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Posts posted by bojo2736

  1. I agree.  As you and I have talked about many times, I feel a bit of a "bait and switch" with this game.  The trailer video you posted, which incidentally is still linked at Steam the last time I checked, is for a chill little survival game.   I came to the game from Keralis, and his let's play showed me the building potential and I couldn't wait to get my hands on it.  I downloaded the free one hour play demo from BI and then waited impatiently for the steam release.  I bought it the first day.  I was hooked.    I played SP for a long time before I decided to venture out to MP. 

    I love the community feel.  Connecting up with other players.  

    While I do see why BI is concentrating on the editor, and I do like that the editor exists for us. It is not the game that is advertised.  It's like the game play is secondary to the editor, yet they hide the editor capabilities in their advertising.  And yes, I am aware that they really haven't started to push that.

    Most people come for the game.  They move into the editor later. Usually, as @RedEagle_P1. mentioned it is to fix the inherent problems with the game.  A few script jockeys like @Igor Q. really love the editor and can do amazing things with it.  

    Being totally honest here, I feel abandoned and let down by the dev team with this latest update.  @Aleš Ulm promised us more transparency and communication.  That hasn't happened.  I appreciate the effort that @Adam Snellgrove is putting in to try to fix that.  But it just feels broken beyond fixing.  And I don't have many more fvcks to give for this game. 

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  2. And I can't get back to the game I made.  Seems it's been terminated by host.  I thought I was the host but apparently not.  I have roughly 12 hours invested in this map.  All of it wasted.  As far as I can tell there is no way to successfully host this game in a sustainable way anywhere.   

    This game just gets better and better.  That is sarcasm btw.


  3. I decided to try making a new map in the editor explore island.  Maybe things have been fixed.  Trying to be optimistic.

    So I spent a few hours over the last two days making a new map for the P1 NA server.  I wanted to get opinions on what i had built so I was going to throw up a quick self hosted game.  Nope.

    There is no option for Export to Local like there used to be.  You can ONLY upload it to the workshop.  Ok, I'm not happy about publicly sharing my game files to an active game, but it's my only option.

    There is no way that I can find to get this file into the P1 Nitrado server.  There is no way to self host.  It only lives out there somewhere in BI land.   

    Is this an oversight?  Am I missing a step?  Are you forcing private servers out of operation?  This is a death knell for P1 privately hosting as far as I can see. 

    I need some answers and or help from BI.  @RedEagle_P1. @Adam Snellgrove @Aleš Ulm



    P1 0.14 NA 090619.zip

    P1 0.14 NA 090619b.zip

  4. Just a question for you @Houp.  Is there a reason bodies must remain when players are offline?  I play several other games where they do not persist when the player is offline, but I can still log in where I left out and all my inventory and builds are remaining and still belong to me.  Is there a reason yland bodies must remain?  It would solve a huge chunk of MP problems if they would just poof away. 

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  5. Because the way the game is now there are fundamental problems for MP that aren't addressed by the game itself.  So we have to mitigate them in some fashion. 

    Off the top of my head, they are:

    1 Abandoned bodies at spawn.  People hop into the game then leave.  Either due to boredom, connection issues, or griefing.  The bodies clutter spawn island primarily but especially the spawn point.   In some cases it interferes with game play if they place their bodies strategically.  I haven't found a good way  in the editor explore maps to deal with this, and I can't get them into editor to manually pull out bodies.  This leaves me the standard explore, which up until this update, I had the option to do.

    2. Fixing terrain issues.   So if my players have mined, the map gets torn up and ugly.  Sometimes, we have griefers who deliberately destroy terrain and make dirt piles etc.  The terrain gun is a terrible option, it often does more damage than it fixes.

    The editor explore map is a one shot at building the game.  But it is not great at allowing me to maintain my server.  Because I can't get back in to fix any problems.

    If I can't get in to be able to fix things, multiplayer is pretty much dead in the long run.  Unless the devs build some admin tools in game. 

    We need to be able to get rid of abandoned bodies. 

    We need to have resources  respawn in some way.   

    We need to be able to repair terrain and water.

    Sleeping must be fixed. 

    Admin needs to be able to over ride barrier restrictions for abandoned bases or griefing tactics.

    It is baffling to me, that as much as this game is touted for it's game building abilities, it makes playing the ACTUAL game such a frustrating proposition.  Everything I have been doing for several months is a work around for what should be natively in the game.  

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  6. 1 hour ago, Houp said:

    Hi, now I see what you are talking about. Yes it was there by mistake (ability to change entity script in game save, I tried it in 0.13). We did not know that it was possible. (And you are right that it was there for a long time)  As mentioned above we will discuss it what to do now. (If start fully support of something what was not intended to be there at all)

    Please consider strongly keeping it.  It made for much longer (comparatively) map life.  It allowed me to get players easily to other biomes earlier.  They could play without a ton of griefing.  The griefing was kept more minimal because they couldn't just camp and harrass new players as easily.  It allowed me to provide a way for resource renewal so that the islands didn't have to be mined to death.  It also made it possible to make mini games and puzzles. 

    Either that, or add in game  admin controls that allow us to maintain playable maps for as long as possible.  

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    3 minutes ago, Adam Snellgrove said:

    Right, we might be all talking about different stuff ? I'll get Aleš to have a look into this to see, if we can figure out what's wrong ?

    I think that is probable. 

    All I want is a map that works for my players, that doesn't crap out after 2 weeks, or 2 days.  

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  8. I am probably using the wrong nerd words.

    Before 0.14 in standard explore. I could create a map. Then pull it into editor. 

    I could place a chest. Then open up edit on the chest. I could use the scripting. 

    On open

    Spawn iron ore 100 to trigger entity.

    This would place 100 iron ores in the players inventory.


    I could have a chair, set it to not use the default settings.

    On interact, set trigger entity to location coordinates.

    Now when I do that, I place chest.  Open the edit option. It is now a waypoint with no options to add any activity. 

    I am not opposed to using the explorelike editor maps.  In my experience as a server admin, they come with more problems then they fix.

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  9. 1 hour ago, Houp said:



    Not sure what do you mean. It was never possible to place game logic object in game saves. It should be possible to place them to "explore like maps" created in editor. I tried that and I do not see any problem there.

    Forgive me if I don't use the right words.

    But it was very possible since about 0.12, maybe 0.11. I am not sure.

    I was able to put scripting on things like chests, doors, etc.  

    For example, sitting in a specific chair would transport a player from on place to another place.  Opening a chest or a basket could place an item in player inventory.  

    I couldn't do fancy things, but I could do very specific and simple things.  All them helped make this game more playable.

    Now I can't. 

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  10. I can't add logics in standard explore.  Everything is a waypoint. 

    I can't use editor explore because there is a green box and nothing exists out side the box.  I assume it has something to do with the impassable barrier toggle.  But I can't toggle it off.  

    I do like the animal changes.  I wish camels were tamable and ridable like horses.  Speaking of horses,  Thank you.  Horses are fun now.

    Waiting for the inevitable hotpatch. 




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