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Found 8 results

  1. Bug - UI for glass foundry is one pixel shorter than the inventory UI. I have also tested other 'crafting tables' and it seems to be universal (although I haven not tested all) - Please see images below
  2. greyfoxzb@gmail.com

    Script Editor Bugs - Please fix!

    First off Great job on adding the script editor and expanding the possibilities for Ylands! This is not personal its about making this game the best it can be! That said please fix these issues ASAP! - There is no Copy/Paste, Duplicate, Cut/Paste, Select All, Shift Select Hotkeys/Options in the Script Editor. This is .. Annoying to say the least. Currently any Event that has an Argument does not work as you cannot add an argument. This means, On Kill[Entity] Does not work as does Triggers like OnExit[Trigger Entity] you cannot set the trigger entity etc. When Spawning an entity you cannot access it via script. For Example If I wanted to Spawn lets say a Wolf and then set its Label or colors etc I do not see a way to do it using only the script editor. I also do not see any object properties for re-spawning an entity after it has been picked up, destroyed, moved, killed, etc in Short: There are no There is no Copy/Paste, Duplicate, Cut/Paste, Select All, Shift Select Hotkeys/Options in the Script Editor. Cannot use Events with Arguments Cannot access Spawned entities within the script editor Cannot Re-spawn Entities using only the script editor Object Properties need to be fleshed out
  3. IllidanS4

    UI font size and layout

    Am I supposed to use a magnifying glass when playing the game? Also why is half of the screen space unused and completely opaque?
  4. Can a filter be added to the game for Workstations/Crafting tables/Smelter/etc. for the "Crafting" menu? So when we want a specific table sometimes one may forget the name of that specific table or don't know if it he/she can build it yet, so maybe adding that could help on the quick search of it.
  5. DK208

    0.9 UI

    There is no button to take out the completed workbenches at once. Is there any operation method? Switching on "..." on the upper left is troublesome to go back to that point when looking down to the bottom when putting out a craft category. If so, I would like you to categorize it outside the frame like before.
  6. Pharaun Mizzrym

    Suggests For UI - Show #Players

    Would like my UI to inform me the number of people in my world when I am hosting a server. Would like the UI not to go dead when I go dead.
  7. Hello, Trying to open Chests but i have another craft/inventory menu instead. The way i found to go around is click on "Clik here to search" then delete(backspace), clicking on inventory then closing the window, then after i can open chest.
  8. Comics bubble associated with the signposts has a "pointer", which points to odd locations not associated with the sign post. At times it looks like the flower is talking. Might be confusing in more complex signpost setups. Desired result: either remove the pointer or make it point to the origin of the text.