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Zach Mitchell

RESOLVED [YLD-7927] Cannot Interact With any workstations or chests


I am able to feed and light my forges and smithy stations but cannot open them. Worked fine this morning but now nadda. I have relaunched the server multiple times and nothing else seems to be affected please inform on any solution I would prefer to not lose all my progress. This is a multiplayer server.

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15 replies to this bug / suggestion

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7 hours ago, Gracekain said:

FOUND A FIX!!!!!!   Kill your horse!!!!!  No seriously lol.  I had just built a stable for my horse, trapped him inside and then I died.   I tried everything I could think of even deleting my character and starting a fresh new one.   Killing my horse made everything "pop" and i was able to get it all working.  I guess trapping your horse is a bad thing.

Oh, thanks a lot for finding a temporary solution! You rock! :) 

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when i want to interact with any workstation or chest at my house no window opened... when i go back to my ship and use the ladder to come on my ship the window opened! and i can craft from ship! xD

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Same issues with not being able to interact with anything.I also got stuck on a horse and had to let myself starve to death to reset it.

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Same issue here.  Fell into the water and was killed by sharks.  I made a new character and changed the name.  I ran back to the house and when I open the chest the chest animation shows it opening but the UI doesn't pop up.  Also now when I try to drop something from my pack it is laggy and the item does drop but it icon remains in my pack UI.  I have to close my pack UI and reopen it for the icon to go away.  

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FOUND A FIX!!!!!!   Kill your horse!!!!!  No seriously lol.  I had just built a stable for my horse, trapped him inside and then I died.   I tried everything I could think of even deleting my character and starting a fresh new one.   Killing my horse made everything "pop" and i was able to get it all working.  I guess trapping your horse is a bad thing.

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2 hours ago, Gracekain said:

FOUND A FIX!!!!!!   Kill your horse!!!!!  No seriously lol.  I had just built a stable for my horse, trapped him inside and then I died.   I tried everything I could think of even deleting my character and starting a fresh new one.   Killing my horse made everything "pop" and i was able to get it all working.  I guess trapping your horse is a bad thing.

That did it! As soon as Suzanne Sommers ( yeah I named the horse that) was toast, an inventory screen flashed for a second, then I could access all my items and equipment. THANK YOU big time Gracekain!

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Was about to file the bug in but saw this post. Thanks for finding a solution! At least temporarily that'll do the trick.


RIP my horse though :'(

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If  all else fails,  run amok with an axe!  Whenever i get stuck in a tree or such,  i go into a madman's  frenzy with an axe  ..if its  wood .  - or  a pickaxe or  hammer if its a  stone/brick wall.


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I had kinda a simillar issue, the controls (use ship/raft/open wicker baskets, eat etc) didn't work only in a specific area of the map, it fixed after killing the horse as well. Here is my post from a couple days ago with the output files and video since this one is tagged as "under review" hopefully the devs can see it.



Edited by Frank16Gr

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Can confirm killing the horse did it for me as well. Poor Steel - killed in the name of science.

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I wanted to try and kill my horse, since I got the same issue as in the post. I died and both me and my friends "UI" or "game" freaked out. 

But in the meantime we got stuck on ship controls with no way to release them. After a relog it was possible to release the ship, but then nothing else was possible again and the ship controls where visible in right corner even though I was walking on land... 


Patchy Mcpatchy.. where are you.

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