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Everything posted by TheSparkPlug

  1. TheSparkPlug


    It’s shame that your last post wasn’t just the last paragraph - it’s a well made point, not that I agree with it. Unfortunately, however, you began with a load of petty insults and then had a go about people who resort to petty insults. You’ll never have the sensible discussions you seek when you attack (you’ll say defend) in posts. Stick to your point and ignore comments that upset you
  2. TheSparkPlug

    Game Continue

    The best thing to do is run - keep your finger on W as you are coming in. He will follow you and probably kill you but at least he will be away from your spawn. Also, when he catches you, punch him as much as possible. it might take several goes but you should be able to lure him away from spawn and/or kill him sooner or later! Maybe a solution could be to enlarge the spawn area and have the player appear somewhere random within it each time.
  3. As of the update, the Charging Station no longer charges Ylandium Engines. Also, prior to the update, the Ylandium engines held enough charge to easily get a ship from one island to another. Now they just about get half way across. I have a large ship, on which is a small Ylandium generator feeding the charging Station together with six Ylandium engines. This setup was working perfectly before 0.7.
  4. TheSparkPlug

    KNOWN ISSUE Charging Station and Ylandium Engine

    My post got tagged as a “known issue”. So hopefully that means it is a bug and it’s going to be fixed
  5. TheSparkPlug

    Next QoL

    Mutated animals do respawn - as long as you keep one (of each type/colour) alive. i was lucky enough to have a surface cave on my island with three different coloured mutated cats in it. I also got two alphas to chase me from deeper in the caves up to that surface cave. I blocked off the tunnel and now I have a slow but endless source of dust
  6. TheSparkPlug


    To be fair to ‘bb cakes’, the post to which you refer is simply a direct reply to your opening statement: “trying to see past the terrible graphics”, and it was in your response that YOU raise the subject of textures! You are right that people shouldn’t shoot you down just because you don’t like the graphics. However, equally, you shouldn’t shoot back just because they do! I happen to like the simplistic and cartoony graphics - they give the game a sense of fun.
  7. TheSparkPlug

    RESOLVED [YLD-8856] Craftsman Potion

    So, the increase of crafting time from instant to 20 seconds remains? Sorry, but that the renders the potion so useless you may as well remove it from the game! The potion only lasts about 30 seconds so we only get to do two crafts before it runs out. To clarify, without a potion I can craft 9 items in sixty seconds. With it, I can waste 5 magic dust just for the luxury of crafting 18 items in 40 seconds. No thanks
  8. It’s confirmed as a bug. The recharging station used to - and should - recharge nearby Ylandium engines. Also, when you recharge them manually they don’t charge fully (the fuel indicator goes from black [empty] to red [nearly empty] instead of green [full] ) meaning that even with 6 engines my ship no longer gets from one island to another without refuelling. Hopefully it will be fixed soon
  9. TheSparkPlug

    Free placing and Ctrl-WASD

    When in free placing mode, using Ctrl-WASD seems to move the block relative to the world rather than the player. In other words, pressing - say - Ctrl-W could move the block away from you... or it could move it towards you or even left/right... it all depends which way you are facing. It would be more intuitive if W always meant ‘move block away from you’, S meant ‘move closer to you’, and A/D meant ‘left/right of you’ respectively. Hopefully I have explained that clearly enough!
  10. TheSparkPlug

    Gold rebalancing

    Since the latest update, you now need 10 gold ore to make one ingot. I understand that some rebalancing was needed with the introduction of trading/pebbles, but couldn’t you have kept the 1 ore = 1 ingot and just reduced the amount of pebbles an ingot was worth... having gold ore work differently to iron and copper seems quite an inelegant solution. Also, If it was to make the guardian armour more expensive then you could just increase the amount of gold needed for that? As a slight aside, I was quite surprised to see the introduction of pebbles - I felt sure traders were going to use those wonderful coins I keep finding buried or in chests, and was even looking forward to the possibility of having to craft a mint to make my own coins!!!
  11. Apparently it’s a bug - which will be fixed. The recipe can only look at a single stack, so only sees 20 (or 10) not the full 30 that you actually have ! grain works because it stacks to 30 or more.