Hi again :)
I'm glad to see that combat is finally getting some love as it has always been lack luster. I think it'll be a precarious situation...
better combat means players can avoid elemental advantage
better elemental advantage means players can avoid better combat
make the game hard enough to need both and the player might be unhappy it's too difficult
It's also probably worth mentioning what happens to weapons that fill 2 archtypes? Is a Spiked Mace crushing damage, piercing damage, or both? Normal weapons should probably fill multiple archtypes with damage split between them (ex: Mace is Crush/Pierce) making it simpler for general users, and giving niche weapons those exclusive stats (cross is only piercing) needed for higher end islands,bosses,etc.
As for combat overhaul, there are 2 power fantasies to give to the player.
Let them deal more damage by rewarding timing or hitting critical weak spots (feels rewarding but difficult to master)
Let them avoid damage by rewarding manuvering and parry/block abilities (feels intense but extremely punishing)
I think Horizon Zero Dawn encapsulates a very rewarding but extreme version of these 2 power fantasies, while a Mario game encapsulates them but at a very minimal extent.
The intensity should reflect the frequency of the combat.
Is it a generic wolf that you fight frequently? Then small power fantasies are suitable.
Is it a big boss you fight only once? Then big power fantasies are suitable.
This aspect also applies to elemental advantage. (Unless the entire area is thematic, such as a forest containing only wood monsters)
Might I suggest that enemies have tooltips next to their health to easily identify weakness?
For example...
In this case, you can easily identify if they are resistant or weak to something, aswell as what armor to wear against them.
Lastly, at some point most monsters will need more than 1 attack animation/type. While it's easy and engaging when you start the game, they become too predictable and easy (even if their AI got smarter). Most imo should get ATLEAST 2 different animations with different animations, debuffs, area of effects, or etc.