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RESOLVED Arrows getting stuck


Hey there,

Having loads of fun with this game so far.  I have run into nearly zero issues that I would consider bugs, however, there is one pesky thing that is sort of game breaking for me.  I love using the bow and arrow, but I would say about 2 out of every 3 shots simply gets stuck right at my characters location when I let go of the mouse button to fire.  Maybe I am doing something wrong, however, I usually hold the mouse button down aim, and then release.  Sometimes it works, but more often the arrow just sticks right there and I have to move a couple of steps to the side and try and fire again.  It is obviously a waste of an arrow not to mention an issue if a creature or enemy is advancing on me.  Hopefully I am just stupid and there is something I am doing wrong.  Thanks!

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7 replies to this bug / suggestion

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Should be fine in present state, basic plants no longer stop arrows and bolts and system for collisions with particles was redone so this should be no longer a problem.

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Nope not you, I noticed this too, very annoying, shame you can't pick up the arrows too, no reason an arrow would disappear, one good reason for using them is being able to pick up non spent arrows!

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I am using an iron crossbow and having the same issue with crossbow bolts to the point I am having a very hard time killing anything in the caves. Feathers are hard to come by as well so extra infuriating when I use 20+ bolts and only seem to hit 3 times....

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Are all of you using the iron crosssbow when this happens? We haven't been able to reproduce this issue 100% of the times.

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i had this too, but not as often as others. my conclusion was, that i was standing on or behind some stuff like gras tufts, withered shrubs and other such terrain. not 100% sure if this is the real issue, but now i extra check to stand as free as possible.

atm i'm using the X-crossbow and it didnt happen around me, but some bolts got stuck in midair above a caveshroom or something.

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Thanks guys! We'll keep looking into this until we find and fix it.

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