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Nikki Severin

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Everything posted by Nikki Severin

  1. Nikki Severin

    Is iron found in starter island?

    You also don't need iron to craft a small boat! There is a recipe without any iron required 😊
  2. Nikki Severin

    RESOLVED Maya Hat?

    Thank you for the report, we'll check it out and fix it 😊
  3. Nikki Severin

    Dev Diary #213 Feedback, please!

    Should work now, sorry about that
  4. Nikki Severin

    Dev Diary #213 Feedback, please!

    Hey there, Ylanders! The Ylands HQ is super focused on 1.9 and we can't wait to bring you more info on the upcoming update, and we hope you're as excited as we are for all things sea-worthy! We're also constantly thinking about what lies ahead which is what brings us to today's Dev Diary topic. Last week, we answered some questions that kept coming up and we didn't want to leave them unanswered. This week, we'd like to switch the roles and ask you some questions. We have some general questions about your style of gameplay, but also open-ended questions, where you can anonymously give us your feedback about anything and everything in the game. The questions are short and will only take a few seconds to answer, also none of them are mandatory, so feel free to answer only those you're comfortable with! This feedback helps us stay on track and every comment you leave for us will be read and discussed. You can find the feedback form ▶️ HERE ◀️ Thank you so much for your help and please let us know what you'd like to read about in the next Dev Diary! And don't forget to Stay Classy, Ylanders!
  5. Nikki Severin

    Dev Diary #212 Things that keep coming up...

    Can't say much more yet, but yes, with the upcoming updates, a new chapter will open up indeed
  6. Nikki Severin

    Potential composition plagiarism on discord.

    I will send you a PM and will look into this of course!
  7. Nikki Severin

    Dev Diary #211 Hide & Seek

    Hey there, Ylanders! We know you like hearing about what's coming to the next update and that you also like to take peeks into the game dev process and the behind-the-scenes of the Ylands HQ. This week's Dev diary is going to combine both! Let's dive right in! (screenshot by Kaija) The spirit of Ylands is largely based on community and the feedback from our players, which is why we collect feedback and suggestions from our players across platforms and regularly review it and keep it in mind when developing new features and when improving new ones. One such feedback we have been receiving is talking about not being able to see your friends on the map. This highly requested feature is coming to 1.9, as you probably know from this Dev Diary. We were very excited to let our players know that this feature that they've been asking for is finally coming to the game. But in reading the feedback on the announcement, we found out that we didn't think about the fact that some of our players play Hide & Seek because they can't see each other on the map. Oversight on our part, but thanks to our players, who talk to us, we found out. (two of the feedback instances) Long story short, we're implementing a toggle option for the friend marker feature so that you can continue playing Hide & Seek without having the fun spoiled (smile) While this might seem like a minor thing to some, for those few players that enjoy playing the game in a specific way will it would be taking away a part of that fun. And that's something we don't want to do. Well, that's it for this week and we will be back with more info next week! Stay Classy, Ylanders!
  8. Nikki Severin

    RESOLVED playing from pc and phone

    Oh my apologies, you would need to use a rented server, which has to be started by the mobile user.
  9. Nikki Severin

    RESOLVED playing from pc and phone

    Hey! You can play together if your friends use the sharegame feature rented server of the game on their phones. The phone users have to be the ones starting the game, then you can join them from your PC
  10. Hey there, Ylanders! As you probably know, the next update coming to Ylands will be all about adventures on and below the sea. And as such, it would not be complete without additions and edits to how ships work. Any proud captain would know how important a ship's name is. The name of a ship can be an indication of what its adventures on the sea are going to be a like and elevates it from an anonymous vesel to a personalized creation. So starting next update, you'll be able to give names to your ships! Now that you've built your own ship, named it and set sail for the first time, you should really take care of it! Be careful about sailing in bad weather, because if you get caught in a storm, your ship will get damaged. At the same time, if you steer your ship to shallow waters, the edge of an yland or another ship, your ship will take damage and you will have to fix it up if you wish to continue on your journey without worries. (screenshot by ilp0tt1) Fixing a ship is a matter of skill and resources. You will need a special tool to repair your ship and also specific materials to patch up the holes that your ship had sustained. In order to avoid damaging your ship and to help you be a better informed captain, you will be able to monitor the ship's HP, the water depth below, the current speed and much more using special ship devices. This is just a quick look into what ships will be like in the upcoming update! Speaking of naming things, what do you think the 1.9 update will be named? Let us know what you think and what your tips are and until next time... Stay classy, Ylanders!
  11. Nikki Severin

    POSSIBLY Exploration: Maps, sailing, and progression

    Hey guys! Very interesting thread you got here! I read through it all and also forwarded it to Aleš to read cuz we definitely appreciate your input
  12. Nikki Severin

    UNDER REVIEW Can't unlock doors.

    Hey! We need both output_log.txt and output_log_clean.txt and you can find them here: C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Ylands\Ylands_Data Send them over and we'll have a look
  13. Nikki Severin

    UNDER REVIEW Can't unlock doors.

    Looking into this! Thanks
  14. Hey there, Ylanders! It's high time we parted the watery curtain a bit more and gave you another look at what lies below the surface of the Ylands sea, right under the surface and also deep, like super super deep. The sea floor is now a barren wasteland. But we said enough, no more, we need to breathe some life into the underwater world. For a while, we've been telling that update 1.9 will be all about water, so there's no better time to introduce underwater biotopes! We're working on 6-7 (this may still change!) different biotopes such as coral reefs or kelp forests, which will be specific to the relevant biomes. This, in practice, means that you won't find a coral reef in colder climates such as the Arctic Biome, but will have to sail over to the Tropical Biome to discover the wonders that corals have to offer. Coral reefs, naturally, are full of life, which is a topic for another Dev Diary, but for now, can you guess which biotopes we're going to introduce to the underwater world of Ylands? And to make things even more interesting and more exploration-worthy, we've increased the ocean depth to be 5 times the current depth. That's adding oh-so-much-more space to be explored. How much do you think you can explore before your air runs out? Again, a topic for another Dev Diary 😉 Well, that's it for this week, Ylanders! Don't forget to... Stay Classy!
  15. Nikki Severin

    UNDER REVIEW Can't unlock doors.

    If what spirit is suggesting doesn't work, please try and do the unlock again and immediately after get the game logs and send them to me. That way we can check what's wrong
  16. Nikki Severin

    Multiple players in a single player game? How?

    Hey! Can you please send us the logs? Also, if it happens again, could you please send us a screenshot of the game screen after you press ESC? This one:
  17. This should already be fixed, let us know if you're still running into trouble!
  18. Nikki Severin

    RESOLVED Need a name change

    All done
  19. Hey there! Thanks for letting us know! There are several tiers of RE, the lowest of which does not award any Exploration points. I'll check with our designers regarding the other issues you've described
  20. Nikki Severin


    Hey there, Ylanders! Wanna have a chat with the devs, other players and keep up with the latest news? Here's a complete list of our channels! YLANDS DISCORD BOHEMIA INTERACTIVE DISCORD STEAM DISCUSSIONS FACEBOOK INSTAGRAM TWITTER REDDIT YOUTUBE TWITCH WEBSITE
  21. Nikki Severin

    uncompleted Mystery-Yland restet?

    Hey! Which item was it? And you can reset the MY on the map where it's displayed
  22. Sorry to hear that this happened. If it ever happens again, please get the game logs immediately after so that we can have a look at what happened. Thank you and happy gaming
  23. Nikki Severin

    Dev Diary #208 Hey there, Ylanders!

    Hey ther... wait, what? The greeting is in the title of this Dev Diary? I guess there has to be a reason for that. Well, let's explore what that reason might be! Finding the right friends is the best thing that can possibly happen to you. And being friends as much as we are colleagues here at the Ylands HQ, we only wanna support the sentiment. Right now, finding a fellow Ylander on the map is no easy feat. "The southern part of the map, but a bit to the east next to the tier 1 yland and then turn right at the shipwreck". Sounds familiar? Yep, we know it's a complicated task to guide a friend to you. But that will be no longer! This is going to be the end of all the verbal navigation because from 1.9 onwards you will be able to see your friends and clanmates on the map! As long as you're on the same map, you'll be able to see each other. That should make your sailing days run a bit more smoothly since you won't have to spend time looking for each other on the map. And how have you been doing with collecting your Achievements? Sounds like an abrupt change of topic? Nah! This will be another way to flex your shiny Titles that you earn by completing certain Achievements, as these will be visible on the map as well! So better hurry to get that Title that you want to flex with in front of your friends! Well, Ylanders, this was a quick update on how the work on 1.9 is going. We hope that you're as excited as we are about this watery update! What are you curious about? If you have questions about 1.9, let us know in the comments! Till next time, Ylanders! Stay Classy!
  24. Nikki Severin

    Dev Diary #207 Ylands in 2022

    Thanks everyone! And welcome back @Hunter-Over-Fire!!!