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RESOLVED Multiple server maintenance shutdowns destroying this game


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13 minutes ago, kimbuck said:

,2 days  ago i got a "connection timeout"

We made some changes, so hoped it'd be fixed. If it happens again, would you send us your output_logs please? ???

  • Thanks 1

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Tried to  re join game at  9:00am my time   -   wait of  7  minutes while the  wheel of  misfortune  slowly turned ... got in at   9:07am

10:00 am my time     yup   you guessed it   "server maintenance shutdown"  ..... computer hung  for   5  minutes  before that message  appeared 

Log attached .  expect  more.   

Note   2 players   told me  they are sick of his and left the  game .

another one  posted in  discord  their    displeasure and  were looking  elsewhere.

  A player in game   complained   also ...  was asked  to put in logs  but they are so frustrated   they don't  bother anymore .. they simply  go elsewhere.  I suspect a lot of  other  players do the same.






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Tried to re-join game at 10:15 am  ...got onto "establishing  connection"  message  at  10:17  .....    at  10:25  after  watching that  hamster driven wheel ..  "unspecified  error"

can you guys  see why we are getting frustrated?



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11:15     yup on  cue ...  game   froze...screen went  white and into  hamster wheel  mode ..  wheel  turned in fits   and  starts  and  burps  .and  eventually  stopped.   Locked up   for  15 minutes!    At 11:30 i  opened  task manager to   get out of the game ..it  said   Ylands  was not running.  Opened  steam window   ..it  said  Ylands  was .....     and   the stop button was un-responsive ...i still had  the   ylands  hamster wheel  screen  windowed .. the   wheel  was  dead.  the hamster had  gone   missing. It  was  totally  unresponsive.  Monty  pythons dead  parrot  was  more  responsive.

Another  5 minutes   wait .....  staring at  a very interesting  frozen hamster wheel ... i finally  pulled  the plug and  restarted  my computer.

Here are the logs    you want  them?  you are sure  gonna get them.

and to think i paid money to play this  game ...( sigh)

Hopefully    if something  happens  i might   change  my  negative  reviews  into a positive one ...        but until then  ....  ?  

Time for lunch.  will come back  for more punishment   a little later.




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Logged in after lunch at  12:30 ... usual  7 mins   slow   log in  time  watching the wheel of misfortune

13:45  ... yup     white screen wit the wheelie  .. that     froze....    stared at it for  5  minutes    of  excitement ... then  got   the  non responding  message .

after another 3  minutes i got out ... and  heres   some more logs as a gift for you.

Now  you know  why players are not  staying  with this  game ..





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Tried to rejoin  gam  at  14:06  my time ....        At  14:10  unable to establish  connection.

For the record  ... 3 weeks  ago i  upgraded my internet  speed   to   wireless wifi broadband  with a  consistent   90Mbps+   download  speed ...prior to  that it  was only  15  Mbps   so you cannot  blame  my   internet  connection..

More logs  for you.



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Tried a re-join at 14:25  my  time   ..usual  5  mins  wait to get in...watching the  wheel churn slowly ... bingo!   got in  ( note  theres been a max  of  4  on line at any one time)

Spent  5 mins   sorting out the inventory  mess that occurs  after these   server  outages.

Well    ..as  you can guess   ... its the new  norm!    another server shut  down  for  maintenance    at   15:05  my time...  maintenance? theres  no  improvement  afterwards..

screen  shot says it  all .

I had  enough  for the  day and like the other  2 players on line ...we  calling it  quits for today   as its too frustrating.






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Also could the owner of the scenario in question please send me the scenario? So we can check that as well? Might be a specific script messing with the server or something else, but we want to have everything covered.

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So our backend guys and our programmers have probably found the culprit (of the server maintenance bug) and while a proper fix will be present in update 1.5. they figured out a workaround fix, that should now be live. So hopefully you shouldn't be getting kicked by the Server Maintenance error anymore. The logs were crucial for this and it is because of them, that they found the problem, so thank you very much @kimbuck and @bobo198312 for sending them. Regarding the white screen and long loading times, we are still investigating this.

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9 hours ago, Adam Snellgrove said:

Also could the owner of the scenario in question please send me the scenario? So we can check that as well? Might be a specific script messing with the server or something else, but we want to have everything covered.

I already sent it a few times in Discord. 

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7 minutes ago, RedEagle_P1. said:

I already sent it a few times in Discord. 

You sent me multiple different scenarios over the last year and a few months ? Which one would this be? You can tell me on Discord ?Also I presume you update your games and scenarios? So the one you sent me in the past isn't the same as the one used by @kimbuck in this situation.

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Another  day      ummmm  well   took 10 minutes to  connect  and another 10 minutes loading  in  ..was advised there had been a server  shutdown for maintenance  just before i arrived... time my  zone...  9:40  am

time now ....10:20 am   guess what ? logs attached



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took   12 minutes form   lobby screen until  game loaded .... said there  was  0 on line ...waited in a  queue while  2 were supposedly  ahead...got  in...i was only one?

yay...on  hour  without  interruption  except for   lag spikes ....  decided to go for  lunch  ... but   as  has happened   several times  before ..game hangs  at  log out process... so for a  difference,  sending in logs    for that  ;0




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8 hours ago, kimbuck said:

Another  day      ummmm  well   took 10 minutes to  connect  and another 10 minutes loading  in  ..was advised there had been a server  shutdown for maintenance  just before i arrived... time my  zone...  9:40  am

time now ....10:20 am   guess what ? logs attached



Can't guess. Was it again server maintenance? Because that should be fixed ? In that case it has to be because of something else than we first thought...

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Adam  yes   server maintenance.....   also refer SandyT's  post..


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