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Ten small ideas


Hello Ylanders,

I've been in the game since its preliminary approach, but I'm a complete newcomer to the forum. First of all, I want to apologize for not having very good English. I am writing a contribution with the help of a translator, and therefore (because Ylands is a game of Czech origin) I prefer to publish it also in Czech. So I apologize to non-Czech speaking people.


I have ten small ideas that would moly improve the game. I'd be delighted if you'd be inspired by them.

1. Traiders

It would be good to be able to change the appearance, name and especially the clothes of the trader. At the moment it seems to me that it is random. And especially when I generated a merchant in a tux and shorts, it looked like someone stole his pants or made lewd suggestions.

When trading, if you click on a bag of gold, or other container for items, it just shows an error message that the item can't be traded. It would be good if the inventory of that container appeared instead and you could bid on items directly from it.

2. Automatic door closing

It's just a small thing, but I'd love it if it were possible to set the doors to close automatically (either via the Q menu or some special tool). The door would close itself about 2-3 seconds after opening. Maybe such a thing already exists, but I couldn't find it.

3. Deck hatches for ships.

It is understandable that a ship's hull is one big component without an interior. But it would be possible to put a special item of deck hatch on the ship that would function as a chest. Each ship could have only one deck hatch, and the size of its inventory would then be determined by the type of hull.

4. NPC

If you build a castle or a big house, it will look very lonely and depressing without NPCs. It would be nice to be able to create an NPC just for decoration. A pigeonhole would be used for placement, just like with trader, with the ability to change their name and appearance. Plus the ability to add some animations to them.

In the future, perhaps there could be the possibility of NPCs doing some useful activity, like growing crops, cutting down trees, etc... It would be best if there was the possibility of some sort of economy on their island. Where, for example, a farmer grows crops and generates 3 units of food. A blacksmith consumes a unit of food and produces two units of tools. A carpenter consumes one unit of food and produces several units of wood. The baker handles food processing and distribution, etc.. just make a follow-up system of NPCs for which the player could build and manage an entire city. But that's not a small idea anymore, and I'll probably elaborate on it another time and another place.

5. Faster application of shark repellent

I have never had a shark repellent protect me from a first attack. It takes a while to activate, and you can't move around while doing it. As a result, by the time I turn it on, the shark has taken one bite out of me. Couldn't it be activated faster and maybe on the move?

6. Octopus

It's been amazing to explore the oceans lately. But somehow I miss octopuses, both as ordinary creatures and as enemies. The idea is that, unlike sharks, which are very fast and are driven off by repellent, the octopus will be slow (it will attract the player with its tentacles) but can be lured away by things like light sources.

7. Dolphins and whales

At present it seems to me that all the fauna in the sea can be divided into two categories. One that can be eaten and the other that tries to eat me. I like sea animals that don't fall into either category. The quiver of dalphins that would accompany the player's ships and in the water would try to play with him, or accompany him. Or whales swimming just below the surface like moving reefs. The player would really have to pay attention to where he was sailing his ship and watch the horizon for their water spray.

8. Saddles

I find it a bit barbaric to ride a horse without a saddle. Couldn't you add one? And not just for horses. And besides, when you ride in the saddle you don't have to hold your hands all the time and you can shoot or swing your sword while riding.

9. More parts for boats

I would like a new hull that would be even smaller than the Chinese junk and would be suitable for building a Viking longship or a small yacht.

And new masts of a larger size, possibly a separate foremast with a forestay, or a mast with a real longitudinal Latin sail. Possibly a new rudder that looks like a tiller with a bench. (The animation could be the same as steering a small boat.)

And best of all. Having a small rowboat that could be carried aboard a big boat. But I'm afraid that won't be systemically possible.

10. Backpacks and jackets

Nowadays you can take either a flying backpack or diving tanks on your back. It would be nice to add perhaps a classic backpack to increase inventory space, or a cloak to improve cold resistance.



Mám deset malých nápadů, které by moly zlepšit hru. Bude mi potěšením, pokud se jimi necháte inspirovat.

1. Obchpodníci

Bylo by dobré mít možnost změnit vzhled, jméno a hlavně oblečení obchodníka. V současné době mi přijde, že je to náhodné. A zvláště, když se mi vygeneroval obchodník ve fraku a kraťasech, vypadalo to, že by mu někdo ukradl kalhoty, nebo měl nemravné návrhy.

Pokud při obchodování kliknete na pytlík se zlatem, nebo jiný kontejner na věci, tak se pouze ukáže chybová hláška, že s tímto předmětem nelze obchodovat. Bylo by dobré, kdyby se místo toho objevil inventář daného kontejneru a mohli se nabízet věci přímo z něj.

2. Automatické zavírání dveří

Je to jen drobnost, ale velmi by mě potěšilo, kdyby se dalo u dveří nastavit (ať už přes Q menu nebo nějakým zvláštním nástrojem) jejich automatické zavírání. Dveře by se cca 2-3 vteřiny po otevření sami zavřely. Možná už taková věc je, ale nepodařilo se mi jí najít.

3. Palubní poklopy pro lodě.

Je pochopitelné, že lodní trup je jedna velká součástka bez interiéru. Ale šlo by na loď umístit speciální item palubního poklopu, který by fungoval jako truhla. Každá loď by mohla mít jen jeden palubní poklop a velikost jeho inventáře by pak byla dána typem trupu lodi.

4. NPC

Pokud si postavíte hrad, nebo velký dům, tak bez NPC bude vypadat hodně opuštěně a depresivně. Bylo by hezké mít možnost si vytvořit NPC  třeba jen na okrasu. K umístění by sloužil holubník stejně jako u obchodníků s možností změnit jim jméno a vzhled. Plus možnost dodat jim nějaké animace.

V budoucnu by se třeba mohla objevit možnost, že by NPC prováděli nějakou užitečnou činnost, třeba pěstovali obilí, káceli stromy atd.. Nejlepší by bylo, kdyby existovala možnost určité ekonomiky na svém ostrově. Kdy například farmář pěstuje obilí a vytváří 3 jednotky potravin. Kovář spotřebovává jednotku potravin a vyrábí dvě jednotky nástrojů. Tesař spotřebovává jednu jednotku potravin a vytváří několik jednotek dřeva. Pekař se stará o zpracování  a distribuci potravin, atd.. prostě udělat návazný systém NPC, pro které by hráč mohl postavit a řídit celé město. Ale to už není malý nápad a asi to rozvedu jindy a jinde.

5. Rychlejší použití žraločího repelentu

Ještě se mi nestalo, aby mě žraločí repelent ochránil před prvním útokem. Chvíli trvá, než se aktivuje a navíc se při tom nejde pohybovat. Výsledkem je, že než jej zapnu, tak si do mě žralok jednou kousne. Nešlo by ho aktivovat rychleji a třeba i za pohybu?

6. Chobotnice

V poslední době je úžasné prozkoumávat oceány. Ale nějak mi tam chybí chobotnice. jednak jako obyčejní tvorové a jako nepřátelé. Představa je taková, že narozdíl od žraloků, kteří jsou hodně rychlí a zahání se pomocí repelentu, chobotnice bude pomalá (hráče si přitáhne pomocí chapadel), ale půjde ji odlákat třeba pomocí  světelných zdrojů.

7. Delfíni a velryby

V současné době mě připadá, že veškerá fauna v moři se dá rozdělit do dvou kategorií. První se dá sníst a ta druhá se snaží sníst mě. Líbila by se mi mořská zvířata, která by nepatřila ani do jedné z nich. Třeba delfíni, kteří by doprovázeli lodě hráče a ve vodě by se sním snažili hrát, nebo by ho doprovázeli. Nebo velryby plující těsně pod hladinou jako pohyblivé útesy. Hráč by opravdu musel dávat pozor kam pluje s lodí a sledovat horizont, jestli neuvidí jejich vodotrysk.

8. Sedla

Připadá mi trochu barbarské jezdit na koni bez sedla. Nešlo by ho tam dodat? A nejen pro koně. A navíc, když jedete v sedle nemusíte se neustále držet rukama a můžete třeba za jízdy střílet, nebo máchat mečem.

9. Víc dílů pro lodě

Líbil by se mi nový trup lodě, který by byl velikostně ještě menší než je čínská džunka a hodil by se třeba na stavbu vikingské dlouhé lodi, nebo malé jachty.

A nové stěžně větší velikosti, případně zvláštní přední stěžeň s čelněm, nebo stěžeň se skutečnou podélnou latinskou plachtou. Případně nové kormidlo, které by vypadalo, jako kormidelní páka s lavičkou. (Animace by mohla být stejná, jako když se kormidluje malá loďka.)

A co by bylo ze všeho nejlepší. Mít malou veslici, která by šla převážet na palubě velké lodi. Obávám se ale, že to nebude systémově možné.

10. Batohy a pláště

V současné době lze vzít na záda buďto létající batoh, nebo potápěčské lahve. Hezké by bylo doplnit tam třeba klasický batoh, který by zvětšovat místo v inventáři, nebo plášť, který by zlepšoval odolnost proti chladu.

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Here's mine:


9 minutes ago, Elenis said:

Hello Ylanders,

I've been in the game since its preliminary approach, but I'm a complete newcomer to the forum. First of all, I want to apologize for not having very good English. I am writing a contribution with the help of a translator, and therefore (because Ylands is a game of Czech origin) I prefer to publish it also in Czech. So I apologize to non-Czech speaking people.


I have ten small ideas that would moly improve the game. I'd be delighted if you'd be inspired by them.

1. Traiders

It would be good to be able to change the appearance, name and especially the clothes of the trader. At the moment it seems to me that it is random. And especially when I generated a merchant in a tux and shorts, it looked like someone stole his pants or made lewd suggestions.

When trading, if you click on a bag of gold, or other container for items, it just shows an error message that the item can't be traded. It would be good if the inventory of that container appeared instead and you could bid on items directly from it.

2. Automatic door closing

It's just a small thing, but I'd love it if it were possible to set the doors to close automatically (either via the Q menu or some special tool). The door would close itself about 2-3 seconds after opening. Maybe such a thing already exists, but I couldn't find it.

3. Deck hatches for ships.

It is understandable that a ship's hull is one big component without an interior. But it would be possible to put a special item of deck hatch on the ship that would function as a chest. Each ship could have only one deck hatch, and the size of its inventory would then be determined by the type of hull.

4. NPC

If you build a castle or a big house, it will look very lonely and depressing without NPCs. It would be nice to be able to create an NPC just for decoration. A pigeonhole would be used for placement, just like with trader, with the ability to change their name and appearance. Plus the ability to add some animations to them.

In the future, perhaps there could be the possibility of NPCs doing some useful activity, like growing crops, cutting down trees, etc... It would be best if there was the possibility of some sort of economy on their island. Where, for example, a farmer grows crops and generates 3 units of food. A blacksmith consumes a unit of food and produces two units of tools. A carpenter consumes one unit of food and produces several units of wood. The baker handles food processing and distribution, etc.. just make a follow-up system of NPCs for which the player could build and manage an entire city. But that's not a small idea anymore, and I'll probably elaborate on it another time and another place.

5. Faster application of shark repellent

I have never had a shark repellent protect me from a first attack. It takes a while to activate, and you can't move around while doing it. As a result, by the time I turn it on, the shark has taken one bite out of me. Couldn't it be activated faster and maybe on the move?

6. Octopus

It's been amazing to explore the oceans lately. But somehow I miss octopuses, both as ordinary creatures and as enemies. The idea is that, unlike sharks, which are very fast and are driven off by repellent, the octopus will be slow (it will attract the player with its tentacles) but can be lured away by things like light sources.

7. Dolphins and whales

At present it seems to me that all the fauna in the sea can be divided into two categories. One that can be eaten and the other that tries to eat me. I like sea animals that don't fall into either category. The quiver of dalphins that would accompany the player's ships and in the water would try to play with him, or accompany him. Or whales swimming just below the surface like moving reefs. The player would really have to pay attention to where he was sailing his ship and watch the horizon for their water spray.

8. Saddles

I find it a bit barbaric to ride a horse without a saddle. Couldn't you add one? And not just for horses. And besides, when you ride in the saddle you don't have to hold your hands all the time and you can shoot or swing your sword while riding.

9. More parts for boats

I would like a new hull that would be even smaller than the Chinese junk and would be suitable for building a Viking longship or a small yacht.

And new masts of a larger size, possibly a separate foremast with a forestay, or a mast with a real longitudinal Latin sail. Possibly a new rudder that looks like a tiller with a bench. (The animation could be the same as steering a small boat.)

And best of all. Having a small rowboat that could be carried aboard a big boat. But I'm afraid that won't be systemically possible.

10. Backpacks and jackets

Nowadays you can take either a flying backpack or diving tanks on your back. It would be nice to add perhaps a classic backpack to increase inventory space, or a cloak to improve cold resistance.

For now, land animals can't swim and marine animals can't walk on land.Though this might be hard to change, I'd like to have some amphibious animals in game like seal, crocodile and sea turtle.

Longboat is a great idea!And they should have more types of mast with sail, right now there's only one type of large mast.

Also I have my own ideas on npc characters, right now there are only two types: those who just want to do business and those just want to kill you.

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6 hours ago, Elenis said:

Hello Ylanders,

I've been in the game since its preliminary approach, but I'm a complete newcomer to the forum. First of all, I want to apologize for not having very good English. I am writing a contribution with the help of a translator, and therefore (because Ylands is a game of Czech origin) I prefer to publish it also in Czech. So I apologize to non-Czech speaking people.


I have ten small ideas that would moly improve the game. I'd be delighted if you'd be inspired by them.

1. Traiders

It would be good to be able to change the appearance, name and especially the clothes of the trader. At the moment it seems to me that it is random. And especially when I generated a merchant in a tux and shorts, it looked like someone stole his pants or made lewd suggestions.

When trading, if you click on a bag of gold, or other container for items, it just shows an error message that the item can't be traded. It would be good if the inventory of that container appeared instead and you could bid on items directly from it.

2. Automatic door closing

It's just a small thing, but I'd love it if it were possible to set the doors to close automatically (either via the Q menu or some special tool). The door would close itself about 2-3 seconds after opening. Maybe such a thing already exists, but I couldn't find it.

3. Deck hatches for ships.

It is understandable that a ship's hull is one big component without an interior. But it would be possible to put a special item of deck hatch on the ship that would function as a chest. Each ship could have only one deck hatch, and the size of its inventory would then be determined by the type of hull.

4. NPC

If you build a castle or a big house, it will look very lonely and depressing without NPCs. It would be nice to be able to create an NPC just for decoration. A pigeonhole would be used for placement, just like with trader, with the ability to change their name and appearance. Plus the ability to add some animations to them.

In the future, perhaps there could be the possibility of NPCs doing some useful activity, like growing crops, cutting down trees, etc... It would be best if there was the possibility of some sort of economy on their island. Where, for example, a farmer grows crops and generates 3 units of food. A blacksmith consumes a unit of food and produces two units of tools. A carpenter consumes one unit of food and produces several units of wood. The baker handles food processing and distribution, etc.. just make a follow-up system of NPCs for which the player could build and manage an entire city. But that's not a small idea anymore, and I'll probably elaborate on it another time and another place.

5. Faster application of shark repellent

I have never had a shark repellent protect me from a first attack. It takes a while to activate, and you can't move around while doing it. As a result, by the time I turn it on, the shark has taken one bite out of me. Couldn't it be activated faster and maybe on the move?

6. Octopus

It's been amazing to explore the oceans lately. But somehow I miss octopuses, both as ordinary creatures and as enemies. The idea is that, unlike sharks, which are very fast and are driven off by repellent, the octopus will be slow (it will attract the player with its tentacles) but can be lured away by things like light sources.

7. Dolphins and whales

At present it seems to me that all the fauna in the sea can be divided into two categories. One that can be eaten and the other that tries to eat me. I like sea animals that don't fall into either category. The quiver of dalphins that would accompany the player's ships and in the water would try to play with him, or accompany him. Or whales swimming just below the surface like moving reefs. The player would really have to pay attention to where he was sailing his ship and watch the horizon for their water spray.

8. Saddles

I find it a bit barbaric to ride a horse without a saddle. Couldn't you add one? And not just for horses. And besides, when you ride in the saddle you don't have to hold your hands all the time and you can shoot or swing your sword while riding.

9. More parts for boats

I would like a new hull that would be even smaller than the Chinese junk and would be suitable for building a Viking longship or a small yacht.

And new masts of a larger size, possibly a separate foremast with a forestay, or a mast with a real longitudinal Latin sail. Possibly a new rudder that looks like a tiller with a bench. (The animation could be the same as steering a small boat.)

And best of all. Having a small rowboat that could be carried aboard a big boat. But I'm afraid that won't be systemically possible.

10. Backpacks and jackets

Nowadays you can take either a flying backpack or diving tanks on your back. It would be nice to add perhaps a classic backpack to increase inventory space, or a cloak to improve cold resistance.



Mám deset malých nápadů, které by moly zlepšit hru. Bude mi potěšením, pokud se jimi necháte inspirovat.

1. Obchpodníci

Bylo by dobré mít možnost změnit vzhled, jméno a hlavně oblečení obchodníka. V současné době mi přijde, že je to náhodné. A zvláště, když se mi vygeneroval obchodník ve fraku a kraťasech, vypadalo to, že by mu někdo ukradl kalhoty, nebo měl nemravné návrhy.

Pokud při obchodování kliknete na pytlík se zlatem, nebo jiný kontejner na věci, tak se pouze ukáže chybová hláška, že s tímto předmětem nelze obchodovat. Bylo by dobré, kdyby se místo toho objevil inventář daného kontejneru a mohli se nabízet věci přímo z něj.

2. Automatické zavírání dveří

Je to jen drobnost, ale velmi by mě potěšilo, kdyby se dalo u dveří nastavit (ať už přes Q menu nebo nějakým zvláštním nástrojem) jejich automatické zavírání. Dveře by se cca 2-3 vteřiny po otevření sami zavřely. Možná už taková věc je, ale nepodařilo se mi jí najít.

3. Palubní poklopy pro lodě.

Je pochopitelné, že lodní trup je jedna velká součástka bez interiéru. Ale šlo by na loď umístit speciální item palubního poklopu, který by fungoval jako truhla. Každá loď by mohla mít jen jeden palubní poklop a velikost jeho inventáře by pak byla dána typem trupu lodi.

4. NPC

Pokud si postavíte hrad, nebo velký dům, tak bez NPC bude vypadat hodně opuštěně a depresivně. Bylo by hezké mít možnost si vytvořit NPC  třeba jen na okrasu. K umístění by sloužil holubník stejně jako u obchodníků s možností změnit jim jméno a vzhled. Plus možnost dodat jim nějaké animace.

V budoucnu by se třeba mohla objevit možnost, že by NPC prováděli nějakou užitečnou činnost, třeba pěstovali obilí, káceli stromy atd.. Nejlepší by bylo, kdyby existovala možnost určité ekonomiky na svém ostrově. Kdy například farmář pěstuje obilí a vytváří 3 jednotky potravin. Kovář spotřebovává jednotku potravin a vyrábí dvě jednotky nástrojů. Tesař spotřebovává jednu jednotku potravin a vytváří několik jednotek dřeva. Pekař se stará o zpracování  a distribuci potravin, atd.. prostě udělat návazný systém NPC, pro které by hráč mohl postavit a řídit celé město. Ale to už není malý nápad a asi to rozvedu jindy a jinde.

5. Rychlejší použití žraločího repelentu

Ještě se mi nestalo, aby mě žraločí repelent ochránil před prvním útokem. Chvíli trvá, než se aktivuje a navíc se při tom nejde pohybovat. Výsledkem je, že než jej zapnu, tak si do mě žralok jednou kousne. Nešlo by ho aktivovat rychleji a třeba i za pohybu?

6. Chobotnice

V poslední době je úžasné prozkoumávat oceány. Ale nějak mi tam chybí chobotnice. jednak jako obyčejní tvorové a jako nepřátelé. Představa je taková, že narozdíl od žraloků, kteří jsou hodně rychlí a zahání se pomocí repelentu, chobotnice bude pomalá (hráče si přitáhne pomocí chapadel), ale půjde ji odlákat třeba pomocí  světelných zdrojů.

7. Delfíni a velryby

V současné době mě připadá, že veškerá fauna v moři se dá rozdělit do dvou kategorií. První se dá sníst a ta druhá se snaží sníst mě. Líbila by se mi mořská zvířata, která by nepatřila ani do jedné z nich. Třeba delfíni, kteří by doprovázeli lodě hráče a ve vodě by se sním snažili hrát, nebo by ho doprovázeli. Nebo velryby plující těsně pod hladinou jako pohyblivé útesy. Hráč by opravdu musel dávat pozor kam pluje s lodí a sledovat horizont, jestli neuvidí jejich vodotrysk.

8. Sedla

Připadá mi trochu barbarské jezdit na koni bez sedla. Nešlo by ho tam dodat? A nejen pro koně. A navíc, když jedete v sedle nemusíte se neustále držet rukama a můžete třeba za jízdy střílet, nebo máchat mečem.

9. Víc dílů pro lodě

Líbil by se mi nový trup lodě, který by byl velikostně ještě menší než je čínská džunka a hodil by se třeba na stavbu vikingské dlouhé lodi, nebo malé jachty.

A nové stěžně větší velikosti, případně zvláštní přední stěžeň s čelněm, nebo stěžeň se skutečnou podélnou latinskou plachtou. Případně nové kormidlo, které by vypadalo, jako kormidelní páka s lavičkou. (Animace by mohla být stejná, jako když se kormidluje malá loďka.)

A co by bylo ze všeho nejlepší. Mít malou veslici, která by šla převážet na palubě velké lodi. Obávám se ale, že to nebude systémově možné.

10. Batohy a pláště

V současné době lze vzít na záda buďto létající batoh, nebo potápěčské lahve. Hezké by bylo doplnit tam třeba klasický batoh, který by zvětšovat místo v inventáři, nebo plášť, který by zlepšoval odolnost proti chladu.

Hi. I know you're new so let me first say welcome.  Many of the ideas you propose are being worked on, for instance saddles. Ales Mentioned a while back in a livestream that one day animals would have saddlebags with extra inventory space..so the prospect of it happening is good, but keep in mind the devs have higher priorities. (I Have been begging for a lunchbox for a year)

We also discussed being able to change Vendor appearances, It's on their to do list....but again not a high priority

Deck hatches for ships...well considering you can embed storage containers inside the hulls, I think that's sort of covered. Try freeplacing the cabinets and see if that helps you.

Dolphins, whales and octupi...Dolphins may come in the future....not sure about whales or octupi. They just did a huge update to give the sea more life, but I'm pretty sure whales may be something that makes the game lag....octupi however might be something that can be done....but I doubt that's high on the list of priorities as well. You have to understand people have been begging for years  for certain things, like an energy update, better ways to blueprint, more craftable items (Which they just did) car summoning, glass doors, automation of doors and energy components.....these things take a bit more time to develop and are a bit of a higher priority than giving us dolphins and octupi.....although it's a good idea....

Keep in mind that one of the next steps that will eventually come is not going to be in the sea, but in the skies.(just look at the main screen...there is a hot air balloon, that's a huge hint at where we are going)  ....They have discussed the possibilities of zeppelins, hot air balloons, and maybe even ornithopters for years, but Ales is adamant about keeping it balanced....so that means there will also be things flying around that could cause harm, as well as NPCs that may eventually have the ability to do ranged attacks.....The bottom line though is they won't do something they are not satisfied with.....so if something does not look good to them, they won't include it in an update. Ales has been pretty clear he does not want to promise something he cannot deliver, but he's also been awesome at delivering us surprises that make the game more exciting and fun to play.

More parts for boats and backpacks....well we have been asking for these things for quite a while. I have a feeling one day we shall see them, but I think it may be at least another year or so before that happens. The devs are concentrating on the bigger aspects of the game first and really working hard to give us the bigger features we all envision. I love the idea of more ship hulls for things like longboats. (I have also been asking for a true ATV....doubt that will happen before my lunchbox suggestion but it would be cool to have a car that transforms into a jetski) 

As far as your doors closing suggestion....I think that may be an easy thing to do. @Nikki Severin is this something we can implement? It seems like an easy suggestion.


Edited by spiritchaser28

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Thank you for your reply. I understand that there is a lot of work on the game and it will take a long time. But I'm glad that things like this are being worked on, and I send a big thank you to the developers not only for their work, but also for listening to player suggestions. Thanks again.

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Spirit summarized it very well :) 

We love suggestions but we can only get so much into the game, but even if we don't implement the specific suggestion it may lead us in an interesting direction. 

so keep the suggestions coming!!! 

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13 hours ago, Elenis said:

It is understandable that a ship's hull is one big component without an interior. But it would be possible to put a special item of deck hatch on the ship that would function as a chest. Each ship could have only one deck hatch, and the size of its inventory would then be determined by the type of hull.

You can achieve this effect using doors/gates on the deck of your boat, and placing storage containers underneath! It's easier to do this in the editor, but it can be done in exploration as well. Btw, if you want to place blocks on the grid, but the block can't be placed due to clipping something else, you can still "aim" the block while in grid view, and then, without moving your mouse, entering freeplace mode to actually place it there. This way you can place overlapping blocks while still keeping to the grid!





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6 hours ago, zarwil said:

You can achieve this effect using doors/gates on the deck of your boat, and placing storage containers underneath! It's easier to do this in the editor, but it can be done in exploration as well. Btw, if you want to place blocks on the grid, but the block can't be placed due to clipping something else, you can still "aim" the block while in grid view, and then, without moving your mouse, entering freeplace mode to actually place it there. This way you can place overlapping blocks while still keeping to the grid!


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Good example, you can also overlap containers like @Mello1223 and @Yo HasLEGO have done on some of their past builds. It's a little more difficult to precisely target those containers unless you use first person view, but it works great. I use a lot of kitchen cabinets in my hulls, roofs of the rooms too. Also love and use the idea of storage pontoons on the sides of the ship. They maximize the overall storage you can have and still give you plenty of comfy living space and room for workstations. Much easier in my opinion to build those types of ships in editor, but it can be done via freeplacing.

The bottom line though is, there is no "wrong way" to build your ship. Find something that makes you comfortable and go with it. If you want a ridiculous amount of storage it can be done quite easily, but if you prefer a small ship with limited cargo for short jaunts, you can also do that. The main thing is to have fun. It's just a game that gives you a ton of options so you can build whatever makes you happy. 

You can build a bamboo hut and live off fishing and coconuts and never travel off the starter island if that is how you want to play, or you can build a fleet of ships that serve different purposes and explore the world. I can never stress enough the beauty of this game. There are so many options available it's crazy, and at the end of the day it's relaxing and quite beautiful to look at. I've spent many days just watching sunsets in a lounge chair, fishing off the dock Some days I just drive around my stunt course I made, other days I prefer to do some farming or go for a leisurely horse ride....and I have spent just as many days exploring the seas and seeing every random encounter there is to see.

Edited by spiritchaser28
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