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Everything posted by Seathre

  1. Seathre

    Dev Diary #31

    Good decision, thanks for your hard work!
  2. Definitely a useful feature for server administrators. If this isn't added to the game, I'm sure someone will make a mod with something like this once modding support is available.
  3. Some good suggestions here, got my vote.
  4. Seathre

    Ylands Dedicated server software Steam

    The dedicated server software is still very much in early development. If you're interested in testing it out and providing feedback, send a private message to @Ane asking for access to the Dedicated Server Beta Feedback sub-forum, then she'll get you setup. Everything you need to setup your dedicated server is in that sub-forum, and it is also the proper place to provide feedback and ask for help regarding the dedicated server software.
  5. Attaching files, uploading Profile Photos, and probably other methods of uploading files, seem to be broken at the moment. When uploading a Profile Photo, I do see where it mentions the file size limit being 5kb, but the upload fails when using a PNG file that is 1.27kb in size. When trying to attach files to a post, it tries to work, but ends up failing, only showing a white box in the attachments section. If anyone else has noticed this issue, please upvote and...
  6. Seathre

    [Forum] File Uploading Broken

    It appears to be resolved, as demonstrated by this post.
  7. Seathre

    Forum activity stream drop down box inaccessible

    I was able to confirm this. It seems to only be an issue in Chrome.
  8. Seathre

    Whaling in the deep sea

    While I understand your point of view, and certainly agree that, in real life, we as human beings need to treat our environment way better than, I think your reply is a bit of an overreaction. I certainly would prefer not to kill whales, and would suggest that they not be required for progression within the game. I think it would only benefit the game, however, to add more life to the sea, whether that be whales, fish, or other sea creatures...
  9. Seathre

    PC mode needed

    Did you make this thread as a serious suggestion, or just from frustration over some of the responses from the thread you've linked to? I think there is certainly room for discussion on a mode or setting that makes the game more kid friendly, and by all means, let it be discussed if there is an interest in it. If, however, you just made this thread to be divisive and cause tension within the Ylands community, I suggest you revisit the Community Guidelines...
  10. Seathre

    Request: Server Passwords being hidden

    Not a bad suggestion at all. Highly recommend using the correct upvote feature so this suggestion gets more attention.
  11. Seathre

    Forum activity stream drop down box inaccessible

    Hopefully someone with access to the forum's admin panel and knowledge of CSS sees this and implements the fix.
  12. Seathre

    What was your first videogame?

    That good 'ol Donkey Kong 64 on the N64. Good times...
  13. Seathre

    Sneak Peek #44

    That's definitely a step in the right direction. Personally, I can't wait for mod support. Mods for administration and grief prevention were essential to me in administrating a Minecraft server, and I have a feeling the same may be true with Ylands.
  14. Seathre

    Ylands.com not reachable

    Seems like someone broke something. We'll have to wait for the appropriate individual to wake up and fix it. lol And to be precise, it's ylands.com/community, the index of the forum, that is broken.
  15. Seathre

    Server Wipes

    Are you referring to the issue you've posted about previously? I'm not familiar with how popular these servers tagged "official" are, or how they are being operated, but my best guess is that they are using the latest release of the dedicated server software, which is still under development. From my observations, public servers with a handful of players connecting each day tend to have issues with save files being corrupted, or other problems which...
  16. Seathre

    [Suggestion] Can we get a planning tool?

    Anything that involves more precise building, I'm completely for. I very much enjoy my straight lines when building.
  17. Seathre

    Forum activity stream drop down box inaccessible

    From what I've gathered, it seems to be javascript-related. Nothing I did with CSS seemed to have much affect on the z-index of the dropdown. However, when I changed the z-index of main.ipsLayout_container to -1, the dropdown appeared on top and could be interacted with. Unfortunately, having a value of -1 does not allow you to interact with anything inside the element, such as links. Setting the value to 0 made the dropdown appear behind everything...
  18. Seathre

    Suggestion: options for generating explore map

    Yes, +1 to this suggestion.
  19. Of course, as everyone knows, chickens are spies and should never be trusted. #SpyChicken @paulsoaresjr
  20. Seathre

    Dedicated Server FAQ

    There are no access codes. Anyone who wishes for access to the beta should private message https://ylands.com/community/profile/25-ane/ in order to be granted access. Once she receives your message, she will grant you access to the Dedicated Server sub-forum where you can find the server software, as well as instructions on using it.
  21. Seathre

    Demo? Trial? Where is it?

    Please don't promote the use of cracked game versions, especially on the game's official forum.
  22. I've seen bots spamming the forum a couple times now, and the reason I see for this happening is that no captcha is required when creating a BI account. Please pass this suggestion on to the proper individual(s) at Bohemia, it's really frustrating to see this forum be plastered with spam posts. If you support this, please make sure to up vote this suggestion.
  23. Seathre

    ReCaptcha for Forum Accounts?

    I could see that being easily abused, even unknowingly. Just because a post is downvoted, the user shouldn't be blocked. When the forum gets bigger, I can definitely imagine it being relatively easy for an active user to get that many downvotes on a singe post in one day.
  24. Seathre

    ReCaptcha for Forum Accounts?

    Okay, so I see there is a ReCaptcha required for new accounts when they post or make a new thread, but we can see that's not working for whatever reason. My question now is, how are these bots making accounts? Are they using Bohemia's account system, or are they signing in via another service (e.g. Steam, Google, Twitter, etc.)? Is ReCaptcha required for all accounts under a certain number of posts, or only accounts made using Bohemia's...
  25. Seathre

    ReCaptcha for Forum Accounts?

    If your spam prevention measures utilize a database, such as StopForumSpam, or other similar services, it's certainly not very reliable. This is just my opinion, however I feel using something like Google's ReCaptcha is the most reliable solution, and is typically not a terrible burden for users. Unless something like that is implemented, I'm afraid these bots are going to continue capitalizing on the situation.