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RESOLVED [YLD-29887] My horse is gone


8 replies to this bug / suggestion

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Issue was mitigated a lot, also players can now have companions which cannot be lost. Problem can still happen in corner cases where animals are put into modified terrain (holes made by players) which is reported separately.

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I've had this happen before with different animals. They were all attached to the animal pens. ( I think the devs need to work on the pens actually keeping the animals attached to them)I have found it better to just build an actual fenced in area and they tend to stick around inside.  Mutant pets however dissapear when daylight comes. I think with some animals they get "spooked" by other animals nearby and just run away......others like the bear and Rhino just tend to wander away because they refuse to be penned?.....I dunno.


Edited by spiritchaser28

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This sounds super frustrating, Lady_whynot. I know certain islands with a lot of blocks made my animals disappear. But that isn't really a solution.

Hopefully, the Ylands team is able to use your output logs to figure out a good fix!

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It's already my second horse that disappears. It was not attached to the animal pen, nor was it locked in a paddock, because then I cannot call it. 

The game spawns new horses on my island so I can tame new horses again. Luckily But a trader has already disappeared and that is no less funny

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I have lost  4  traders ...      i recently added  2 replacements  and watching to see what happens.

it  seems  that  horses    and traders   are  following the steps of  disappointed players     :(


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