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Anyone can add here as you play, I'll kick off:

The steam engine which looks like a train boiler has problems with it's size, it keeps saying it's outside the vehicle boundaries,

When hovering with the mouse over the coyns shop icon (after pressing esc), it reads Ylands codex.


I'm unable to use the different color layers on for example the car parts. Painting either of them colors both of them that color. Nor can I pick the 2nd or 3rd color.

Edited by WijkagentAdrie
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The "batmobile" car engine can't power the headlights (i used the "batmobile" version as well). When I switch the engines on they won't power the energy stream. This was tested on the official server.

Edit: none of the engines power anything at all it seems.

Unstuck doesn't seem to do much when you're in the water with a car. None of the unstucks got me and my car out the water.

Edited by WijkagentAdrie

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In the editor:

Painted a chair, pressed ctrl+z to undo, chair disappeared. Even redoing won't bring my chair back. The same just happened to a vase and a bunch of stone blocks.

Edited by WijkagentAdrie
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In FPS mode sometimes we can't interact with nothing.

It is a bit confusing when we are looking at one side and we change the prespective to first person the camera stays where the character was looking.

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still finding  land  sharks  and  "gas filled" sharks  floating  in trees:P    -also  a couple of times  i  ran into a tree and ran up the trunk ..only to fall  when trying to   get back to the ground ..and landed heavily  and  suffered health damage.

Also  could not   berth ship in my dock as there were 4 sharks stuck in the  keel!  ..and they were fouling the  land  and  the  sides of  my dock under my ship.  However,  leaving  sails  down and  no ship movement  for 5  minutes the sharks  eventually "dropped off".


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In Explorer mode, I tried collecting wood from a Sumac Tree (slender tree with red leaves). I collected wood from the tree and ran towards it simultaneously, this popped me ontop of the tree.


Edit: Apparently this "bug?" has nothing to do with collecting wood, instead it has to do with a branch which sticks off the side of it, I can walk up the whole tree once I'm boosted to this position.

Edit2:It seems to be happening with more than just the Sumac Trees.



Edited by AlphaSSB

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I can confirm this ... i have   'run  up" the sides of  clumps of  bamboo... and also  trees.....     must be the  monkey in me?:P

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Also  i note that  the  avatar  hover height is  higher on some surfaces  ...my  avatar floats  up stairs and mostly  ends up  standing on the  railings. Also  seems to hover  after moving off a path  onto a  path  one  block   thickness lower down.

Will try to screen shot it  after i  can log in after the severe thunderstorms  sweeping the area here  pass by.   

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Here  are things i encountered after the update.

1) running into some  objects  causes you to  either "climb" the object or  get tossed into the air.  Walking up stairs  becomes difficult. you tend to float and end up  above the level  you intend to be at   I  enclose some screenshots  showing  my avatar  hovering  at strange  heights  after "colliding"  with an object.

2) movement has  changed.. before  pressing  "s" key  you would  step back,  now instead you  turn around...also when  digging, you tend to dig offset to your left side  not in the direction you are facing.

3) Erratic  ship behavior   due to unintended  interaction with    sharks, birds etc.  My  ship stalled and  would not  turn  ...in fact it started to turn  opposite to what i was  commanding ..   investigation revealed  several  sharks   "stuck"  in the  keel and were obviously  affecting movement ...see screenshot.   It  also happened when a seagull  got  trapped inside the cabin area near the helm .. the ship was  uncontrollable  until it turned sufficiently  for the seagull  to escape

4) Collision  of  ship with  seagulls and  vultures  ...a vulture  flew into the cabin area of the  ship and  when it  hit the  side walls  on the inside,  the  ship tilted nearly  45 degrees.... fortunately   the  vulture  then  managed to  fly out and the ship righted itself. Another time  a head on collision with a low flying  vulture  saw the  ship  stop and was turning  uncontrollably   until the vulture passed  by  to the stern and  flew away

5)   was too quick to  catch a screenshot,  but a  shark  dropped from the  sky onto the  deck between the middle  mast and and the helm ...   it bounced  twice then slid over the side ..  the  ship went  crazy while this  happened.

first  4  screenshots  show the   avatar height  issue.   5th one  shows the  sharks under  hull causing  loss of ship control







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Hmm, I've found quite a frustrating bug...

Yesterday when painting my ship, i started painting a few blocks, when I realized that I'd better make a copy of it to have a backup. So I copied it, dragged it and then started painting. When I was done I saved the world, and then shut down the game. (I always manual save, check it saves, then click exit game and when it prompts to save again I click no).

Today when I logged back in I found my ship being unpainted, they do have the few painted blocks before I made the copy though.

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The running into and "climbing" trees. ..it  mainly happens if you are moving  quickly and  downhill...  i  ran down hill towards a clump of  bamboo... next  thing i was in the air  and then fell to earth losing    2 health hearts  ...

sometimes when   trying  to  negotiate  stairs  sometimes you   get  blocked  if   facing  straight  ahead.. ( run on the spot  ) ....   you have to   approach and  negotiate them at  an angle.

Still getting  flying  sharks :D .....  i found if you leave them alone  they sometimes  slip off the  ship sides....     and if you leave your ship with  sails down and anchor  down ... after a while the shark  "goes away" ...better than  killing it and having your  boat capsizing!

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There is no sound when we walk on the water or swim.
To fix the error of not interacting with the objects in FPS you need to put in TPS, sit, stand up and interact once in the third person and re-interact in 1st person.

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When generating terrain in the editor the "Random Sites" dropdown doesn't work.

When previewing a sound in the editor it only plays through your right speaker.

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The   becoming airborne  when colliding  with   flora... it   seems to happen if you are moving  downhill and  collide with a tree etc or   jumping near a clump of  bushes ...

If you are running.. you can get launched  into a height that results in damage  when you land.




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You can't eat fast (how it should be) but while using both hands to eat you can still pickup resources. 

Animations have changed but in 3rd person it sometimes look disturbed and sometimes wenn I sit on a chair and stand up again my person starts spinning around. 

It is hard to pick up some things in 3rd person wenn there is a group of resources on the ground(in 1st person it is much easier so switching to it works).


Wenn you use the bow and arrow to shoot and you hit something the "hit sound" comes 2x, together with a "hit indicator" 2x. 

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On 17-11-2017 at 1:27 PM, WijkagentAdrie said:

Hmm, I've found quite a frustrating bug...

Yesterday when painting my ship, i started painting a few blocks, when I realized that I'd better make a copy of it to have a backup. So I copied it, dragged it and then started painting. When I was done I saved the world, and then shut down the game. (I always manual save, check it saves, then click exit game and when it prompts to save again I click no).

Today when I logged back in I found my ship being unpainted, they do have the few painted blocks before I made the copy though.

I've had this same thing happen to me today with a ship that has never been copy pasted :/ Only the first few blocks I've colored have stayed on the ship. I saved my game, loaded up a new world, then went back to the saved game. This is all in the editor. Also, some blocks are glitching into each other: blocks I've deleted have been undeleted and are clipped into the blocks I've placed after deleting those blocks. I'll send my savegame to Ane so you can have a look. Definitely one to put high on the list as there's nothing more frustrating than losing a lot of work due to something like this.


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When lighting  a  fire with the flint lighter,  sometimes your avatar will kneel and  face  in the opposite  direction to  the   fire etc   you are  trying to light. Also its hard to tell what you  are  hitting etc  when using an  axe, or  hammer ...   sometimes  you have to face slightly  to the  left of the object.

When placing  items  into a container, if  you release it before its  fully in the compartment,   ..ie  touching the   barrier...     the  container  will freeze... and  not be   usable ...you  have to remove  what you can... then  re log.

Sometimes the   crafting does  not  recognize  your have an iron hammer...   you have to  add a stone one into  your inventory.



Edited by kimbuck

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On 16/11/2017 at 7:36 PM, WijkagentAdrie said:

I'm unable to use the different color layers on for example the car parts. Painting either of them colors both of them that color. Nor can I pick the 2nd or 3rd color.


On 16/11/2017 at 9:14 PM, WijkagentAdrie said:

In the editor:

Painted a chair, pressed ctrl+z to undo, chair disappeared. Even redoing won't bring my chair back. The same just happened to a vase and a bunch of stone blocks.


On 23/11/2017 at 11:32 PM, WijkagentAdrie said:

I've had this same thing happen to me today with a ship that has never been copy pasted :/ Only the first few blocks I've colored have stayed on the ship. I saved my game, loaded up a new world, then went back to the saved game. This is all in the editor. Also, some blocks are glitching into each other: blocks I've deleted have been undeleted and are clipped into the blocks I've placed after deleting those blocks. I'll send my savegame to Ane so you can have a look. Definitely one to put high on the list as there's nothing more frustrating than losing a lot of work due to something like this.


Unfortunately we've been unable to reproduce these issues :( Any more info you could provide? For example, were you editing scenarios or editing save games in the Editor, or were you painting in game with the paint gun? Details like that.

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On 16/11/2017 at 7:57 PM, WijkagentAdrie said:

The "batmobile" car engine can't power the headlights (i used the "batmobile" version as well). When I switch the engines on they won't power the energy stream. This was tested on the official server.

Edit: none of the engines power anything at all it seems.

Any chance you could add the log for this?

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7 hours ago, Ane said:



Unfortunately we've been unable to reproduce these issues :( Any more info you could provide? For example, were you editing scenarios or editing save games in the Editor, or were you painting in game with the paint gun? Details like that.

For the car chassis: This was on a server hosted by you guys, using the paint gun,

For the second quote, this was in the actual savefile I've sent you earlier. I was editing a explore game file in the editor. Also note, those items were actually placed on ships! If you look at the ships in the file you can see that after saving and then closing the map and reopening it some blocks reappear inside other blocks.

The third one is the same as the second one.

I will make a new world either tonight or tomorrow and have another try, especially at #2 and #3. This world is a few updates old so I'll have a look whether I can reproduce it with a fresh world, both while editing a new editor scenario as well as editing an explore map.

7 hours ago, Ane said:

Any chance you could add the log for this?

How would I find the log for this? Would it be the normal output_log.txt or the output_log_clean.txt? I have played on other servers in the mean time.


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22 hours ago, WijkagentAdrie said:

For the car chassis: This was on a server hosted by you guys, using the paint gun,

Hi Adrie,

I tried it in MP on our dedicated server and it seems working. (Large) car chassis have only 2 color sections. The first one is color of almost whole model(pink in screenshot), the second one is used for details (yellow color). Third section has red cross -> is not used on that model. Paintgun in screenshot is set to second object section (arrow points to color square with number 2) - it can be changed with J/H keys or in radial menu (key E). Which part of this does not work for you? Are you able to change object section? (default one is used for all sections)


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22 hours ago, WijkagentAdrie said:

How would I find the log for this? Would it be the normal output_log.txt or the output_log_clean.txt? I have played on other servers in the mean time.


Yes, these are the files but they are deleted once you open Ylands again.

We know that there is problem that headlights on front mask are black but they seems to be shining correctly (they emit light). Do you have connected energy ports on engines to energy ports of front mask/other appliances? Having both of them on car chassis is not enough. You have to link ports together.

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