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Found 7 results

  1. Getting ran over by a Large Ship gets you stuck in the bow of the ship.
  2. My friend was Aboard My Large Ship as we were Sailing Home. When my friend discovered when you walk directly into the mast it TP's You Up. I warned him, it'd probably kill him via fall damage and He's lose his loot at the bottom of the ocean. As predicted fall Damage did infect Kill Him. But to my surprise it Sunk my Large Ship. Basically my Large ship was pinned to the ocean floor by a GraveStone. A simple patch to make GraveStones NoClip through Vehicles would solve this issue. I have Several Screenshots below. If you're wondering, No I'm not saying Jakob, that's the GraveStone is displaying the name of the dead person. P.S Lucky for me and it's Back Location, I managed to Pop my Ship Out from Under it.
  3. wouldn't it be super useful when you need to land in a new island? preventing the big one tho stuck on the low water areas
  4. I love this game and love the exploration side of it most. But this last time I was in the process of building up a large ship. I was about 2/3 finished when I was launched into the air. I was walking up stairs, wanted to jump one, and was launched into the air. When I came back down onto the ship I had lost three hearts and the ship leaned and shimmied to the side. I hit something else and died, plunging to the bottom of the water. That wasn't the awful part. My ship was completely turned onto its side. There is no way I can think of to fix this. I don't mind dying because I have become a pro at recovering from it. But I can't rebuild yet another ship. Can you please help me? Can you at least tell me what the heck happened that makes sense? My character has never been launched like that before today. Attached are the files requested output_log.txt output_log_clean.txt
  5. The other day, my friend and I were making a mast for a large ship, but when we got on it, it started sinking into the water and almost flipped over. The boat was anchored but when we unanchored it, it went back to normal. Fix this please, as it was quite annoying and happened many times.
  6. Here's a video of me playing my character. My large ship suddenly gets stuck for no reason after sleeping overnight near one of the islands I was exploring. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v1Aj4Bruw4w 0:18 - shows that there's nothing blocking the ship. 0:30 - tried to set sail but animation shows as if it run aground. The rest of the recording shows the map of the islands I've explored with the same ship. output_log.txt output_log_clean.txt
  7. Jacob Ellinger

    Let us go inside of the hull?

    The large ship has all that space in the hull going unused. Building my ship would be lot easier if there was already a space enclosed from the elements to put my forges and what not. Also it just makes sense as that is how ships work in real life.