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Adam Snellgrove

(New) Dedicated Servers FAQ

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Q1: What exactly are rented dedicated servers? 


A: By renting a dedicated server you will get access to a powerful PC that will act as a server for hosting your game. Each dedicated server supports only a certain type of game. While elementary servers will run all Universal games (Mobile compatible and thus smaller) with up to 10 players, High-Performance servers will run absolutely anything (in Ylands that is ? ) including Exploration with up to 8 players. 


Q2: How many ways are there now in Ylands to host a multiplayer game? 


A: There are three ways now how to play in multiplayer with your friends. First is regular multiplayer - you host a game on your PC and make it available to others, who connect to your machine. It doesn't cost anything, although the disadvantage is that when the host is not available, others can never play without them. Second option in Ylands are Sharegames. It works in a similar principle as regular multiplayer, although when the player who is currently hosting disconnects, the last save file gets uploaded to the cloud. Other players can download it from there, host the game on their machine and continue playing without the original host being present. This is a paid service, although there is also a free tier for everyone to try out. Third and last option are now dedicated servers, where the game isn't hosted on any players' computer, but on a rented machine elsewhere. 


Q3: Could you please explain the exact difference between Sharegames and rented dedicated servers? 


A: In Sharegames players are renting only the cloud storage space, where the save file gets uploaded when the gameplay session ends. The storage is always available to all participants of the game, so at any point, any of those players can download it, host the game, and continue playing. The disadvantage is that one of the players must always host the game on their machine. With dedicated servers you are not renting just storage space, but also computing power, because the hosting of the game runs on a rented PC elsewhere. 


Q4: Where exactly are the dedicated servers located? 


A: Servers available for renting are in data centers all around the world, and the closest to the player's location gets always selected when they are renting it. 


Q5: Where do I find the rented server section in Ylands game? 


A: It is located in the Account section of the Main menu, in a tab called My Servers. 


Q6: How do I rent a dedicated server? 


A: In My Servers tab, click the Rent a server button on the bottom of the screen. It will take you to a screen with available subscriptions in the in-game store. You can choose the one that suits you best and click the Purchase button. Purchasing a server will create a slot in your list of rented servers. Please note that not every server can support every kind of game. While Elementary servers can only play Universal games (mobile compatible and thus smaller), High-Performance servers can run any type of game, even Exploration. 


Q7: How many rented dedicated servers can I have at once? 


A: The amount is currently not limited, any player can rent any number of dedicated server slots. 



Q8: How do I place a game into my dedicated server slot? 


A: Once you rent a dedicated server, an empty server slot will be created in your rented servers list. If that slot is clicked, the Add game button appears on the bottom of the screen. The button will take you to a screen with available save files to upload to the dedicated server. 



Q9: I have uploaded a save file into my server slot but it appears to be inactive. How do I make it run? 


A: If the server slot with inactive games is clicked, a checkbox will appear controlling the status of the server and the game on it. If that checkbox is checked, the uploaded game starts to run on the dedicated server, and people might start connecting to it. Every running game can be also stopped at any time using again the checkbox, which disconnects all players that are currently playing it and makes the game unavailable. When the game is shut down, it remains in the server slot and can be started again at any point. 



Q10: My game is running in a server slot, how do I jump in? 


A: If you select a server slot with an active game in it, a Join button will appear on the bottom of the screen. If you click it, it will take you directly into the game that runs in the selected server slot. 



Q11: How do my friends find the game I'm running on my dedicated server? 


A: If the game is set as Visible, they will see it in a MP lobby, and can connect to it through there. If the game is password protected, they will also need to know the password.


Q12: If I want to put another game into my dedicated server slot, do I need to delete the current one? 


A: When the server slot with inactive games is clicked, there is an option to Remove the game. If the garbage can button is selected, you will be asked if you would like to store the current game locally to your machine before deleting it from the server slot. In case you choose to store it, a regular save file will be created from the current game, which can be at any moment uploaded again to an empty server slot to continue playing it. In case you choose not to store it, it will be permanently deleted. 



Q13: How does the Extend subscription button work? 


A: The length of the subscription for any dedicated server slot can be extended. This button offers a quick and easy way to keep the current slot running without the need to remove a game from it when it expires and uploading it to another slot. Although if the original slot was rented for example for 3 months, it can be only extended by the same time period for the same original price. If you would like to extend the subscription for a server slot and rent it for a different time period, you will need to rent another slot (before or after the original one expires). 



Q14: How do I know if my game has a password? 


A: If you added a password to your game earlier, the password field in the Game management window will contain some amount of stars, showing that the game is password protected. You can remove that protection or replace it with a new password at any time. 



Q15: Why is there a slider for the player limit when each dedicated server is rented for certain amount of players? 


A: There might be some games that are suitable for less players than what your supported player count for the selected dedicated server slot is, so you might want to temporarily lower it. 



Q16: What exactly do the Visible and Locked checkboxes do in the Game management window? 


A: If a game in a server slot is set as Visible, any player can see it in a MP lobby. The game can still be protected by password, so accessing it can be restricted no matter the visibility. If the game is set not to be Visible, players knowing the Direct join code can still connect to it. When the game is Locked, no one else can connect, although people who are already in remain in-game. 



Q17: What does the Wipe button do? 


A: Wipe will take your save file, delete all progress and player modifications that were done to the world, and generate everything the same way as it was before anyone started playing there. Be warned that this is irreversible, so wipe your game only when you are really sure you are done with this game and want to start playing again on the same yland. Also please note, that wipe can only be commenced if no player is currently playing the game and when it is shut down. 



Q18: What is the Command line and Console in Game management window for? 


A: Through the Command line you can send usual commands into the game as if you were just playing it. This gives you the option to control the game from the outside. Please note that if current players are using the console in game, you won't see their messages here when you are outside. 



Q19: What do the Kick and Kick all players buttons do exactly? 


A: Kick will remove the selected player from the game. It does not revoke their rights to join the game again, although if the game is for example locked, that player won't be able to get back until the game is unlocked again. Kick all serves the same function, only it will remove all current players from the server. 



Q20: What if I use Ban on one of the players? 


A: Banned players cannot enter your game. Banned players also remain in a list of players for you to be able to unban them if that is desired at some point. Please note that the list of banned players is connected to a certain game, not a dedicated server slot. If you remove the game from your server slot and upload it there again, the ban list will reset and will be empty. It is recommended to protect your game also with password. 



Q21: What does the Promote button do? 


A: If the owner of a dedicated server slot desires, they can give rights to other players to use commands in console while being in-game by promoting them. Promoted players can also be demoted to regular status at any point. 

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I'm pretty sure my server was paid through April 19.  I don't seem to have it anymore.  bbcakes is the name in the game


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You know what would be super duper helpful?  Since three months of the gold level server is 8200 coyns, could you sell an 8200 coyn pack.  It would just be easier. As it is, I have to do math and it's my day off.


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  On 4/12/2020 at 4:47 PM, bojo2736 said:

You know what would be super duper helpful?  Since three months of the gold level server is 8200 coyns, could you sell an 8200 coyn pack.  It would just be easier. As it is, I have to do math and it's my day off.


Seriously.  This needs to be a thing.  Can you please please please make this a thing?  @Adam Snellgrove  There is no combination to get you to 8200 coyns.  

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Or better yet, just make it a clickable purchase inside the server window.  It doesn't need to be a three step process.

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I am waiting for nitrado. Which, let's be honest, isn't the greatest option.  

Even though the performance of the BI servers is great.  It is just too hard.  I can't buy the coins to rent the server from inside the game.  I have to FIRST put money in my steam wallet.  Which is a pain in the nethers. 

Then I can't just click the button to rent,  oh no.  I have to figure out how many coins to buy.  I have asked a couple of times to just have an option for the right number of coins.  I have yet to be acknowledged in the request.  And honestly, how hard is it?

And once I do rent the server, there is no way to allow others to have admin.  

The server situation is a disaster.  If you wanted to actively discourage people from playing this game, you couldn't have done a better job. FFS

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I have to assume that y'all don't care that much about us being able to host.  I just set up a verified account as a Creator Club member.  Why can't I also pay for my server this way?  Why can't I buy coyns directly from Steam?

I understand (not really but let's say it's true) that you can't say when or if nitrado is going to be able to host.  But you control the BI rented servers. Why are you making the process so difficult.  Let me explain to you.  In order to pay for them, I have to have money on my steam wallet.  Which means, for me that I have to physically go down to a local store that sells steam cards. We are in a global pandemic, I don't know if you've heard.  It's one more trip out, I am not going to make.

The fix is easy.  Really it is.  Allow for purchasing directly from the presumably secure server I just paid my Creator Club membership from.  Really, it's that easy.  Rent Gold Server for 3 months.  Put in an option. 

If I can't at least get an acknowledgement from this post, I will assume I am right.  I will stop trying to host this pathetic game. @Aleš Ulm

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Good God,
With your demeaning attitude and condescending tone, I wouldn't answer you either.
1850 Posts and without going through them all I have a fair assumption that by just reading the last 6, you're not worth the time.
The only thing pathetic here is your self-righteous attitude. 

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Actually, Spankin, you presume a great deal.  I have read many of Bojo's posts, and she used to be a very vocal supporter.  If you are only reading the last six, then you don't get the whole picture  Her current attitude is because the game that she once loved (no assumption on that still being true) is not only devolving but seemingly her requests to make it easier for her and others to pay for services goes ignored.  It is bad enough that the game is being pulled in too many directions, a jack of all trades approach and master of none.  It is bad enough that key issues and bugs plague the system at a level that makes the game not worth playing anymore.  Her rant here is the icing on the cake; she is TRYING to give them money and they are making it more difficult than it should be.  What company makes it hard for you to pay for their products or services?  What you are seeing in her posts is not a demeaning and condescending tone, but rather an earned frustration at what used to be great but has veered off course and continues to spiral down in many ways, both in fixing blatant issues and poor design as well as trying to go in too many directions at once.  Veteran players who were enticed by the early game have a right to be as frustrated as she demonstrates, and her very clear logistical issues simply compound her frustrations.  Frankly, her tone is quite tame compared to what is deserved.

But by all means, decide her character based on only her last 6 posts that focus on logistical flaws that BI has already shown that they could bypass if they wanted to.  I'm sure that is a clear picture of her character.  Perhaps I should base my opinion of you on your one post that clearly shows you to be too lazy and judgemental to be considered reasonable.  Would that be fair?  I think not, but then again, I guess I could be wrong and it could be a fitting description of you.  I think I will wait for more posts (far more than 6 in a short period of time) to make that determination.

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Thank you, @belrathius.  I have invested time, money and frustration into this game.  I love the community, but it's hard to maintain when they don't have a good server to play on.  I have been a server admin for nearly two years with P1, and for nearly 3 years privately.  I won't go into the details, but I have spent my own money, I do not monetize to offset.  I have purchased several copies as gifts, and have supported this game in every way I can.  But if I can't host a server, it really is a waste of my time and resources. We were told "soon" for nitrado.  We are nearly a year out.  I paid for three months of nitrado twice in that time hoping "soon" was going to happen.  Those six month's were wasted.  I can't even get the option now with nitrado, and BI servers are not user friendly.

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@bojo2736 I'm not sure why nobody has told you this but selling you more in game currency than you want is a standard game practice. It's so you will try out some of the other things on offer and there is no point complaining about it because Coyns are already a very solid value just buy something on offer or save up for the next time you are going to make a purchase. it's not something even remotely unique to this game.

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  On 9/13/2020 at 7:07 PM, JohnMFSteel said:

@bojo2736 I'm not sure why nobody has told you this but selling you more in game currency than you want is a standard game practice. It's so you will try out some of the other things on offer and there is no point complaining about it because Coyns are already a very solid value just buy something on offer or save up for the next time you are going to make a purchase. it's not something even remotely unique to this game.

Yes, I know.  But making it hard to buy is not.  Please try to keep up. 


Edited to add:  Buy something of VALUE? have you been to the coyn store, like ever?

Edited by bojo2736

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@bojo2736 you not being good at using steam is not their fault, it is absurdly easy to buy coyn you don't have to put money on your wallet first just use a credit or debit.
I didn't say buy something of value it's all digital the value of literally all of this is actually 0 I said Coyns are a solid value which is a comparison statement about the fact that they cost half as much as many other in game currencies not a statement of their actual true value which they do not have

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Have you actually tried to rent a server through the game?  Because you absolutely can't do it with debit or credit. It does not even give you the option.  

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  On 9/13/2020 at 7:31 PM, JohnMFSteel said:

you buy it with coyns which you can buy with a debit or credit

Your snarky comment aside. I tried it a different way and was able to purchase them with my paypal. so thank you. i will note, however that had my first request for help a few months ago been responded to by the dev team, I would have learned this earlier. as it stands, it took another player to help me. thanks again

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  On 9/15/2020 at 5:19 PM, Spankin said:

@Adam Snellgrove, How do I add a creator cube to my BI hosted game?
I'm not finding any information online on how to do that.
Any advice? 

Thanks in Advance

You need to open that map in the editor and place a cube. Then save the map. And voilá, go play it again

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