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RESOLVED [YLD-8022] Placing invisible items


I'm gonna cut right to the chase. A few days ago me and a buddy played for about 2-3 hours then he started having some problems. Every item he placed was invisible for him, although I could see it just fine.
When he reconnected he saw it, but new items he placed were still invisible. I was the host and had no problems.

Yesterday I joined his server that he had been playing on for a couple of guys.
It started off fine but after a few hours every item I tried to place was invisible for me. The host could see them and a reconnect fixed it until I placed something else.

I attached the logs as requested on the Steam forum.
Haven't played since we encountered this issue so the relevant info should be at the bottom of the logs(I assume).




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I have come across this exact problem were I am the host and my friend fails to see items these include items he places, trees he cuts, ships are just a black void with anchors and ladders me turning into a floating head to him. 

What seems to “fix” this problem is for the host to go to an completly diffent island but whats the point of multiplayer if you cant play together? The other bugs are somewhat oke to deal with but playtesting this game becomes alot less attractive when your buddy and you cant play together.

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Same problem here, in multiplayer. The host has no problems, but evertime when i join i have after 3-10 minutes the bug, that i dont see new playced blocks. Only a rejoin fixes it. But only for some minutes. Multiplayer is unplayable because of that. Pls fix it as soon as possible. It would be such a nice game without these bugs.

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I also notice that this problem is comming from the large ship i think.
When i'm placing block or itemson the ship as client and it's the last item of the stack or the only onei got in my inventory this one is all time invisible. and after all the blockor interaction im gonna have in the game ( like cutting tree) gonna be invisible.
so need a reconnection to have them visible

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Yeah, this is known issue on the client side.

Our .ylandsgame file size is 30 MB now. And the gameplay looks like the following: place a block, it becomes invisible, exit and connect to the game again, it takes ~0.5-1 minute for the map to load, place another block and repeat all the steps again: exit, wait for load, place...

Edited by OxEED
just to add some text

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Yep can confirm it gets worse as you play and explore and place items. The server just doesn't seem to handle it or something. Host sees the stuff and can connect pretty easily, the rest of us place invisible objects, and whenever you interact ( ie chop a tree down --- light a fire ) then it's invisible.


This is the biggest issue I've come across so far, because ultimately you can't get very far into the game, our first server we ditched because we found a huge cave and we legit can't load back into the game, it's impossible. 

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This also occurs on official servers placed items and newly dropped items such as ore after mined and logs wont appear until you relog.

Seems like it gets worse as more ylands are explored, before the protection barrier update i explored the starter yland with no problem, The 2nd yland items started not appearing once i had explored about half of it and the 3rd yland a relog was needed to place/pickup items and for items picked up i had to relog to see them in my inventory

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Also happen to me. It's because a ship (small and large) .But the solution is you must place an item but don't let this item gone in your inventory (must have at least one ea. in your inventory .) because it's started a bug .

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  On 12/21/2017 at 3:17 PM, Munphao said:

Also happen to me. It's because a ship (small and large) .But the solution is you must place an item but don't let this item gone in your inventory (must have at least one ea. in your inventory .) because it's started a bug .

Sounds interesting! I will try this workaround. And yeah, it started just after we have created our first ship. I cannot even imagine how the ship can affect all objects in the world!

But it is not all about just placing the item. Sometimes already existing objects become invisible, not placed recently. For instance, when I try to feed a camp fire, it becomes invisible. Or fallen trees and ores. I can peek the ore from the ground, but I do not see it and did not place it from my inventory, just have dug it.

Edited by OxEED
very good reason

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  On 12/25/2017 at 10:10 AM, Gam3Junkie said:

Seems to be working fine now after the last update.

Thank you for the info! Will re-check it in the recent update.

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