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Everything posted by zzzacht

  1. I know you (devs) have a lot of exciting features to add to your already amazing game. I'm confident that it will improve more and more and become a favorite for many. I have a few ideas that i thought would expand the creative options of the current gameplay. So if your piggy bank isn't too full, here's my 2 cents... Marriage and mechanics of items: For example, I could attach a bookshelf to a door and "marry" them to where the door still had its open...
  2. zzzacht

    RESOLVED Iron ladders

    The iron ladder made my ship roll over like a dead whale. I just wanted in the crows nest
  3. zzzacht

    RESOLVED [YLD-7852] Stuck Inside Hull of Boat

    I carry a grass bedroll at all times so i can place it on the deck and pull myself out by laying on it. Then just pick the bedroll back up.
  4. Swimming under a ship sometimes glitches you into the ships hull with only your head above the deck. I have to carry a grass bedroll at all times, place it on the deck and sleep on it to pull myself out.