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Aleš Ulm

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Everything posted by Aleš Ulm

  1. Aleš Ulm


    You just brought up some interesting points - thanks! We'll discuss this first with the designers and then talk about it in one of the future Sneak Peeks / Dev Diaries. We do plan to improve how the inventory works in future.
  2. Aleš Ulm

    Sneak Peek #31

    Hi there, fellow ylanders! This Sneak Peek comes a couple of days later than usual. Now if you think there are some interesting reasons behind that you are right. On the other hand though, if you expect there to be a suspenseful story full of passion, intrigue, and mystery; a story that would make you question everything you know... then you'll probably end up slightly disappointed. The truth is the last week has been incredibly busy for us (most are, but this one was something special) and that, along with some technical issues, resulted in the delay of this post. Here's what's going on: Lately, our team has grown again in size and will grow even further real soon. Making the transition from a rather small to the medium-sized team takes some time and effort. What does that mean for the game and you, the players? Well, for starters, there will be fewer bugs, and those that get past our QA's keen eye will get fixed way faster than before. That sounds rather vague though, right? Hm, how about this - in the update following the upcoming 0.4 (yes, it will be 0.5) you can expect not one - but two new super cool major features! Also, we're working on something that every true ylander will definitely like. Something that has been taking up a lot of our time and resources lately. I thought I would be able to share that with you now, but unfortunately, it will be a couple more days before we're ready to announce it. Nature's drama: An acorn boldly facing a hungry boar At the same time, our website redesign is almost done and I think you're going to love it. And that's it for now - but to keep our "one Sneak Peek or Dev Diary per week" rule, there will be another Sneak Peek coming up later this week, when things get less hectic. We will talk some more about our plans with character respawning and about some other things as well. Until then you have a great time, ylanders, and stay classy!
  3. Aleš Ulm

    MP / Server ideas

    Nice, thanks! And sure, do add anything you'd like to see in the game!
  4. Aleš Ulm

    Allow 'PAUSE' in Singleplayer

    That is already planned - as long as you're along in your world opening the ingame menu will pause the game in one of the future updates.
  5. Aleš Ulm

    DEV ANSWER List off glitches\bugs

    There are definitely some things that need tweaking/fixing on our side - thanks a lot for the cool feedback!
  6. Aleš Ulm

    DEV ANSWER Bug List

    Hm, that looks weird. Thanks, guys. we'll look into it.
  7. Aleš Ulm

    Tundra Concept

    Looks really nice! We might indeed add something like that at some point. Northern lights in the night: actually that is already on our todo list
  8. Aleš Ulm

    DEV ANSWER Flatten land on hill side

    Noted and sent to our programmers Thanks.
  9. Good catch! Thanks for letting us know
  10. Can you please try this once the update 0.4 is released? It fixed a ton of ship-related MP issues...
  11. Aleš Ulm

    DEV ANSWER CRASH - Print Screen & Alt + Tab

    Thanks for the report! We'll look into it
  12. Aleš Ulm

    Unofficial Trailer

    It's so nice to see players putting effort into making things like that! Thank you very much, @hermetics!
  13. Aleš Ulm

    Sneak Peek #30

    Hi there, fellow ylanders. As we're getting closer to the release of 0.4 it makes sense to tell you more about this "Stylish Sharing". What we're preparing is a web service with the functionality quite similar to Steam Workshop (therefore the current internal name Ylands Workshop - which may change at some point). The service will be released as "beta" because we plan on improving it as much as needed based on the feedback you will (hopefully) provide us with. Right from the start, you will be able to share (and download) two types of "objects": Games You will be able to export any existing game via Game Editor and share it with others. Composition A composition is actually a new feature. Basically, it's two or more separate objects merged into one. Some of you may know that it is possible to merge objects in groups in the Editor already. This is similar but the resulting object can be saved and then used as many times as necessary in this or any other game. Think of it this way - you build a cool looking house. You turn it into a composition in the Editor and from that point, you can (again, in the Editor) place it in any game you wish. Now if you think "but I have never created a house cool enough to keep" then don't despair because as long as someone who can do that uploads this composition to the Workshop, you will be able to find it there, get it and enjoy it! But we're not talking just about houses - what if you downloaded something that would, for example, add premade dungeon-like assets in your editor so that you could finally start working on that cool RPG you always wanted to make... in Ylands! The next thing that will become available later will be Mods - this will let you add your own assets (models, sounds...) in the game. Initially, we planned for this to be the part of the Workshop right from the start but based on an assessment of how many players would be using that right now we delayed it a couple of months in favor of some other, more important features. Please note: once we release the update, some of the games that used to be an integral part of Ylands will disappear from the list. Don't worry though - they will all be available at the workshop and getting the ones you like will take just one or two clicks. Almost there! "Respawning" Let me also address another feature we will be improving/changing in the upcoming update. There have been many discussions about the way the characters get to respawn. The fact that they respawned at the same place over and over again meant that many times players ended up far from their ships, from places they wanted to be. We've had some ideas about how respawning should be improved but those would require a lot of work and testing and therefore time and since you, the players, made it obvious the current state wasn't really working for you, we decided to take an immediate action. In 0.4, whenever your character dies a new one will appear randomly on the beach of that very yland. If the yland's biome is cold the character starts with warm clothes and possibly even little food to make sure they won't die right away. There is, however, a potential problem with this solution. It could, under some circumstances, lead to a vicious circle of the player's character dying over and over on a yland from which it would be impossible to escape (for example, if their ship would sink and there would be no materials to build another one on that yland). In order to avoid this, whenever the character dies, there will be an option to spawn the next character at a "safe" place - the place where your very first character has spawned in this game. That way you might end up far from where your last character died (with all those cool things) but you would at least be sure that you'd have something to eat, enough material to build a new ship or at least a raft.. Speaking of respawning - in its current form it feels a bit confusing so there are some other things we'll be changing quite soon, but we'll talk about that some other time. Until then you have a great time, ylanders, and stay classy!
  14. Aleš Ulm

    Fuel/Power limits?

    Right now the propeller pack has indeed infinite power, but (spoiler alert)... it won't stay that way forever, so enjoy it while it lasts
  15. Aleš Ulm

    Stations Upgrades?

    Actually, the way how workstations upgrades work will change a lot quite soon (not in 0.4 thought). The cooking pot upgrade is now obsolete.
  16. Aleš Ulm

    Home Defense w/ Mr Winston

    Ehm... that was... an accident, riiight?
  17. Aleš Ulm

    Exploration for gold in Hang Son Doong

    That is a very nice suggestion, we'll definitely consider that. Thanks!
  18. Aleš Ulm

    Reveal whole map

    You made a good point - it is not easy now to be sure that you found all of the available ylands. We'll definitely discuss that. Thanks.
  19. Aleš Ulm

    DEV ANSWER Boats (Stuck)

    Don't worry, guys - as I said before there will definitely be a way of "unstucking" your boat in the upcoming update. Putting a lot of effort into building a ship that would run into the ground a few moments later and become unusable is something we don't want to see in Ylands. We have a super long way ahead of us with tons of features to be implemented, but there is one thing that will always have absolute priority over anything else. Anything that is bugged or designed so poorly that it results in you losing something you created or your time or effort will be fixed as soon as possible. Just tell us whenever that happens - we are always here, listening to your feedback.
  20. Aleš Ulm

    Hoard your Ylandium Crystals

    Yes, you guys might want to hold on to your Ylandium because there will be a lot of machinery/items that require it in the game eventually
  21. Aleš Ulm

    Thoughts on sailing,while sailing

    Hm, so pretty much everyone seems to want a parrot! Alright, alright - noted
  22. Aleš Ulm


    Thanks a lot for this excellent feedback! 1) the objects can be easily removed only for a short time after they've been placed (2 minutes - if you hit them during that period they will be removed and you will get all the ingredients used to create those). The reason behind this is the fact (just making a simple example), that players can build buildings like castles and you don't want the others to simply remove few blocks and enter it through the wall. It seems the solution could be letting player remove only the blocks they placed themselves - but not only it can be impossible to tell what is it that they placed since any game can seamlessly change from single to multiplayer and back and buildings can be created as a result of cooperation but also allowing that would under some circumstances give the one who placed the object advantage over others (actually there are more problems than this but I don't want to go into details). That being said - we understand, that this can be frustrating and we are still trying to find a better solution for this. 2) you're right, that needs to be fixed somehow - we will look into it asap We will keep adding new building blocks continuously.
  23. Aleš Ulm

    UNDER REVIEW Dedicated Server Issues

    Thanks a lot for the feedback - I'm forwarding this to the programmer who's responsible for the dedicated server so that he can take a look at it
  24. Aleš Ulm

    DEV ANSWER Boats (Stuck)

    Thanks for the feedback, guys! We are already implementing a lot of ships-related improvement/fixes in 0.4 so you may want to check if things got better with the upcoming update. If this thing doesn't work better after you get your hands on it please do let us know. Thanks!