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Found 3 results

  1. revisoryvirus

    RESOLVED Here are some bugs

    Hey. I experienced a few bugs today, this is what happened. (single player exploring) My ship had problems with turning, and I didn't notice before I was stuck on a shoreline. Because I almost couldn't turn, I didn't back up. So I started digging my ship free. My rope ladder on the left side of the ship suddenly loosened from the ship and went through the sand, I could just spot it, and when I clicked on it, I got teleported to my other rope ladder on the other side of the ship. All I could do was to break it while it was still visible. (after a relog my ship was able to turn quickly again) Later I found "trasure" beneath the ocean. I got a lag-spike and died by a shark. I spawned by the nearest yland(Should I not spawn at my starter yland?) I made a raft and found my ship when I climbed the rope ladder on my ship the screen turned white, but I could see the head of my avatar. A short while after I was suddenly on my starter yland, I did not die. I made a new raft and found my ship again, but the same thing happened.(should have done a relog, but I was too tired to try again)
  2. First off, great game! I've been digging sand from the shallows around my home base to make glass for windows. I've dug about 500 units of sand and have removed some small islets as well with shovel and pick. (I need lots of windows!) Three problems have occurred: one, the sea level in the area around where I have excavated has dropped and will not fill in. There is a prominent ridge line in the bay showing the drop in sea level and the shorelines have been exposed. Secondly, the shells and coral and sea urchins that were once on the bottom now float above the water in the area where the water level has dropped after I excavated the sand. I've gone through the area to destroy them, hoping that this would unblock the sea level, but it remains depressed. Third, there is a weird kind of M.C. Escher thing going on, where if I flatten a sand bank to a given level, certain areas do not fill in with a shovel but are sort of like black holes, or singularities, and I can then remove another layer from the layer that was just removed, but the actual level of the spot does not drop. However, this does lower the sea level even more in that area. Also, unrelated to this and not a bug but a gameplay issue: removing building materials after the 2-minute set time is very tedious, quite literally a hit-or-miss proposition, and incredibly time-consuming. There should be some better method to remove constructions we are not happy with, other than flailing randomly at it with a hammer for minutes on end, hoping we will hit our target and not smash the rest. Not. Fun. output_log.txt output_log_clean.txt
  3. AlchemistDagger

    break sandstone into multiple sand

    hi, I picked up some sandstone and when I broke it in my inventory it only gave me 1 sand. I think it should give me at least 2 if not more sand from each sandstone. thx, AlchemistD