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Oliver Hope

[NEW]Useful Text Functions

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Hey all

Please Note: I discovered a bad bug, if any of your RGB values are less then 10 you wont get the color you expect this bug has been fixed and I updated the download on the 13/01/2019.

Inside this global storage are 4 instructions to make customizing text easy as pie! It will work for any kind of text output : console, UI, bubble and warning text.


Just place the composition down in any scenario and you can access the instructions from any game logic in that scenario.

In these example i will just be writing to console on game start because its the easiest, but of course you can use them anywhere else.

 Set Colour - You can set the color of text with this instruction.


The first argument is for your text the second one is for the color.

NOTE: The alpha sets the transparency of text with 255 being completely opaque and 0 being invisible.

here you can see the output.


Bold - This instruction makes text bold.


Just chuck your text in ; )


Italic - This instruction makes text italic


Same as Bold, just put your text in.


Skip lines - Use this instruction to make spaces between your lines or just go to the next line.Ylands_190104_124109.png.0fa0304d0c03cc7408a9ec7d2a45e8d8.png

The first and last argument is for your text and the second one is for the amount of lines to skip, leave as 0 if you just want to go the next line.


Now of course these all can be used in conjunction with each other.5c2f3ff15aa0a_finalpicture.thumb.png.2b3a6bb52646d52452a04a9608e83b7e.png



New features as of 20/4/2019

for the new functions i am not providing any pictures as i feel they are quite self explainatory especiely if you understand the older functions.

Size - This function changes the size of text:

The first argument is for your text and the second is for size as a number.

Format List takes a list and formats it( This function currently doesnt work properly due to what i believe is an ylands bug)

argument NO 1 is for your list, it must be seperated by a character eg " ; " argument NO 2 is for that same seperator 



There are also two other instructions which are used in within the colour one; Decimal to Hexdecimal takes a decimal as an argument and returns the equavelent hexdecimal and Remainder which takes a numerator and denominator as arguments and returns the remainder. Feel free to sure these in other circumstance.

Note: im trying to get this onto the workshop but having some problems with that so for now your going to have to extract the file and insert it into the compositions folder. The folder can be found at C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\userdata\xyz\abc\remote\Compositions  (xyz and abc are a list of number that are different for each user so you just have to look throught them all, or just search .ycomp in userdata to find the folder with compositions in it (i recommend pinning the folder when you find it))


If you need any help or have suggestions reply to this post or send me a DM.



Edited by Oliver Hope
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Just wanna bump this because it's quite useful. Though I think the dev's should consider integrating these things within the editor.

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[NL] - start new line

<b> ... </b> - bold

<i> ... </i> - italic

<color=#FFFFF> ... </color> - colorize text between tags, color is HEX format


  On 4/1/2019 at 10:49 PM, Igor Q. said:

Just wanna bump this because it's quite useful. Though I think the dev's should consider integrating these things within the editor.

Or at least writing this somewhere where everybody can find it. I doubt that many people read the Ylands wiki. 

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So I was playing around with this and I figured out how to change the size of the text. Thanks for the ycomp, I had no idea this was possible. Also I agree this should already be integrated with the editor.

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  On 4/5/2019 at 6:10 PM, 1ZombieFan said:


So I was playing around with this and I figured out how to change the size of the text. Thanks for the ycomp, I had no idea this was possible. Also I agree this should already be integrated with the editor.

Awesome i didnt know that was possible, i will add it to this comp and update it when i gets some time


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Would be really useful to have these functions built into the editor.

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I necro this text. Shall I wait for it to be legally implemented, or use it as it is ?

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I feel like this is something we should consider necroing, especially now that we have access to the HUD/Window Interface.

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  On 6/15/2022 at 3:13 AM, Igor Q. said:

I feel like this is something we should consider necroing, especially now that we have access to the HUD/Window Interface.

Do you mean in terms of getting it implemented properly in the game?

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