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Found 3 results

  1. There have been several times now where I have wished I could choose if a particular item could be eaten by a player or not. For example, turning a normally inedible item such as a shoe into an edible shoe. Why? Because it would be funny and it would open up a lot of opportunities for creating hilarious scenarios. It would also be good to turn off the edibility of a normal food item in some scenarios. Especially if it is a quest item and you can't afford the player accidentally eating it and not being able to get another, essentially breaking the scenario and preventing progress. The Indestructible option is a good start but it doesn't prevent you from eating it and destroying it that way.
  2. Please give a timed out popup if loading for more than two minutes we get an option to abort and return to the Main Menu or continue loading. When trying to join servers I am often stuck here eternally in this screen with only an unconventional way to escape, requiring me to reboot the game from scratch. Would really appreciate a redirect at this point that said something like, "Seems the server is not available, would you like to try another?" Return to Main Menu Yes / No.
  3. I dont think anyone can help me with my topic about my game starting in a little white box en freezing on startup so i make an other one in here with the qeustion How do i ge tthe config screen back when you open te game. My game freezes on start up. So i cant find an option folder, and reinstalling the game and i even reinstalled steam didnt do the job... the game did work just fine when it wasnt on steam on the free alpha. Sorry for my english. But someone please help me... output_log.txt