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Everything posted by handofthesly

  1. It was very similar to what happened in that video except my tree fell down sideways like it would normally just super fast like we see in the video. How bizarre.
  2. handofthesly

    Community get-together?

    @Energritz_ I believe Red Eagle was referring to which part of the world you live rather than where you were at that particular time of day.
  3. handofthesly

    Editor Tutorial Series (videos and requests)

    Thanks Stephenw1992 for helping out with my previous question. I now have another regarding hunger in the Editor. Does anyone know of a way to make a player hungry or starving without having to naturally wait? Using deplete on a labelled entity/player role (the player) doesn't seem to work using + or - values. I'm still not quite sure how hunger mechanics work in this game. I am also wondering if there is a way to use game logics to force the player to: * eat food and/or non-food items * to equip armor, weapons, items either from their hands or their inventory and maybe even pick the item up off the floor first Many thanks!
  4. handofthesly

    Things You Didn't Know

    Corn, Blackberries, Raspberries and Prickly Pears are all very good for taming horses with only 4 needed but Carrots are the real winner, it only takes 3 to tame them completely where as most other food takes 11.
  5. Just stumbled across this while googling Ylands. https://apkgk.com/com.yter.ylands It appears to be an Android app based off Ylands. I don't have an Android phone so can't tell if this is legit or not but I thought it looks unusual.
  6. handofthesly

    Combat music feedback

    Definitely! I think if shark AI was changed so that they didn't attack you unless you were physically in the water then it would pretty much fix the problem when sailing or on the beach.
  7. handofthesly

    white pigment crafting

    You can get blue pigment from indigofera and desert sage plants so those are both renewable. The black pigment is probably the most limited with coal and charcoal as the main ingredient, although you can make lots of charcoal in the kiln using wood which is renewable.
  8. I feel the need for a scythe or similar tool that can be used to harvest a large area of mature crops at once. I'm getting repetitive strain syndrome spam clicking my mouse to harvest my cotton/flax/corn/wheat etc. I focus a lot on large plantings of crops. It would look good with a grim reaper outfit! Maybe have the option of the large two-handed scythe for clearing large areas of crops, grass etc as well as a smaller one-handed sickle for smaller areas? It would definitely save a lot of time and sore hands!
  9. handofthesly

    Scythe for harvesting large areas

    I was also thinking of a seed spreader of sorts. Would definitely be handy!
  10. handofthesly

    Starving while AFK

    It would be nice to have the game actually pause when you go to the menu in game in single player. Otherwise you just have to quit out to main menu if you are going to go afk for a while
  11. handofthesly

    Is this for real?! Ylands Android game

    So there’s another one on the same site called Island of Ylands Heroes Survival Simulator. I’m guessing these are not legit but should Bohemia be concerned about these? I’ve got no idea what the gameplay is actually like and I’ve got no idea who’s photos these are
  12. handofthesly

    Food Suggestions

    Great ideas! I’d love to see more food recipes. Corn likes to be different haha but seriously it has barely any use other than horse food for me, I guess it’s useful as you don’t have to replant it like everything else, other than bananas, berries and prickly pear also potatoes fill more hunger turned into baked potatoes rather than roast veges for some reason
  13. handofthesly

    Editor Tutorial Series (videos and requests)

    Thanks guys, I probably should have clarified that it was going to be a passive animal. So it’s not possible to make passive animals or NPCs follow or attack a player yet. I’m guessing there isn’t a way to force an aggressive animal to attack/bite only once with a prompt either? Hopefully these features get added in the combat update you mentioned.
  14. handofthesly

    [SUGGESTION] Lockable Free-Placed Items

    Totally agree. For items which have been free placed by the player, instead of instantly picking up with right click, I think if you have to use the option wheel (E) first and then choose to then pick it up would solve this problem for the most part. Items which have not been placed by the player, i.e. naturally spawned items when the game was first started, would still pick up with right-click. This means items which can be interacted with, like soil containers placed on the ground, will be interacted with with right click to open their inventories and then picked up by using E and then clicking to pick up. As long as it is for actually picking items up and not for things like harvesting crops, as you'd have to press E for every damn plant. The sleeping pads may cause a bit of a problem as they need to be unpacked, packed, and laid on as well as being picked up. Maybe if the HOLD right click option returned (from back in pre-Steam era) to pack and unpack, normal right click to lie on and get back up, and then E for picking it up when it has been packed.
  15. handofthesly

    Editor Tutorial Series (videos and requests)

    Great videos! I'm trying to create a scenario where an animal or NPC chases and attacks the player. Is this possible? I can see that you can cause damage to be inflicted on the player during dialogue but can't figure out if there's a way for another entity to pursue or attack and deal damage that way.
  16. handofthesly

    Dev Diary #32

    I agree with BB and Spark above. I currently have a base on the beach and I am constantly sh*tting my pants because a shark has decided to attack me even though I'm not in the water It leaves me in a panic as I look around for predators on land just to find there's a damn shark peeking its nose out of the water down at the beach. A possible fix for this is if sharks were changed to not attack you if you're not in the water. This would also help when you're sailing on a raft/boat/ship. The attack music is helpful as it alerts you of imminent danger, but I think it needs toning down a bit. It sure gives one hell of a jump scare!
  17. Hi everybody! This thread can be used if you want to suggest the creation of new pages or edits on the Ylands Wiki. Feel free to edit the wiki yourself but if you don't know how or don't feel comfortable doing so then leave a comment below and I can do the edits for you! Jump on over and let me know what needs adding. Keep an eye out for missing information like stack sizes, destruction/dismantle yields, and spelling/grammar errors as well as any recipes that may have altered in a changelog and need updating. The link above will throw you to a random page every time, alternatively press Alt-Shit-X together to load a new random page when you're on the Wiki.
  18. handofthesly

    Character gone

    Unfortunately when you link your steam account the game registers you as a new player so you are given a new character/avatar. You can kill your old avatar to take your items back. Afterwards you can load the save in editor and delete the dead body so it's not in the way.
  19. Just been playing on the new patch, new single player explore map. I tried healing with an aloe vera poultice after taking damage down to 1 1/2 hearts but it did not appear to heal me, only the colour in the screen returned bu the hearts staid empty. I used 2 or 3 and still nothing happened so I decided to set sail back home and by the time I got back my hearts seemed to have refilled.
  20. Just had my first disconnect on a DS after starting up the 0.8 update. It didn't appear that anyone else was joining, and I was only fueling my stove at the time. Upon rejoining the server it had rolled back a few minutes to when I was locking my ship helm. output_log.txt output_log_clean.txt DxDiag.txt
  21. handofthesly

    Flora regenerator tool

    Great idea! It might even be possible to add it as an option on the terraformer or paintgun.
  22. handofthesly

    already Monday in asia

    It’s Monday 7:15pm where I am! Guess I’ll have to wait till after work tomorrow night to play the update
  23. handofthesly

    Wooden/ Stone Spade

    I agree. I never quite understood why wooden spades were never a thing in this game, kind of weird considering there is a wooden shovel and then there is also stone tools except for the shovel and spade.
  24. handofthesly

    No craftmans potion in MP?

    From memory someone else was having a similar issue and it was to do with the stack size of the grain and it wouldn’t recognise stack sizes bigger than the exact amount necessary. Can’t remember exact details sorry
  25. handofthesly

    Suggest Black Skinned Characters

    Maybe he means like native African skin colour? The current colour choice is a bit more of a mid-dark brown