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Adam Snellgrove

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Everything posted by Adam Snellgrove

  1. Adam Snellgrove

    RESOLVED [YLD-15083] Background flashes

    Would it be possible to get a video of it?
  2. Adam Snellgrove

    The animation tools in editor frankly, suck.

    I have talked to the designers and it goes like this: We have observed that creators were using Time triggers to create moving platforms, rotating objects or projectiles, however, the problem with timers is that they consume a lot of network traffic and they were never intended for a purpose like this. So the initial goal was to actually create something simple, that will allow creators to create similar behaviour, but in a much more effective way. So, although the term "Animators" suggests some complex animation system, in reality, the goal was to create something much simpler. Probably the name "mover" would be more appropriate, but we didn't like it As for the future, we have some ideas on how to improve animators, for example, to include animation graphs, but do not expect this to be a "real" animation suite. As for the issues 1) This is the value of smoothing of whole movement - 0 = linear progress, 1 = quadratic progress 2) Yes this is a real pain, but this is given because of the way how Unity handles angles a) Align with translation is useful when using follow or path translations b) Yep, not very convenient. We'll try and figure something out. 3) This is actually where you are trying to use the system beyond its capabilities. For chaining the animations, it is better to use instructions and not animators, but that is still very limiting. This is not 3DS Max and software like that have dozens of developers and years of development behind them. 4) That is not what the system was intended for. I think you should think of Animators more on the level of a designer's tools than a programmer's tools. So, in conclusion, we are trying to improve the tools as we go, but it has its limits, that we'll probably never quite overcome.
  3. Adam Snellgrove

    RESOLVED [YLD-15083] Background flashes

    ? Will check this out...
  4. Adam Snellgrove

    New community, Ylands World Of Dreams

    Wow, looks really cool! Looking forward to all the lovely Dreams ☺️
  5. Adam Snellgrove

    DEV ANSWER Bug- Cannot set text for book

    Not a bad idea. I'll put it into the suggestion box for Aleš ☺️ Would be cool to be able to make 'lore books' and such ?
  6. Hmmm, maybe it is something to do with pre hotfix servers having this problem until restarted ?
  7. Thank you for the report. We're working on a fix as we speak. The output_logs will definitely help.
  8. Adam Snellgrove

    DEV ANSWER Bug- Cannot set text for book

    Books shouldn't be editable, so that isn't a bug. If you think they should be, I can discuss it with Aleš.
  9. Did you send output_logs through the feedback system? Would be helpful...
  10. If everything is fine, I think we won't need a savegame ☺️ Glad it's working for you. @kimbuck, how's it looking for you?
  11. Adam Snellgrove

    Kingsparrow Trading Port (Dishonored Project V2)

    Wow! Looks really awesome! ?
  12. Nevertheless, it seems this is a different issue, so I'll start a new topic, so we can close this one and concentrate on the new problem. https://ylands.com/community/topic/25505-yld-18675-stuck-on-the-recalling-buildings-100-element/
  13. And also the save to the game you're trying to connect to? That would also help a lot...
  14. Could you please also supply the output_logs when it happens? We can't reproduce it yet, but maybe we're missing something...
  15. So our team can't replicate the issue anymore after the hotfix. How is it happening on your end? Is it still happening?
  16. Good to hear and I'll try and ask around about locked servers and why that wouldn't start up properly.
  17. Adam Snellgrove

    Scripting in Standard Explore

    No trouble. We're in this together trying to make the best game possible and your help and suggestions and feedback are crucial for that ? And that's my motto and the teams motto.
  18. Adam Snellgrove

    Scripting in Standard Explore

    Hey there. So regarding the disappearance of the scripting "feature" in standard Explore. First, to set things straight, this wasn't a deliberate change to the game, but as Houp mentioned before, this wasn't a planned feature and so wasn't part of QA testing when we were releasing 0.14 and it got booted without us even realising. But I talked to Aleš and we have come to the conclusion, that the benefits outweigh the risks, so we'll be making this "feature" a real feature in the future. In fact, it will be present in the 0.14.1 hotfix. You'll be able to add scripts to existing entities and edit existing scripts. But it won't be possible to add new game logic objects to an existing save since that has the potential to seriously compromise the save and overall functioning of the game itself. This isn't a temporary solution, but a feature we are going to continue to support going into the future. We are also looking into making admin tools possible, to give you protection against potential griefers. Finally, I also wanted to address the concerns, that we are concentrating solely on the Editor and letting Explore die. I will address this issue thoroughly in the next Dev Diary, but in short: we are not getting rid of Explore and it is going to be an integral part of Ylands for years to come. It is a great mode that we all love and we'll be giving it a lot of love in the near future. But enough about that, or I'll have nothing to write about this Friday ? And that's it for now, so stay classy Ylanders! P.S. If you have any questions or suggestions regarding this, don't hesitate to write them here, we're listening ☺️
  19. Adam Snellgrove

    Make it so we can use pets in editor

    I'll ask tomorrow ?
  20. We tried both. Welp, will just have to try again tomorrow ?
  21. Couldn't replicate it ? But we'll try again tomorrow ?
  22. Adam Snellgrove

    I wanted to try Playlands but ...

    We are working on a solution for this. Stay tuned!
  23. Is it still not working? We published a small sneaky hotfix couple of hours ago, that should've addressed this.