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Posts posted by bojo2736

  1. @Adam Snellgrove I will send my game files.


    I uploaded this map on 9/2/19.  Not two full days later and it is beyond playing.   

    It is a standard explore with a few minor logics built in.  My admin team carries cubes and a few extra barriers.  This has never been a problem in either standard explore or editor explore until, I'm not sure when.  Maybe before 0.13?  I can't be sure.  I think the maps I made just after 0.13 did work for a few weeks.

    This map has deleted my character, and @kimbuck. Causing us to lose access to our already deployed barrier.  So I had to go in and pull kim's barrier so she could replace it.  It deletes every avatar with a cube when I load it back in after doing some maintenance work in the editor.

    The thing is, I don't know if this is a bug you can fix?  Or is it as planned but not communicated, which is BI standard procedure.

    If I can't get in to be able to fix things, multiplayer is pretty much dead in the long run.  Unless the devs build some admin tools in game. 

    We need to be able to get rid of abandoned bodies. 

    We need to have resources  respawn in some way.   

    We need to be able to repair terrain and water.

    Sleeping must be fixed. 

    Admin needs to be able to over ride barrier restrictions for abandoned bases or griefing tactics.

    These are must haves.  Not nice if the devs get around to it.  

  2. I am struggling to continue caring about this game.

    I had issues on my standard explore map.  So I pulled it into editor.  I have been doing this for over a year that I have been admin leader of P1 PVE games.  When I loaded up the game, it had removed my previous character.  Replaced me with a new character.  This means I lost access to my power barrier.  As well as all the admin tools I had on the map.

    I can't get back in to fix problems in editor explore.  And now I can't get in to fix things in standard explore.  This game is too broken to have it run without being able to get in and fix problems.  I have been doing these maps for over a year.  I have over 6000 hours in the game.  I have purchased multiple copies for myself and friends.  I used to love this game.  I'm just about ready to delete it from my computer.  I could give the files, but what would the point be?

  3. I can take pictures.  But name tags still show up.  And after the first one, you get the tags of where the file went.  This should be built in.  Not everyone is script person, and doesn't want to have to be.    Often I am just capturing images as I play, just like IRL.  I don't want to have to build a game to get photos. 

    In Sims, there is a camera command.  It gives you a clean shot. It also has a video option.   

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  4. And now that I think of it, an easy way to make short videos ingame. Without the need of additional programs.  As this game goes live, I can see how some people might want to make machinimas or short stories with it.  It is a big thing within The Sims community.  Some people only play to tell stories. 

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  5. 15 hours ago, Puff_Productions said:

    Nah, I'd prefer to try before I buy.

    I think you can return it in steam if you don't like it.  I think it's like under 3 hrs played?  I really don't know.  I have returned games that I got them and they weren't what I thought they would be.  I do know there is a time limit, but I don't know what it is.  

    But if you prefer pirating, thems the breaks. 

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