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Found 2 results

  1. Just had my first disconnect on a DS after starting up the 0.8 update. It didn't appear that anyone else was joining, and I was only fueling my stove at the time. Upon rejoining the server it had rolled back a few minutes to when I was locking my ship helm. output_log.txt output_log_clean.txt DxDiag.txt
  2. Okay, I'm grateful that the whole "Host Unreachable" thing has been removed because it's annoying to see that error and not know what causes it. But I'm still having trouble connecting to my friend in multiplayer. Once I got connected it gave out the Network Layer Error (2) message and when I try to reconnect it's like a dice roll whether or not I can join his game. I know it's not my internet because when I do manage to connect, we can play Ylands with little to no latency, it when you disconnect or reconnect that the problem starts. Also, total newb here, how do I post my game's log? I know that has useful info on it. I really wanna play with my friends