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ship stuff by zarwil

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Hey I thought I'd create a topic to post future stuff in so I don't spam the community creations tab. 

Make sure to scroll down to see newer creations!



I made a new ship. This time it's a military ship from a made-up navy.

This would be the smallest ship in the fleet. I want to build larger ships with the same color scheme in the future but I'm limited at the moment with ship bounds and small sails. Maybe the larger ships will have to wait until later in the games development or until there are mods that make it possible.


I experimented a little with tilting windows and other shapes around the captain's quarters as well as extending parts of the added on hull down along the sides of the ship component to break up the line between them. I'll explore this more in the future.


I tried to add some sandstone ledges for detail and painted them gold-ish.


I used the small sail as a bowsprit because bowsprits have sails in different configurations just like masts. Not extremely happy with the outcome but at least the bowsprit has a function now, unlike a long piece of log.


Overall the shape is much more sleek than the pirate ship I posted last time and I'm pretty happy with it. I probably should have placed the cannons farther through the gun ports and add some sort of hatches, but that will have to be some other time.


I didn't do the interior of the captain's cabin because I always get very bored after finishing the hull. Anyways I quite like the view from the windows!



Shipwrecked version on the bottom of the ocean!


Also, non-navy version:


That's it for now! I'll be sure to post more stuff here in the future! :) 

Edited by zarwil
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 I dug out my old Bohemia account, reset my password and came here to make my first official post in the 8 years I've had the account  to tell you WOW.... great job! I've been looking for inspiration to build my first ship, and I've found it. I LOVE your stern gallery, it's perfect! The shipwrecked version made me literally say "wow" out loud.... she's so creepy on the bottom! Great work man, I will be stealing a few of your ideas. Beautiful ship. The bowsprit is awesome too!

Edited by Werwolf
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  On 12/18/2017 at 4:22 AM, Werwolf said:

 I dug out my old Bohemia account, reset my password and came here to make my first official post in the 8 years I've had the account  to tell you WOW.... great job! I've been looking for inspiration to build my first ship, and I've found it. I LOVE your stern gallery, it's perfect! The shipwrecked version made me literally say "wow" out loud.... she's so creepy on the bottom! Great work man, I will be stealing a few of your ideas. Beautiful ship. The bowsprit is awesome too!

thanks! that's big praise :) just remember that it was made in the editor so don't expect to be able to free place as accurately in explore/creative as you can tilt and glide several objects at a time in the editor.

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OK Zarwil, you're a monster !

You also did that one

It's even crazier to me.

I'm going mad on how you did that.


Edited by gbkisses

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I found these on youtube initially, not realizing you also posted on this forum. You have a great creative mind!

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I haven't been able to play much lately but I have done some updates to the last ship.

I updated the paintjob with a new wood color and a nice "royal" red color. I also added hatches to the gun-ports and an additional cannon. 



I added some golden details to the stern and bow




The sails have been remade and repositioned.



I also tried to make some sort of catheads that the anchors hang off of. 



I like this version much more than the last one. So far I've only done one side, but when I find time and motivation I'll finish the ship and upload it. I've also spent quite a bit of time working out new ways to build larger ships with organic and period accurate shapes but so far I haven't found a time-effective method. I want to move away from the wooden blocks since they dissapear out of view so quickly. You can't even see some blocks at the bow of the ship when you're steering it from the helm, which is pretty terrible. Anyways I'll be back some time soon-ish. Maybe. Cheers!


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looking fantastic! Love the large lanterns on the aft. working on a ship myself. it may take me weeks to finish. Sneak Peek. 


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  On 1/31/2018 at 2:28 PM, SyxtySyx said:

looking fantastic! Love the large lanterns on the aft. working on a ship myself. it may take me weeks to finish. Sneak Peek. 


Nice! I just wish there were 2x2 hatches so you could cover smaller gun ports.

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Also I thought I'd show my improved cannon design that I'll be using in the future



And as a bonus here's a rough outline of a future ship I'm working on (it's gonna take ages to finish probably...)


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  On 1/31/2018 at 3:30 PM, zarwil said:

Nice! I just wish there were 2x2 hatches so you could cover smaller gun ports.

Yeah, here I just nudged the cannons over to the center of the 3x3 and set them on top of some horizontal pier supports. 

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I  should prob use the Editor proper instead of editing survival lol, it's prob way easier to build. here is a cross section of the ship I'm currently working on.


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Hey again! I think I have made some progress with how I'm gonna approach my next project. I'm building the hull with wooden beams bent around vertical "supports" to form some pretty nice shapes. The downside of using this method is it's going to be a bitch to mirror the one side I've built to an acceptable level of accuracy. The sides will not be identical unless the devs introduce a mirroring tool to the editor (pleeeeeeease do this I beg you!!!!). Apart from that this methid is working quite well for me. We'll se how it goes.


Edited by zarwil
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oh yeah baby, curvy creations.... now we are evolving. It's a pain to build like curvy, but so sweet in the end! Keep it going!

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My first try make a ship. Its inspired by you and Inkeris ships


Edited by MischTO
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Alright it's been a while and I've discontinued the ship I posted about last time, however I felt inspired this weekend and decided to use what I learned from that project to create a new ship. I improved upon the building techniques I used last time to actually make it feasible to complete a full hull and the results can be seen below ;) Since the hard part is pretty much done now I'm feeling pretty confident that I'll actually finish this one.

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  On 12/1/2018 at 10:26 PM, zarwil said:

Alright it's been a while and I've discontinued the ship I posted about last time, however I felt inspired this weekend and decided to use what I learned from that project to create a new ship. I improved upon the building techniques I used last time to actually make it feasible to complete a full hull and the results can be seen below ;) Since the hard part is pretty much done now I'm feeling pretty confident that I'll actually finish this one.

Hi! i'm a newbie building ships but i felt inspired with your pirate ship you went my inspiration to build The Exodus Spanish Galleon. Thanks to you a lot ^^ now. can i ask you... how yo do the wood laminated technique? please it will be so inspiring for the good looking of another ship. Thanks for your work keep it up!

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  On 12/2/2018 at 11:49 AM, amoreno1able said:

Hi! i'm a newbie building ships but i felt inspired with your pirate ship you went my inspiration to build The Exodus Spanish Galleon. Thanks to you a lot ^^ now. can i ask you... how yo do the wood laminated technique? please it will be so inspiring for the good looking of another ship. Thanks for your work keep it up!

It takes a huge ammount of time. I might upload some unlisted videos and post here later tonight.

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  On 12/2/2018 at 12:25 PM, zarwil said:

It takes a huge ammount of time. I might upload some unlisted videos and post here later tonight.

OKay thanks i will be in tune


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I just made a nice video showing how I work but when I was finished windows movie maker crashed and the video is gone :/ Can't even start movie maker now. Will have to recreate it some other day, but basically the gist of it is that I build a keel with beams on a ship hull part then select the beams and move them a bit above the ship hull part. After that I build "ribs" on top of the keel that form the rough outline of the ship (like how you would build a real wooden ship). I then use the ribs as a guide to place beams around. When one layer of beams is finished on one side I mark them, duplicate the beams, rotate them (180 degrees around the axis of the keel) and place on the other side of the ship. It's easier to see on a video and there is a lot more to it than that but there is too much to write.

EDIT: I rebooted my pc and the video was thankfully saved :) 

Edited by zarwil
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This technic is awesome, thanks for sharing. I tried myself but i get in so much trouble with the editor when i try to build the skeleton. For exemple, everytime I add a block to another one and I try to move it one step in front, back, up or down it's fine but when i move it from left to right it sorts get out of grid like for 0.5 step, do you know about that ?


Desktop Screenshot 2019.01.01 -

Desktop Screenshot 2019.01.01 -

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  On 1/1/2019 at 1:51 PM, rouxs said:

This technic is awesome, thanks for sharing. I tried myself but i get in so much trouble with the editor when i try to build the skeleton. For exemple, everytime I add a block to another one and I try to move it one step in front, back, up or down it's fine but when i move it from left to right it sorts get out of grid like for 0.5 step, do you know about that ?


Yes this is very common. What causes this is that your ship has been placed slightly off center in one axis. This happens when you move things too fast. To fix it just click the ship hull component and drag it one step in each axis direction to make sure it's centered on the grid in all directions. Sometimes it takes a bit of work to get everything centered but I have never failed to fix it. 

Also don't forget to remove the anchor lever and ladders on the sides! 

Edited by zarwil

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The ship is coming along nicely! I've probably spent around 80-100 hours on this so far. Progress is slow but steady (because detailing is boring). Will release it to the workshop after version 0.12 releases. This is the first ship I've (almost) completed using this method and because of that the hull is not completely proportionally realistic. If this were a real ship it would capsize immediately xD (just like the warship Vasa, us swedes are experts at this!)


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I'm jealous, your hull is so perfect ! My firs try is really clumsy xD
I faced other grid alignement issues so I started in a new world, no problem so far.

Do you have a tip to have a nice skeleton ? I think my whole problem is with my skeleton shape





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  On 1/2/2019 at 5:34 PM, rouxs said:

I'm jealous, your hull is so perfect ! My firs try is really clumsy xD
I faced other grid alignement issues so I started in a new world, no problem so far.

Do you have a tip to have a nice skeleton ? I think my whole problem is with my skeleton shape


Lets just say I have failed a lot of times xD Usually I don't continue working on a ship unless I'm happy with the skeleton so most of my projects barely get started. I am also a huge ship nerd so I have a pretty good idea of how ships from 1600-1815 looked. Search for inspiration on google. By the way I think yours looks pretty good! 

Also it always looks worse from below because the shadows are cast differently and enhances the "steps" between the beam layers.

And one more thing, make sure that your skeleton "fits" outside the ship component so it doesn't stick out from your hull when you're done, that would be an unfortunate thing to find out once you're finished!

Edited by zarwil

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