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RESOLVED Items/Blocks turning Invisible!!!


I'm trying to play the game with my friend but for my friend it's unplayable because 80% of the time the things he craft would turn invisible! Cutting down trees also turns invisible. 

Another bug is climbing ladders will teleport him to another ship and dying will teleport him to a different island (he died on an island and not at sea)

These are my logs, if you need my friends log I can send that also! Thank you for the awesome game!



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5 replies to this bug / suggestion

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Well yes, if the one having issues is your friend, we need his files :) Thanks!

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I play multiplayer with a freind also - he hosts - and I reguarly have this happen, sometimes after a short while (10 mins maybe) and sometimes it's OK for an hour, before it happens.

Usually it's things I interact with that dissapear, like forges or trees, then it gets progressively worse, to when the entire ship is invisible, or I can only see the Hull, no ladder, masts etc.

Yesterday we were playing and landed at a new Yland, and the entire place was bare.

Logging out and back in temporarily resolves it, but it inevitably comes back.

*usually* I can interact with the invisible things, use the forge if i remmeber where it was, or pickup invisible logs from the invisible tree I just felled, but the Ship one in particular, it seems I cant use the rope ladder even though i know it's there.


Are there any files I can send to help?


Is it likely an issue with Me or the Host?

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Nevermind the Files question, I just saw this similar thread, I will attach the files requested this evening:

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Often when going to the other side of the island you have your things on, i may be invisible once you return, and the boat might appear black or things on it will be invisble, that is common and fixed with a quick leave server and rejoin. But your problem seems worse.

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