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DEV ANSWER [YLD-28328] Access to chest, boxes, and anything usable.....


On a ship, if you have a wall, window, etc. and you have your chests, boxes, wheel, etc. anything really near a wall you can use, you can access it through said wall or window.

I have recalled, respawned, turn on and off build mode...issue still persists and its one every ship I have built.

I am unsure if this issue is the same on land.

Attached are small snips of the issue.

This issue is probably keeping many away from going to MP game maps, I know that it is keeping me from going.



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7 replies to this bug / suggestion

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Ship is moving on waves, to synchronize colliders huge dynamic object properly + player collider would take so much performance it is not worth it (especially in multiplayer) so it will never be done. We implemented feature which automatically anchor ship when owner is not present so it cannot be abused by another player.

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I've experienced this as well with my ship.  I resorted to making many keys to lock up mostly everything on my ship.

I'll check it after work today to see if it's still a problem.  If it is, I'll try to get it my in-use ship as a composition or blueprint and also submit it.

EDIT/UPDATE: I check my ship again and it's not a problem for me anymore (using iron blocks and windows).

It actually works out though for MP, since I welcome people aboard sometimes and it gives me peace of mind.

Additionally, there is a player repositioning event when the ship doesn't have an anchor down and there are waves pushing it up and down:  If anyone swims under the ship's keel and pushes against it, the game will (I think when the ship is in a downward motion) resolve the collision by pushing the player up to the nearest open space on the top deck of the ship's hull.  This can put players inside what could/would be locked rooms inside the ship.

So yeah, I'd recommend locking important things up on/inside your ship when in MP.

My keychain is almost full though 😱

Edited by BinarySemaphore
Update on status of previously experienced issue

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50 minutes ago, BinarySemaphore said:

I've experienced this as well with my ship.  I resorted to making many keys to lock up mostly everything on my ship.

I'll check it after work today to see if it's still a problem.  If it is, I'll try to get it my in-use ship as a composition or blueprint and also submit it.

It actually works out though for MP, since I welcome people aboard sometimes and it gives me peace of mind.

Additionally, there is a player repositioning event when the ship doesn't have an anchor down and there are waves pushing it up and down:  If anyone swims under the ship's keel and pushes against it, the game will (I think when the ship is in a downward motion) resolve the collision by pushing the player up to the nearest open space on the top deck of the ship's hull.  This can put players inside what could/would be locked rooms inside the ship.

So yeah, I'd recommend locking important things up on/inside your ship when in MP.

My keychain is almost full though 😱

Thanks for your input but...

Locking the rooms/areas on a ship does not do any good if people can get to the boxes through the walls. That is what I am getting at.

My security is tighter than Fort Knox when it comes to MP. I don't trust people.

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6 hours ago, Nikki Severin said:

Could you please send us the blueprint of the ship where this is happening to you? 

Thank you!

I am going to send it to you personally via messaging, I do not want my ship used by others.

So please look out for it in your messages.


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With the ship summoning system I don't really worry about multiplayer. Unsummon the ship and nobody can steal a thing. Maybe they can loot your remains if you get killed, but the ship is in the cloud.....

I get your gripe about being able to access boxes and chests through walls though. It shouldn't be possible....my thinking is it's the type of blocks you are using....are those basic wood blocks?....I know they had an issue with paint a  bit ago......mainly painting one side and the other side being painted as though the block was not there. I thought they fixed this issue but it seems to relate......I mean it's as though the blocks are not there.....even though the blocks are visible.

It may benefit you to place the containers and switches/levers/anchors etc a bit further away from the walls.....I personally don't care if someone boards my ship and steals something because I have a ton of supplies and 6 backup ships fully loaded.....but some players just have the bare minimum needed to survive so I understand your position.

Edited by spiritchaser28

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