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About Tanker751

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  • Ane

  1. Tanker751

    forum image missing

    tnx so much @Ane for ur very fast help!!
  2. Tanker751

    forum image missing

    sadly yes https://gyazo.com/8b98ce4d36473d57f594bef5d8034e20
  3. Tanker751

    forum image missing

    yesterday was everything ok, now i'm missing my profile pic... it says something like "size too big" and my pic is about 52kb...
  4. wouldn't it be super useful when you need to land in a new island? preventing the big one tho stuck on the low water areas
  5. i just wanna ask if is possible to make all objects re-pickable at any moment? and can we respawn in the last bed where we slept? instead of the first island...
  6. Tanker751

    Sneak Peek #44

    plus what about to make all objects re-pickable at any moment? and can we respawn in the last bed where we slept? instead of the first island... (sorry for multiple questions)
  7. Tanker751

    Sneak Peek #44

    another question, i don't know if it was already answered before... could be possible to make Ylands procedural? (and maybe endless map aswell?)
  8. Tanker751

    Sneak Peek #44

    is understandable... anyway keep going the amazing work! i entered the Keralis contest and if i don't won one of the 10 keys i'll definitely bought one on my own! i need to play this game, sounds really promising!!
  9. Tanker751

    Sneak Peek #44

    i saw somewhere on the forums that you have planned to change the propellant backpack... any chance to leave it how is at the actual stage of the game and not rechargable? i mean, is perfect how it is right now without any gasoline or similar...
  10. Tanker751

    Sneak Peek #44

    Any plan to add seasons?