/full/29'

[IN] [10/12 20:07:49.65] System spec: os=Windows 10  (10.0.0) 64bit cpu=Intel(R) Core(TM) i3-6006U CPU @ 2.00GHz mem=3986 gpu=Intel(R) HD Graphics 520 gpuVendor=Intel gpuMem=1124

[IN] [10/12 20:07:50.84] Loaded data in 1189ms. 9 sources: 1u, 2u, 3u, 4c, 5c, 6c, 7c, 8u

[IN] [10/12 20:07:51.00] command line arguments: "C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Ylands\Ylands.exe" -logFile ./Ylands_Data/output_log.txt

[IN] [10/12 20:07:51.76] New safe area applied to PreLoad: x=0, y=0, w=1366, h=768 on full extents w=1366, h=768

[IN] [10/12 20:07:53.48] New safe area applied to Headers: x=0, y=0, w=1366, h=768 on full extents w=1366, h=768

[IN] [10/12 20:07:55.52] New safe area applied to Common Panels: x=0, y=0, w=1366, h=768 on full extents w=1366, h=768

[ER] [10/12 20:08:00.19] Native SteamAPI_Init fail
+t Steamworks.SteamAPI.Init ()
ylands.SteamIntegration.SteamManager+<InitializeCoro>d__6.MoveNext ()
UnityEngine.SetupCoroutine.InvokeMoveNext (IEnumerator, IntPtr)
System.Action`1[T].Invoke (T)
YlandsClient.Preloader+<InitializeIdentityCoro>d__3.MoveNext ()
UnityEngine.SetupCoroutine.InvokeMoveNext (IEnumerator, IntPtr)
YlandsClient.Preloader+<Start>d__8.MoveNext ()
UnityEngine.SetupCoroutine.InvokeMoveNext (IEnumerator, IntPtr)

[IN] [10/12 20:08:00.23] SteamManager: onDone inside

[IN] [10/12 20:08:04.95] if optSecret start

[IN] [10/12 20:08:04.95] if optSecret end

[IN] [10/12 20:08:06.18] Quit requested. granted=True

[IN] [10/12 20:08:06.18] Quitting


Initialize engine version: 2019.2.8f1 (ff5b465c8d13)
[XR] Discovering subsystems at path C:/Program Files (x86)/Steam/steamapps/common/Ylands/Ylands_Data/UnitySubsystems
GfxDevice: creating device client; threaded=1
    Version:  Direct3D 11.0 [level 11.1]
    Renderer: Intel(R) HD Graphics 520 (ID=0x1916)
    VRAM:     1124 MB
<RI> Initializing input.
<RI> Input initialized.
<RI> Initialized touch support.
UnloadTime: 7.481800 ms
Unloading 4 Unused Serialized files (Serialized files now loaded: 19)
UnloadTime: 8.228000 ms

Unloading 8 unused Assets to reduce memory usage. Loaded Objects now: 7394.
Total: 5.894800 ms (FindLiveObjects: 0.703000 ms CreateObjectMapping: 1.198900 ms MarkObjects: 3.894800 ms  DeleteObjects: 0.097200 ms)

Shader 'Hidden/Ylands/FXAA': fallback shader 'Hidden/FXAA II' not found
Unloading 3 Unused Serialized files (Serialized files now loaded: 19)


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All of these issues should be fixed for a long time, the small part which took longer time to fix was depending on backend support, which should be working in all cases now. If anyone has similar error now please create different thread since it will not be related to this old one and attach output_log_clean.txt located in C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Ylands\Ylands_Data . Also for quicker respond contact us on discord.

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