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Everything posted by handofthesly

  1. Thanks bb cakes, I just checked and the recipe was changed and I've updated the wiki now. It only seems that the amount of ingredients was changed though, ie. there were no new ingredients added. Edit: I just checked and same goes for the Mining Drill, they have decreased the amount of each ingredient requires but the ingredients themselves are still the same
  2. handofthesly

    DEV ANSWER Item disapper while using it

    This has happened to me too many times haha
  3. handofthesly

    Too loot, or not to loot?

    If it is obviously a new player on the spawn Yland then I will clean up their items to try help with lag issues. If it looked recent or like they might come back I would leave it for a bit and then return and if it’s all still there then I will tidy it up. Sometimes I put those items into a community chest for all to access and share their own unwanted items too.
  4. I experienced the same thing but just assumed I was doing something wrong. Maybe they are broken?
  5. handofthesly

    0.7: Cheerful Characters (14/02/2018)

    I’m on here most of the time except for when I’m working, but I do pop on for my lunch breaks!
  6. handofthesly

    0.7: Cheerful Characters (14/02/2018)

    They don’t mention every change they make which is unfortunate because it means I miss stuff to change on the wiki and don’t know until someone mentions it here on the forums. On the other hand it would make the post very long! Samurai armor was removed in 0.6 by the way
  7. This is why I’m delaying building a ship to find rubber and copper since spawn on this server has neither. My last hairy encounter with a wolf pack went very wrong when I was disconnected with the 114 error and then upon logging back in I found I had almost been mauled to death. Very scary stuff
  8. handofthesly

    Please, make stepstones craftable!

    That goes for Traffic Cones too, I have been waiting to craft those since they came out in the vehicle update. Why do they have items in the creator cube but don’t let us make them in explore?!
  9. I find this a bit annoying too. I think it should be changed so that you get mostly sand or only sand in those parts that are obviously sandy beach area
  10. handofthesly

    Propeller Pack - Can't craft

    Have the devs temporarily disabled the propeller pack because a few people were experiencing issues with it becoming buggy and causing problems
  11. handofthesly

    Where is the map?

    It always happens if you click too quickly as you scroll through your items
  12. handofthesly

    network error 114

    It certainly makes MP a very dangerous thing to play when you have the threat of being disconnected so frequently. Very off putting. Hopefully they come up with a fix sometime soon.
  13. handofthesly

    network error 114

    Been having the same problem. Attach all of your output log files to help the devs work out what’s happening
  14. So weird! Is the hammer broken? Maybe try with a different hammer
  15. I’m sure I’ve posted about this same map tile bug before, I can’t rememver if anything happened about it though. Edit: Found it, yeah it didn’t get any attention. Probably because I forgot to add the output log files
  16. handofthesly

    Intra-Island Causeway

    A drawbridge!? Could this become a thing? I would love to see those in the game eventually. I’d love to have one across a big moat to a castle.
  17. handofthesly

    Intra-Island Causeway

    Bugger! That’s a big pain in the rear.
  18. handofthesly

    Inventory Management

    This is exactly what happened to me! I crafted quite a few carpets because of this ? I was so annoyed because it takes so long to get enough cotton to craft anything and then just to have it wasted so quickly like that
  19. handofthesly

    Eating Rocks

    Yup, quite a few other people including myself have fallen to this bug. What I found was happening is that when you scroll quickly and click to use the item it registers as you clicking to eat the food item that is next to the item you wanted to use and you end up eating the item now in your hand. This is why I do t have important items right next to my food, I’ll only have things like the flint lighter or other easy to obtain items there.
  20. handofthesly

    Q&A video - ask us anything!

    Thanks for all of your effort and bringing us such a great game! Can you give us any more hints as to what will be in the update featuring a “whole new world”. Does this mean new biomes, plants, animals, parallel universes? What crazy things are you guys planning for this update?
  21. Got the dreaded 114 Network Error window while riding a horse and got disconnected. I relogged but I was stuck on the horse moving in one place. I tried the unstuck command but I got disconnected again and now I can't rejoin the DS server I was playing I think I've broken something! Oops output_log_clean.txt output_log.txt output_log.txt output_log_clean.txt
  22. handofthesly

    Steamer Tug Boat

    I love the salt and pepper shakers on the top shelf, a bit dangerous though since they are really improvised hand grenades!
  23. handofthesly

    Ostrich Jockey!

    Anyone game enough to try ride a bear?! Bags not!
  24. handofthesly


    *facepalm* I totally forgot you can do this to check the time. Either way, I find this kind of cheating and ruins the immersion of the game too. Definitely would prefer a craftable pocket watch for on the go and a grandfather clock for in my house
  25. handofthesly

    Help with Energy

    I haven’t had the chance to really play with energy streams and so the wiki is kind of lacking in that area at this point. Although there have been a few other people that have contributed and added basic info to it which is great. I guess this will be the next thing I should focus on editing in the wiki. If anyone knows more about energy please feel free to contribute to the wiki with your knowledge!