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Found 3 results

  1. Cooked Food Bug - On two separate occasions I was killed and all the (raw) food in my inventory was dropped onto my grave marker. When returning to my grave, my food had turned into it's cooked counterparts. Ocean Bug - On one game world I started a part of the ocean along the island was not loading, upon further investigation I walked into the part of the water that wasn't loading and there was in fact still water there. However the water inside the non-loaded part of the map was on a lower elevation compared to the rest of the ocean. Only the water was invisible, I could still see the sand and coral below. Terrain Bug - Parts of the terrain from time to time tend to disappear. This happens on a very small scale usually, normally a tiny triangular shape of the ground's mesh hasn't loaded and it is possible to fall through causing endless falling. This problem has only occurred for me when I start a project of mass terraforming. Animal Bug - Sometimes the animals become stuck. They do not react when I approach nor do they run when I attack them.
  2. John - NEXFER

    RESOLVED Multiplayer + Cars

    Hi all, So I've just released a multiplayer game mode that has a lot of cars on it, I have built islands with tracks on them using the terrain forming tools in the editor, and have joined them together with roads. However, so far I've lost most of my cars through them falling through the terrain while driving them on these islands / roads. I've filmed a video that will demonstrate. Is there any way this could be fixed pretty please? It cripples my game mode for multiplayer. It doesn't happen at all in single player on this game mode, it started happening when I joined as a guest to my server running this game mode. Thanks! * Edit Also two more bugs occured while I was testing as a guest on this multiplayer session - While in 3rd person camera view mode, and driving a car, the auto-follow camera view would not trigger, and I was not able to get it to trigger, meaning that I was having to adjust the camera view with my mouse, while steering the car with my keyboard... tricky! This works fine in first person mode, and in single player mode, so just 3rd person as a guest on multiplayer. Secondly, as a guest on multiplayer - driving a car often jolts, visually it looks like network lag, rather than low FPS or graphical lag. Furthermore, the animals do this jolt movement as well.
  3. when you pick up a lamp and then drop it. it falls through most obects and lands lobbed side, in the x & y-axis co-ords so the stand up properly . You can't place them on top of objects, like benches tops. eg prison parapet. I would of fought it be better if you can use lamps to light up rooms. or areas . thanks