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Everything posted by bojo2736

  1. bojo2736

    Help with Energy

    I was playing around with this, I was hoping to daisychain a few wind turbines. I couldn't make it work. Is it not possible? It could just be me
  2. bojo2736

    [SUGGESTION] Bigger Boats?

    How about fixing the boats we have first? Glitchy McGlitcherson, certain death on the high seas. Also, how do you sail that monster? I can't see easily with just sails on her.
  3. bojo2736

    Plz Make Abort / TimeOut For Multiplayer Loading

    Reboot the game? Hell, half the time I have to do a hard reset on the whole machine.
  4. bojo2736

    Things You Didn't Know

    It seems like SP islands are kind of all the same, while there is a lot more variation in the MP generated worlds. Last night I created a MP game, my friends couldn't access it, but it was such a nice world. I didn't know if I could save it. I was able to open it in the editor and did a Save As and was able to convert it to a SP world.
  5. bojo2736

    Dev Diary #31

    If playing collaboratively, why would Tom, Peter or Jane want to start on anything but the most recent save? And what happens if they are all on different saves?
  6. bojo2736

    Dev Diary #31

    Awesome idea. I hope it works as described.
  7. bojo2736

    [suggestion] Less inventory and BACKPACKS!

    Just give us a toolbelt. Most of my inventory is taken up in unstackable tools.
  8. bojo2736

    Spawning Natural Caves Editor?

    Don't forget to add the navigation birds.
  9. bojo2736

    Things You Didn't Know

    You may know this already, but I just found out. If you are doing anything with a stackable inventory item, if you hold ctrl it will do whatever you are doing with the whole stack. If you are placing a stack put it in one of the hot keys hit E to enter free placing mode, then hold ctrl and place where you want. I use this for storing stacks of stones etc, and not using an inventory or container slot. I made a crazy amount of sand in a short time breaking sandstone one stack at a time vs one piece at a time.
  10. If it makes any difference, load in seems normal until recalling buildings.
  11. bojo2736

    Why are there dead bodies?

    Hey, you have only had to locate my stuff, a dozen times or so....
  12. I had a weird death the other day. When I finally got back to my protected base, it doesn't recognize me. I tried /killme and it did not fix it. output_log.txt output_log_clean.txt
  13. bojo2736

    Why are there dead bodies?

    Generally because the body is abandoned when lagged out or the player quits. Sometimes they starve to death (bug) or someone spawning in sees them and kills them.
  14. bojo2736

    Funny pictures while playing

    This is the definition of a bad day...
  15. bojo2736

    How to craft ...

    I know the armchair is only available using the creator cube. I have never seen iron shackles. If they exist, I would assume they are also a Creator Cube only thing. There are multiple flags and banners available to craft. I have seen that medical symbol, so I assume they are craftable. If not they are probably Creator Cube as well.
  16. bojo2736

    Things You Didn't Know

    You can do several batches in the fire. Just interact. Bashing not neccessary. Fun. But not neccessary.
  17. bojo2736

    Things You Didn't Know

    I built a hanging rack with fire pit underneath. I was doing it for decor purposes. I came back to ash piles hanging from the rack.
  18. bojo2736

    How to craft ...

    Check the wiki. https://ylands.gamepedia.com/Ylands_Wiki
  19. bojo2736

    Things You Didn't Know

    To make 1 skein of yarn with cotton or flax, it tales three plants. 3 skeins of yarn equal one cloth. 3×9 is 27. So to make the same amount of cloth you need 81 cotton / flax. Which you also have to replant. If you plant the sisel agave, you will end up with more cloth than you know what to do with.
  20. bojo2736

    Improvements for small boats

    I put a stone chest on the front. It made it really sluggish, show and hard to navigate. I ended up ditching it.
  21. bojo2736

    Things You Didn't Know

    Sisel Agave is my favorite plant in the game. It is easy to make loads of yarn and cloth because it has a big yield, grows quickly, and regrows without needing to replant. Caution: wait until it has three leaves harvesable. If you harvest too soon, it won't continue to regrow. You will still need to plant and harvest cotton and / or flax to use for white pigment. But get the agave as early as you can in the game.
  22. It snowed inside one of my SP builds. And it had all four walls an a solid roof.
  23. bojo2736

    Can't feed stove/Smelting kiln anymore fuel

    I find the coal bucket wonky. Also, I use my wood for fires exploring at night and in caves.
  24. bojo2736

    Don't get too greedy! (In-game store)

    Speak for yourself. I look forward to the shop being more well stocked. I want more decorative items. I want furniture. I want more costume options. If it means buying them, so be it. The thing about the store is, you don't have to use it. I do hope that I can buy through Steam.