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Everything posted by Deadeye_Rob

  1. Deadeye_Rob

    Ranged Weapons - Projectile Update please.

    I like this. Maybe it also might be worth considering introducing Alchemy into this? The potion making element of Ylands is a wonderful part of the game. But it could be so much better! Maybe 'treating' ranged projectiles with certain potions/poisons could improve gameplay. Arrows treated with a 'potion of abundance' would cause wild animals to drop double the loot on death? (Just a ballpark thought! ).
  2. Deadeye_Rob

    RESOLVED Rename an item (not in editor)

    I've mentioned this before. I think it's a great idea and I can't imagine it being a massive issue to develop. I think this could be implemented best by simply using a writing tool on any object to rename it (In a similar fashion to writing on blank signs). It would be good to have a 'Gun cabinet' and 'Grain Sack' ??
  3. Deadeye_Rob

    Ylands Mages - IN PROGRESS

    You sir may have completely revolutionised Ylands! It won't be long now before some dedicated lads decide to build a fantasy rpg! Haha Class work mate!
  4. I've noticed the same issue when deconstructing any object from within my protective barrier. my character is rooted to the spot and I can no longer control him until I log out-in.
  5. Deadeye_Rob

    Dev Diary #70

    I'm sure this has been asked a lot already. "Will future features include more sources of energy generation/storage?" We have steam, wind and ylandium based energy already, but there is pleanty of room for development. Power Cells are a brilliant but overlooked element of the game and should be expanded. As mentioned in previous posts, water-power would be great amongst other ideas. ? Cheers! Rob
  6. Deadeye_Rob

    Roman Colosseum

    It doesn't seem too bad a small frame rate drop. I've tried to keep the design as simple as possible. I'm terrified to save it as a composition in case it crashes the game on me though!
  7. Deadeye_Rob

    Roman Colosseum

    Hi guys! I had A LOT of spare time over the last couple of days. After watching Gladiator it got me in the mood to try to build some type of Roman Arena. Here's my work so far: The Vespasian Amphitheatre! "Let the Games Begin!" "We who are about to die Salute You!" Aerial view of the Arena. Whilst this design isn't the correct dimensions of the original. The Colosseum is actually oval in shape) it does capture the grandeur very well. It's still a work in progress, but I eventually would like to use it as the basis for some kind of Deathmatch/Gladiator multiplayer game. Players would begin in the bowels of the arena selecting their weapons before joining a team and proceeding to fight. There could even be a co-op based game where players face down waves of enemy units. So lots to think about! Thanks for your support guys! Please leave any feedback or comments. I appreciate them all! Rob
  8. Deadeye_Rob

    Roman Colosseum

    Update, Here's a little teaser of the preparation room. Gladiators preparing for battle will get the chance to pick & choose their armour and weapons off the shelves before doing battle! Thanks for you support guys! Stay posted, I'll keep adding more on this project as I go along! Any feedback or suggestions would be great! Rob
  9. Deadeye_Rob

    Iron Armour/weapons colouring

    Hi guys! I love to customise the colour of my character's clothes and armour. It allows me to add a personal touch to my Avatar. I especially love the Conquistador style of Iron Armour Skins. However I feel that the ability to dye/paint it is limited. The majority of Iron Armour and Bomb Disposal Armour is metallic and can't be painted. Would the Devs consider allowing these elements of the Armour to be dye-able? It would be great to have black armour! P.S on an unrelated matter, i used to love the Katana. Is there a possibility of seeing it again in future? ? Any feedback or up votes would be greatly appreciated!
  10. Deadeye_Rob

    Dev Diary #68

    I think this is a very 'logical' improvement. With explore servers being the most played element of Ylands it would be great to allow us to add in our own little logic based features to give us more control over our servers.
  11. Deadeye_Rob

    New Machine- Wood Mill

    This definitely has my vote! Maybe a machine that would automaticaly process lumber and reward more logs/planks compared to acquiring it by manual means. this would be great if combined with a power supply like steam/wind or even water?
  12. Deadeye_Rob

    Woodland Altar

    I was actually inspired by the unmarked locations out of Skyrim! But I totally se where you're coming from!
  13. From an Explore Mode perspective it's been recognised that there needs to be a way of fixing free-placed items permenently. (Free-placed fences are my personal source of irritation) There definitely needs to be an unpickable setting for plant-based objects. I've been trailing an editor-made map of Blackreach front Skyrim. It's hard to make the place look awesome when you can go about picking all the glowing mushrooms! ?
  14. Deadeye_Rob

    Dev Diary #65

    I love the hint toward more machine-based contraptions. Id love a set of contraptions that would make smelting/crafting easier maybe? For example, a wind-mill machine to produce flour at a higher yield than if done manually? Just my idea in the pot but something along those lines would greatly expand the Explorer side of things! ?
  15. Deadeye_Rob

    Dev Diary #65

    I better start building Airship docking stations from 'The Order 1886' in prep for these flying machines!
  16. Deadeye_Rob

    Ylandium Refining Company & Bank

    Another update! I thought the Ylandium bank Board room was a little 'underwhelming'. So against my usual policy I played around with the Editor and turned it into a room fit for a massive Naval Trading Empire such as mine! The map is a rough representation of the true server map. Note the shipping trails and settlement locations! Rob
  17. Deadeye_Rob

    Ylandium Refining Company & Bank

    Hi there guys! I've been away for a while so I haven't been updating my Dishonoured Harbour much unfortunately. So I aim to break the silence by showing off my little settlement that I started months ago on my own multiplayer server. So I realised that once players start to establish themselves on a multiplayer server, the hunt for Ylandium becomes an aggressive 'Gold-Rush'. Back when Offical-Explore servers were still running I wouldn't be surprised to find every rock of Ylandium gone. I discovered however, that one can still find an unlimited supply of the precious mineral if you know where to look! .......His name is Leeroy Jenkins! That's right guys! Control Leeroy, and you control the flow of Ylandium and I did just that! Ladies & Gents, I present to you the Flintlock Ylandium Refining Company & Bank! Shortly after discovering Leeroy, I quickly set up my barrier to encompass his spawn area. After which, I began to fortify and imprison him! Due to this Island being blessed with a high quantity of magic blossoms, I could harvest enough to make a daily purchase of Leeroy's Ylandium crystals. Leeroy's 'Quarters are here' From that point, I would trade refined Ylandium with other players for extra building materials, supplies etc. These I used to expand my little colony and (with the exception of the odd Editor-aided alteration) legitimately build my business! The Leeroy Tavern - Best drinks in town! In order to accommodate my trading partners, I used a small-scale blueprint of my Dishonored Pub. I named it after the source of my success! The front desk of the Ylandium Bank. Visitors and traders can visit the bank at the rear of the settlement where I can buy or sell Ylandium. (I used Editor to prevent theft of any free-placed items) The main hall of the bank. -Server moderators and Admins only! -(Crystal created using Editor) Regular players and bank staff have access to their very own Safe Deposit Boxes in our private vault! Bank records and documentation department. Executive Board Room. -Note Leeroy Statue at the back I hope to get back to working on a few more projects including my Dishonored Harbour project. Please feel free to leave any feedback! Happy new year people!
  18. Deadeye_Rob

    Ylandium Refining Company & Bank

    Update! Since my last post, my server has received a lot of attention from visitors. As such I have a lot more customers! I have been able to expand my operations and dedicate more time to decorating my little port. Notice the Bank has a new roof! I've built a roof for the Bank with a much larger main hall. Being the sentimental sort, I've also created a Latin motto for my company including an English translation. :D Bank with the new roof. Latin Motto including heraldry English translation on the opposite end of the chamber roof. Hopefully more to come guys! Thanks for your interest! Rob
  19. Deadeye_Rob

    Trouble with placing building objects

    I think I understand where you're coming from. So by pressing the rotate button in build mode, the brick/log/etc will rotate at a 45 90 Degree angle only? At the moment, this is the only way in build mode to legitimately place blocks. You can however go onto Free Place Mode and tweak the rotation angle manually. As a consequence however, the item will be treated as moveable. Until the Devs looks to address this in future updates, the only other way to effectively permanently place bricks at 45 Degree rotations is to do it in Editor Mode. Not very helpful for Explorer players but I live in hope that it changes! ? Rob
  20. Deadeye_Rob


    That's amazing. If only that could be implemented into a game. ?
  21. Deadeye_Rob

    Coconut Radio

    Hi guys, So after spending countless hours playing on multiplayer Explore servers I have reached a conclusive question. "Even on a largely populated server, why is it so difficult to find and communicate with other players" Minecraft addresses this problem by making it's in-game chat feature globally broadcast to all players on a server. Im thinking Ylands can do one better! Whilst global chat would solve the issue, it might make communication too easy. The feeling of being alone and stranded is a charming feature of the game. I suggest that if players put in a little work, they can craft themselves some type of Radio. Using the Radio would open a dialogue box where you can tune in to other player's radios and send-receive messages in both real-time and in an Email format. Its an idea that I'm sure could do with some refining but let me know what you think guys! Thanks Rob
  22. Deadeye_Rob

    Coconut Radio

  23. Deadeye_Rob

    Craftable, writable Books

    Hi guys, just a quick one. I enjoy filling the shelves of my house with books and writing notes on my adventures. Ive been wondering for a while; Why can't we craft and write our own books? This would be a lovely addition to Explore mode and a fantastic feature when crafting custom games on Editor. Written Books have proven very successful on Minecraft Servers. They've been used as Infomation Packs for new players, Background Lore for RPG based games as well as a load of other things! It shouldn't be too difficult to craft them, a stack of paper pages and maybe a scrap of leather for the cover? From a Dev point of view, this suggestion shouldn't be too hard to implement as the models are already present in the game. let me know what you think guys! ? Rob
  24. Deadeye_Rob

    Craftable, writable Books

    Exactly Igor! So when joining some of the bigger Minecraft servers, new players often find an introduction book in their inventory written by the server owners. I think that this would be the perfect medium to convey Yland Game rules or help booklets for new players.
  25. I've discovered the same Glitch Urn. ...and it's great!!! I love using them as a means to bulk load/offload cargo from my ship. ?