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Aleš Ulm

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Everything posted by Aleš Ulm

  1. Aleš Ulm

    Editor question

    Hi! Actually, I've just answered a similar question to yours Please look over here:
  2. Aleš Ulm

    Ylands, Mods, Scriping?

    Hi, it's true that we won't support as many players as Arma does (as for maximum world size - that is too early to say because the game is not yet fully optimized) - but that is not really our intention. As for mods - yes, the support for external models, textures, sounds etc. will be coming in couple of months (also the "visual scripting" in the editor will be improved significantly )..
  3. Hi Orquarius, even though our programmers have looked into your issues several times, we don't have any clue what may be causing this (and logs don't contain anything that might explain it). We think that running the game through Steam launcher will very likely fix that. So if you're trying to play the trial game you can wait for the game to become available on Steam later this year, get it and if the problem persists you can easily ask for a refund. If you already bought the game, we'll be sending out Steam keys to those who have already bought the game within a couple of weeks so you may decide to wait and try again when you get your key or we can refund your game right now. We are sorry for the inconvenience!
  4. Aleš Ulm

    The most famous "Ylander" Guybrush Treepwood

    This is one awesome looking Monkey Yland! Brilliant, thanks for sharing!
  5. Aleš Ulm

    Questions for the devs

    Hi, as for the questions: 1. definitely, we've been adding them regularly with most of the updates and will keep doing so in the future 2. yes, we have really BIG plans for Exploration game 3. I can't really give you any specific number at this moment. Right now we have 10 (which is actually already quite a lot if you take a look at what another sandbox games with this scope of possible destruction, terrain deformation and simulation offer) and although it is possible the number will higher (no promises), we won't really know until we have acquired enough feedback and data (which will very likely be during Steam Early Access phase). 4. not as the part of Exploration, but there will be definitely tools sophisticated enough to let players create quests in their custom games And thanks for the suggestions!
  6. Aleš Ulm

    Dev Diary #9

    Hi there, fellow ylanders. As some of you already know, we spent most of this week at E3 presenting Ylands. Before the main show started, we had the honor of showing (as the world premiere) our latest Ylands trailer during the prestigious PC Gaming Show where we also talked a bit about the game itself. It was truly a tremendous experience, and although being a part of such a high-profile event can get a bit stressful, things went well, in no small part thanks to one and only Sean "Day[9]" Plott, brilliant moderator (and a great and funny guy in real life). Those of you who missed the segment can watch it the right here Weather and (customizable) cars? Yeah - coming your way in a few weeks as a part of 0.5 "Rainy Roads" But it was just beginning. For the next three days, we got to demonstrate our game as a part of PC Gamer booth at LA Convention Center to hundreds of players. Some came to try the game after seeing the PC Gaming Show; others couldn‘t resist our cheerful visuals and stopped by to find out more. We couldn't be more satisfied with the result - the reactions were overwhelmingly positive, once again we received a ton of useful feedback, and many people decided to buy the game right now, even though it still isn't available on Steam. It was pretty intense and tiring but we had sooo much fun! I'd like to thank everyone who made this possible - especially you, our players, who are helping us every day in making Ylands a better, funnier game to play. That's all and so till we meet again - you take care, ylanders, and stay classy!
  7. Aleš Ulm

    Dev Diary #9

    Types of engines etc. - that's exactly something we'll be talking about in one of the upcoming Sneak Peeks Stay tuned
  8. Aleš Ulm

    Dev Diary #9

    Modding: yes! This goes pretty much without saying - we are already taking steps so that the game becomes modifiable in future and I can imagine a lot of things appearing as user created mods.
  9. Aleš Ulm

    Dev Diary #9

    Attaching engines to ships is something we are already discussing. Having trailers sounds like fun - something like this won't make it to 0.5 for sure, but I can see this as a nice expansion to cars in future Thanks for the idea.
  10. Aleš Ulm

    Dev Diary #9

    @WijkagentAdrie Cars on boats: that is, indeed, planned. @A3_Melle It's possible that we will be showing Ylands there as well. We'll be able to tell you more at a later date. @massivelyindie Much appreciated! "More to come?"... I wouldn't worry about that - our Big Picture to-do list has enough features and ideas for at least a few more years of intense development
  11. Aleš Ulm

    Dev Diary #8

    Hi there, fellow ylanders. This post is going to be a tiny bit longer than usual, but it‘s quite important that you read it. First, let me tell you what is it that we've been working on so hard for the last several weeks. There are two awesome new features that will be coming out in 0.5, but we actually had to have them in the presentable state way sooner than that. Why? Well... because we need to show them in a video. In a very special video. In a really cool new Ylands trailer. With the trailer being finished the only question is when do we show it to the general public. What about E3? No, wait - what about one of the most important PC gaming events of the year, the famous E3 PC Gaming Show? Yes, exactly, that one! We are SO excited about being part of this show; about having the privilege of talking about the game and showing the trailer to around 1 million live viewers! If you get the chance to watch that (for more information see http://www.pcgamingshow.com) you will get to see the two new 0.5 features in the trailer, and then let us know in here how you liked them! PC Gaming Show & Ylands. Monday, June 12 @ 10 AM PDT. Soooo excited! Now let's move to another pressing topic at hand. Some of you have asked, "when does Ylands enter Steam", so let me tell you what we‘re going to tell anyone at E3: Ylands is coming to Steam later this year. We used to say "summer" - so why now, instead of giving you a solid date, we're coming up with an even more vague time frame? Because we‘ll be coming to Steam a couple of months later than expected. The truth is that right now our team is growing real fast and we have enough resources to address most of what you were asking for/unhappy about in our forums before we get there. Some might say that since we‘ll be entering Steam Early Access things don‘t have to be perfect - and they would be right. But Early Access or not, we want to get there all shiny - and that we will Now you may think "I was looking forward to playing Ylands on Steam soon and now I get to discover that my favorite devs have promised something they can't deliver. What a shame..." Come on, it‘s still us, your Team Ylands! Ok, you know what? Since you are our favorite players and because we like to keep our word, we‘ll do our best so that you can play the game on Steam even before it‘s officially released there. How about that? Seriously though - I don‘t want this to sound like we‘re doing you a favor because it does come at a cost and it‘s only fair to say it as loud and clear as possible. Not only we‘ll let you play the game on Steam; we NEED you to do that... because in the end, we decided to keep only one version alive - the Steam version. The launcher will cease to exist, and playing Ylands outside Steam won‘t be possible. Hm. Did we want to have Ylands on Steam or Steam in Ylands? Not really sure right now... So what happens next? In the upcoming weeks, we‘ll start sending out Ylands Steam keys to our players (if you bought the game you don‘t need to do anything to get it). As soon as you get one you will be able to play the game on Steam regardless of whether it has been released (yes, that does make you special in a way). You will still be able to play the game outside Steam through our launcher until we terminate it, which will happen in less than two moths (we will provide you with the exact date later). From that moment you will be able to play via Steam only. We understand that you bought the game outside of Steam. So far we haven‘t met anyone who would have a major problem with moving over to Steam, but it‘s possible there are some among you. We are sorry, but we can‘t fully support the game both on and out of Steam (I won‘t explain into detail why here, but I can discuss that elsewhere if anyone‘s interested). So if you‘re one of those who‘d rather not use Steam at all contact us and you will have the full price of the game refunded. We will be announcing it on others occasions, and at some point, you will get to see it mentioned in the game as well. Please feel free to ask about anything that is not clear or needs to be explained in detail... or just tell us what you think, because we want to know. That's all and so till we meet again - you take care, ylanders, and stay classy!
  12. Aleš Ulm

    Map Size in explorer mod

    Hi, map sizes (and giving players more controls over their generation in general) is something we are already discussing and which will very likely be enhanced in the future. Unfortunately, right now I can't tell you any specifics because there are several factors in play that we need to figure out first (how much more the game be optimized etc.).
  13. Aleš Ulm

    Dev Diary #8

    Well, thanks for watching! I'm pretty sure we'll write a Sneak Peek about that the next week (after we return home) - this week there will be only a short Dev Diary about E3 with some photos.
  14. Aleš Ulm

    how do i stop Joystick input

    Hi, in game options under Controls you can set (instead of the default "Autodetect" mode) that you want the game to be controlled via mouse and keyboard only. Can you try to enable that and see if it helps?
  15. Aleš Ulm

    Dev Diary #8

    And as for animations - yes, the animation system is getting completely reworked (along with the camera controls - but we'll talk about these things at a later date) so that all animations are more fluid and natural. Nothing in the trailer is fake - it was captured by using the real assets and data available in the game (although some, like the animation of the character pushing the lever, are not currently activated).
  16. Aleš Ulm

    Dev Diary #8

    I'm glad you guys liked it For your information (hey, you'll be the first one to know this! ) the upcoming update's real names is Rainy Roads. It, indeed, brings weather and cars and just like you guessed - the cars will be modular so you will get to build a car of your dreams (or a house to drive around ).
  17. Great job, @dwarden!
  18. Aleš Ulm

    Dev Diary #8

    Everyone can purchase the game at the current price through our store until the game is launched on Steam (Early Access). At that point, we're planning to raise the price to $15. After we exit Early Access stage, the final price should be $20. As for the official Discord server: We have yet to discuss that - we will let you know at a later date
  19. Aleš Ulm

    Dev Diary #8

    There are still some things the game's missing that we have to implement before we'll get to robots, but don't worry, we'll get there. To make it easier for you I can say that you will get to see the first new feature the very moment the trailer starts while the other one is showed at very the end of it - but this is really as much as I can say right now. Don't forget to watch the show to find out more! (The trailer will become available soon after the show via various social channels as well so don't worry if you don't get to see it live )
  20. Aleš Ulm

    Dev Diary #8

    We're not really sure about when we're going to be presented during the show yet - we'll let you know as soon as we find out
  21. Aleš Ulm

    Ylands at E3?

    That was some nice detective work you just showed! Why don't you check the latest Dev Diary to see if you were right?
  22. Aleš Ulm

    0.4: Stylish Sharing (07/06/2017)

    Hi, don't worry! Seagulls will fly again in the next update - for now, they had to be grounded (at least some of them) as we're rewriting the AI (you may possibly notice some even other weird behavior as well, which is just temporary though - it should all go away in the upcoming update 0.5). One of the reasons for the AI being reworked from scratch is exactly what you ask for... cool companions with different behaviors (for that you will have to wait a bit more, but it will happen), and NPCs (those will come sooner). Thanks for both kind words and feedback you provide!
  23. Aleš Ulm

    Sneak Peek #33

    Not yet you'll still have to wait a bit for that
  24. Aleš Ulm

    Sneak Peek #32

    Hey there, fellow ylanders! Unfortunately, we're still not allowed to share with you information about something that has kept some of us quite occupied for some time now, so that thing will have to remain a secret for a few more days... Before we get to talk about specific features, there's a crucial thing that I feel we need to mention. We would like to thank you for providing us with the feedback (we keep getting more and more of it which is awesome). Those of you who watch what's going on in our forums and what game updates contain have probably noticed that we do take your feedback seriously and the game gets directly affected by it. Just to name the most recent changes and fixes - a discussion you started has lead us into adjusting how respawning works in the upcoming update; your reports about troubles with ships that got stuck in shallow waters/on shores has resulted in the improvements you will get as well with 0.4. So again thanks and keep the feedback coming because it helps us make the game you'd like to play Disadvantages of falling from your ship Aaaand since I mentioned respawning, let me tell you something about that. Before we are sure about how the new, improved respawning system should work, it will stay the way we're introducing in the upcoming 0.4 update, but we already know what needs to be added. What isn't probably obvious now is, that although we're always talking about "respawning" to use the term that is widely acknowledged, for us when a character dies and you decide to continue playing, a NEW character arrives in the world. If for the sake of continuity you leave both the character's visuals and name unchanged that's perfectly fine, but to us, it's still a new character. Why does this matter? In the future, we want to make sure each game you start has a "history." It will be a place set in time - your first character will arrive at a certain date and later when he or she dies, a new one comes. You will be able to see your world's history - all who lived there. How long they lived. How they died. We want you to be able to see both the story of your world and stories of each of your characters as well. We want you to be able to share them with others. To tell stories about your awesome accomplishments (and epic failures :)). Something like this won't become available in one update, but we'll start with some basics (very likely in 0.6), and we'll keep improving it based on your feedback until we're happy with the result. So this is it for now, there will one more Sneak Peek before 0.4 is released, and until then - you have a great time, ylanders, and stay classy!
  25. Aleš Ulm

    Sneak Peek #32

    Nice! Looking forward to reading it!!