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Posts posted by bojo2736

  1. I tried twice to buy coyns to resubscribe to my server. First, I don't have the option to extend my current server.  Fine, it's almost expired anyway, so I try to just rent a new server.  The purchase failed twice.

    I don't know.  I guess you guys aren't really serious about the MP servers in any form.  


  2. I haven't tried this yet. But I understand that it is really fiddly.  You can do everything right, and it still may not work.  

    Make sure there is nothing in the water. Seaweed etc. Then you have to use the camera to scan the whole thing. Start at one corner, drag it around the horizontal plane. Then the vertical plane. If you dont have a prop pack this could be harder.

    And this all needs to be with an active barrier. I will try to get a video.

    No sighing here. This stuff is hard.

  3. I have not done this yet. But from whst @MyPa553ng3r said you have to have the construction open to blueprint?

    Also, rule of thumb with blueprints, you can't blueprint everything available in editor. If you can't make it ingame, you can't blueprint it. You may have a block in there that doesn't meet the rule.

    And sometimes... Ylands. 

    With ships it's especially important to make sure to clear the area of seaweed and coral. 

    Generally, if you can comp it into a map, it is much better, IMO.

  4. Having no response here, I am probably going to let my BI rented server lapse when it runs out on Jan. 19.  As a server provider I'm stepping down until this is fully addressed.

    It seems to me the change of how we can host games should have been firmly in place before dedicated servers were no longer supported.  I feel like I have wasted time and money here, with no answers.  

    One less place for players to go. Way to expand the player base guys.

  5. @Adam Snellgrove no disrespect here, but really what is the purpose of a player submitting game files here? The community is reporting that even in caves either no resources or not enough are spawned. It seems like it's a problem in the changes made at full release.

    The community tells you it's not enough, it's too easy now for griefers to tank an entire map, but we are told it should be enough.

    Do you guys ever just step away from programming and hop into the game? 

    I wish you would get your hands on a pre 0.10 version and play. it was a much better, if less stable game. 
