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About MyMumIsAstronaut

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  • Birthday December 2

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  1. MyMumIsAstronaut

    Steam release for BI store buyers?

    Hello! I bought Ylands on BI Store, but is it going to be available on Steam for me, after Steam release? You know...having games on once place is more comfy Thank you!
  2. MyMumIsAstronaut

    DEV ANSWER Borderless window

    I know it doesn't have any priority for now. It's just an idea for (far)future development
  3. MyMumIsAstronaut

    DEV ANSWER Borderless window

    I'd be great to play Ylands in borderless or maximized windowed mode. Is it possible?
  4. MyMumIsAstronaut

    Translation of Ylands

    Hello Ane! I feel a little bit dissapointed that game made by BI doesn't have Czech translation. And since I was born in beloved Bohemia/Czechia, It would be my pleasure to translate Ylands into our language I helped to translate Life is Feudal: Your Own(eng->cze), so I already have some experience working with Crowdin. Have a nice day!