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Found 5 results

  1. Wylee_coyote_moose

    How to Play Multiplayer

    My husband and I recently started playing Ylands and wanted to play together. However when I set up MP mode, name my island, set passcode and set mode to visible ge still can't find me. We tried this both ways and the game doesn't show up in either of our mp libraries. Please help. This is quite frustrating. Also, I know nothing about setting up a server and all that. Hoping we wont have to do that. Why can't it just be easy to set up to play with 2 people....
  2. I have a map that is in edit mode and i want to take it out of edit mode and if i can make it a scenario can someone please help me?
  3. Rienk de Vries

    woodworking bench

    Hi guys, Quick question: how do i unlock the woodworking bench? i had it unlocked in my crafting list in the first world i played but i can't seem to unlock it now, i tried everything. Thanks in advance!
  4. t3hb3arj3w

    How to get a massive log

    can anybody please help me locate or craft a massive log for the large mast with sail? i cannot find any information on it specifically.